Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

July 21, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • ## 285902 - Issue with “childContent” has been resolved.
  • F156074 - Issue with null state in or initial rendering when EnableTriState is true has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F156020 - Issue with “console error is occurred when disabled the AllowEdit on initial loading” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 285484 - The issue with “Script error occurs with SfDialog destroy, when SfGrid is rendered as content” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 285375 - ContextMenu is not rendered in Blazor Grid is fixed.
  • ## 284070 - On expanding detail template, aria-expanded attribute state is not updated properly in table row element is resolved.
  • ## 284880 - DeleteRecord method does not remove records when rows are not selected is solved.
  • ## F155903 - OnRecordClick event is not triggering while clicking the GridCommandbuttons is solved.
  • ## F155981, ## 285325,## F156103, ## 285924 - EditTemplate ignored when using dialog edit mode in Grid is resolved.
  • ## 285411, ## F156103 - Columns with visible property as false are shown in Dialog Editing is fixed.
  • ## 285272 - Issue with batch editing while adding the record using AllowNextRowEdit property is fixed.
  • ## 285358 - List DataType values are not available in args.Data of ActionBegin event is fixed.
  • ## F155842 - Printing is not working with Remote Data in Grid is resolved.
  • ## 281296, ## 285480 - Error thrown when opening exported excel file is solved,
  • ## F155943, ## 285315, ## 285288, ## 285304, ## 284917, ## 285599 - Exception occur while exporting Grid without ColumnWidth and ODataV4Adaptor is fixed.
  • ## 284635, ## 284763 - Problem with opening contextmenu when target is not specified is fixed.
  • ## 284763, ## 285004 - Custom items not shown properly when use default exporting items in Grid is resolved.
  • ## F155987 - Menu filter is not working properly with authorization header and URL adaptor is solved.
  • ## 285320 - Null Exception on changing query from null is resolved.
  • ## 285159, ## 284541, ## 285443, ## 285447 - Data is not bound to Grid while binding the it asynchronously using OnInitializedAsync is fixed.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • F155880 - The issue with “Disable the showClearButton for the DateModel doesn’t work” has been resolved.
  • F155914 - The issue with “When clearing the numeric value, default value is not set properly when Inplace-editor placed inside table” has been resolved.

Breaking Changes

Following model classes are moved into Syncfusion.Blazor.InplaceEditor namespace.

  • AutoCompleteModel<T>
  • ComboBoxModel<T>
  • ButtonModel
  • ColorPickerModel
  • DatePickerModel
  • DateRangePickerModel
  • DateTimePickerModel<T>
  • DropDownListModel<T>
  • FieldSettingsModel
  • MaskedTextBoxModel
  • MultiSelectModel<T>
  • NumericTextBoxModel<T>
  • SliderModel<T>
  • TextBoxModel
  • TimePickerModel<T>


Bug Fixes

  • ## 280413 - EnableItems and SelectItems method not working while passing the first(items) parameter as data source issue resolved.

  • ## 273595 - After updating the data source dynamically, the drag and drop functionality not working issue resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • ## 277718 - Sub menu doesn’t close while using ItemSelected event issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F155916 - Issue with “console error is occurred while typing the large number of digits in NumericTextBox” has been resolved.

Radio Button

Bug Fixes

  • ## 275675 - Issue with “Validation on the initial rendering” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F155644 - The issue with “The Editor and placeholder text overlapping for half a second while initial typing in the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.

  • F155644 - The issue with “The Editor and placeholder font sizes are not same in the Rich Text Editor” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 284109 - The issue with “The Splitter panes flickering when the pane Collapsed API was set as true” has been resolved.

  • F155998 - The issue with “the collapse public method is not working properly” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 284266 - Issue with “OnFieldChangedCallBack creates endless loop with editcontext” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F156056 - Issue with “previous value is not return properly in the input event argument” has been resolved.
  • ## 284839 - Issue with “textbox border alignment and error class is added while auto-filling the value using last-pass” has been resolved.