Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

April 28, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • ## 274559 - Issue with “AutoComplete last filtered data maintained when click on dropdown icon” has been resolved.
  • ## 274085 - Issue with “highlight search data is not updated when clear all searched text in the input” has been resolved.

Circular Gauge

Bug Fixes

  • ## 269652 - The annotation template will now render properly while refreshing the page.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 274440, ## 274431 - Issue with “ComboBox spinner is not hidden when refresh the browser” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 272993 - Issue with “datepicker value is not updated while set Thailand culture” has been resolved.

Document Editor

Breaking Changes

  • Argument type of method AddCustomMenu was changed from Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.MenuItem to Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations.MenuItemModel.

New Features

  • Added Height and Width property to define the height and width of DocumentEditorContainer.

Bug Fixes

  • ## 272812 - Issue with “script error throws while refresh the page on set value template” has been resolved.
  • ## F153594 - Issue with “duplicate fixed header maintained after scroll on the popup” has been resolved.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with Unable to localize the error message in the access control actions has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 269049 - Provided support to change operator of the Excel Filter Search box.
  • ## F152981 - Normal column searching is not working with ENUM columns is fixed.
  • ## 274082 - Unable to get clicked context menu items directly in event argument of ContextMenuClickEvent is fixed.
  • F152062 - Not able to get pager details in PagerTemplate is resolved.
  • ## 270144 - Selection not working properly after scrolling is fixed.
  • ## 269800 - Script error throws while adding the records in batch editing with aggregates is solved.
  • ## 262908 - Problem with filtering Guid values in Grid is resolved.
  • ## 269036 - Update is not working properly with ENUM values and ODataV4 Adaptor is fixed.
  • ## 273620 - Need to get inserted, edited and deleted record details in OnActionComplete event is fixed.
  • ## I264134, ## 263232, ## 263667 -Provided support to trigger Action Events when perform Show/Hide columns using ShowColumns/HideColumns methods.
  • ## 262299 - White space appears while scrolling in virtual scroll is fixed.
  • ## 271849 - Issue in filtering operation while using multiple ForeignKeyColumns with same DataSource is solved.

Pivot Table

Bug Fixes

  • ## F153093, ## F153092 - The toolbar panel of the component is now rendered bound with OLAP report with empty axes.


Bug Fixes

  • I273730 - Now the Scheduler shows all data while enabling the virtual scroll and IgnoreWhiteSpace.