Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes
Breaking Changes
- Now, the data type of
property is changed fromSyncfusion.Blazor.Lists.SortOrder
New Features
ButtonGroup is a graphical user interface component that groups series of buttons horizontally or vertically.
- Types, Sizes, and Styles - Provided with different types, sizes and predefined styles of button.
- Selection - Supports single and multiple selection behaviors.
- Orientation - Supports horizontal and vertical orientations.
- Nesting - Supports nesting with drop-down and split button components.
Breaking Changes
- For better UI interaction we need to add lodash script mandatory.
<script src=""></script>
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<SfChart Series="@SeriesInstance" />
List<ChartSeries> SeriesInstance = new List<ChartSeries>()
new ChartSeries() { DataSource = ConsumerReports, XName="X", YName="Y" }
public class ChartData
public double X;
public double Y;
public List<ChartData> ConsumerReports = new List<ChartData>
new ChartData{ X= 2005, Y= 28 },
new ChartData{ X= 2006, Y= 25 },
new ChartData{ X= 2007, Y= 26 },
new ChartData{ X= 2008, Y= 27 },
new ChartData{ X= 2009, Y= 32 },
new ChartData{ X= 2010, Y= 35 },
new ChartData{ X= 2011, Y= 30 }
List<ChartSeries> SeriesInstance = new List<ChartSeries>()
new ChartSeries() { DataSource = ConsumerReports, XName="X", YName="Y" }
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<ChartSeries DataSource="@ConsumerReports" XName="X" YName="Y" Type="ChartSeriesType.Line"/>
public class ChartData
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
public List<ChartData> ConsumerReports = new List<ChartData>
new ChartData{ X= 2005, Y= 28 },
new ChartData{ X= 2006, Y= 25 },
new ChartData{ X= 2007, Y= 26 },
new ChartData{ X= 2008, Y= 27 },
new ChartData{ X= 2009, Y= 32 },
new ChartData{ X= 2010, Y= 35 },
new ChartData{ X= 2011, Y= 30 }
Data class
public class ChartData
public double X;
public double Y;
public class ChartData
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
- The data type of the properties are changed as below
Previous Name | Current Name |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryXAxisCategories | ChartCategories |
MultiLevelLabelsPrimaryYAxisCategories | ChartCategories |
AcctEmptyPointMode | EmptyPointMode |
ChartCommonMultiLevelLabels | ChartMultiLevelLabels |
ChartDragSettings | ChartDataEditSettings |
In SfChart
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Theme | ChartTheme | Theme |
In TooltipRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Data | IPointInformation | PointInfo |
TextStyle | FontModel | ChartCommonFont |
In ChartCommonAxis
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Span | double | int |
In ChartColumn
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Border | BorderModel | ChartBorder |
In ChartMultiLevelLabel
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
border | ChartMultilevelLabelBorder | ChartAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder |
TextStyle | ChartMultilevelLabelFont | ChartAxisMultiLevelLabelTextStyle |
In ChartMultiLevelLabel
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
End | string | object |
RepeatEvery | string | object |
RepeatUntil | string | object |
SegmentEnd | string | object |
SegmentStart | string | object |
Start | string | object |
In ChartTrendline
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Animation | AnimationModel | ChartTrendlineAnimation |
In ChartRow
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Border | BorderModel | ChartBorder |
In ChartDataLabel
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Template | RenderFragment<object> |
RenderFragment<ChartDataPointInfo> |
In ChartSeries
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Connector | ConnectorModel | ChartSeriesConnector |
DataSource | object | IEnumerable<object> |
Query | string | Syncfusion.Blazor.Data.Query |
ZOrder | double | int |
In ChartEmptyPointSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Mode | object | EmptyPointMode |
In AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
TextStyle | FontModel | AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs |
In AxisLabelRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Axis | AxisModel | readonly ChartCommonAxis |
LabelStyle | FontModel | ChartCommonFont |
In TextRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Series | SeriesModel | ChartSeries |
Point | object | Points |
Location | object | LabelLocation |
Template | string | RenderFragment<ChartDataPointInfo> |
Font | FontModel | ChartCommonFont |
In SharedTooltipRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Text | string[] | List<string> |
Data | List<IPointInformation> |
List<PointInfo> |
In RangeTooltipRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Text | string[] | string |
In SfAccumulationChart
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
SelectedDataIndexes | List<IndexesModel> |
AccumulationChartSelectedDataIndex |
Theme | AccumulationTheme | Theme |
In AccumulationChartEmptyPointSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Border | BorderModel | AccumulationChartEmptyPointBorder |
Mode | object | EmptyPointMode |
In AccumulationChartEvents
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Loaded | IAccLoadedEventArgs | AccumulationLoadedEventArgs |
OnPointClick | IPointEventArgs | AccumulationPointEventArgs |
TooltipRender | ITooltipRenderEventArgs | TooltipRenderEventArgs |
In AccumulationChartLegendSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Margin | MarginModel | AccumulationChartLegendMargin |
In AccumulationChartSeries
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
GroupMode | GroupModes | GroupMode |
PyramidMode | PyramidModes | PyramidMode |
Query | string | Query |
In AccumulationDataLabelSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Border | BorderModel | AccumulationChartDataLabelBorder |
Template | RenderFragment<object> |
RenderFragment<AccumulationChartDataPointInfo> |
In AccumulationResizeEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
PreviousSize | object | readonly Size |
CurrentSize | object | readonly Size |
In BorderModel
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Border | BorderModel | ChartCommonBorder |
In AccumulationPointRenderEventArgs
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Series | AccumulationSeriesModel | readonly AccumulationChartSeries |
Point | object | readonly AccumulationPoints |
- The following unused properties in
class are removed.- EnableRtl
- UseGroupingSeparator
In SfChart
- Parameter type changed for the below methods
Method Name | Previous Parameter Type | Current Parameter Type |
AddSeries | object seriesCollection | List<ChartSeries> seriesCollection |
object id = null | () | |
RemoveSeries | double index | int index |
- Return type changed for the below methods
Method Name | Previous Return Type | Current Return Type |
AddSeries | Task | Void |
ClearSeries | Task | Void |
Export | Task | Void |
Task | Void | |
RefreshLiveData | Task | Void |
RemoveSeries | Task | Void |
SetAnnotationValue | Task | void |
In SfAccumulationChart
Method Name | Previous Parameter Type | Current Parameter Type |
Export | ExportType type, string fileName | ExportType type, string fileName, Syncfusion.PdfExport.PdfPageOrientation? Orientation = null, bool allowDownload = true |
object id = null | () |
- Return type changed for the below methods
Method Name | Previous Return Type | Current Return Type |
Task | Void |
- Event name changes
Previous Name | Current Name |
AfterExport | OnExportComplete |
Drag | OnDataEdit |
OnDragComplete | OnSelectionChanged |
DragEnd | OnDataEditCompleted |
DragStart | OnDataEdit |
LegendClick | OnLegendClick |
MultiLevelLabelClick | OnMultiLevelLabelClick |
Resized | SizeChanged |
textRender | OnDataLabelRender |
ScrollChanged | OnScrollChanged |
OnScrollEnd | OnScrollChanged |
OnScrollStart | OnScrollChanged |
OnSelectionComplete | OnSelectionChanged |
textRender | OnDataLabelRender |
- The data type of event argument is changed and listed below.
Args Previous Name | Args Current Name |
ITooltipRenderEventArgs | TooltipRenderEventArgs |
IZoomCompleteEventArgs | ZoomingEventArgs |
IZoomingEventArgs | ZoomingEventArgs |
IAccLoadedEventArgs | AccumulationLoadedEventArgs |
IPointEventArgs | AccumulationPointEventArgs |
ITextRenderEventArgs | TextRenderEventArgs |
ISharedTooltipRenderEventArgs | SharedTooltipRenderEventArgs |
IScrollbarThemeStyle | ScrollbarThemeStyle |
IRangeTooltipRenderEventArgs | RangeTooltipRenderEventArgs |
Below listed events are depricated
- SharedTooltipRender
- TooltipRender
- OnAnimationComplete
- OnPrint
- BeforeExport
- OnChartMouseClick
- OnChartMouseDown
- OnChartMouseLeave
- OnChartMouseMove
- OnChartMouseUp
- Load
- OnPointDoubleClick
- PointMoved
Bug Fixes
## F160082
- Rendering accumulation and cartesian chart together will not through any console errors -
## F159959
- Annotation can be added using code to the chart annotatio collection -
## F158269
- Datalabels on right edge will be displayed properly without cropping -
## F157116
- Chart Navigation working properly between column and stockchart sample now -
## F158539
,## 288987
,## 305547
- clearSeries method work with our any cosole errors -
## 306133
- Border color will not appears when column is set for zero -
## 305745
- Label Placement will be working fine for bar series in chart -
## 303616
- Console error willnot be thrown while displaying the chart tooltip before it is rendered -
## 301592
- Accumulation Chart renders properly while using dataManager -
## 300522
- Chart series tooltip will be displayed after refreshing the chart using button click -
## 261062
- AddSeries method will work properly -
## 295086
,## F157274
,## 299353
,## 304989
- Dynamic update of observable collection chart data is updated properly now. -
## 290381
- Data label position is proper even when using template -
## 285688
- Console error through while adding and removing series in chart
Breaking Changes
- The following properties are deprecated.
- ID, HtmlAttributes and Locale.
property type was changed.
Previous Type | Current Type |
object |
Dictionary<string, string[]> |
method was changed fromasynchronous
. Now you can access withoutawait
. -
method second argument type was changed fromstring
<SfColorPicker @ref="colorPicker" Created="@CreatedHandler"></SfColorPicker>
@code {
SfColorPicker colorPicker;
private async Task CreatedHandler() {
var rgbValue = await colorPicker.GetValue("## 008000", "rgb");
<SfColorPicker @ref="colorPicker" Created="@CreatedHandler"></SfColorPicker>
@code {
SfColorPicker colorPicker;
private void CreatedHandler() {
var rgbValue = colorPicker.GetValue("## 008000", ColorValueType.Rgb);
Event Models
- The following properties in the event models are deprecated.
Event Name | Model Name | Property |
OnOpen , OnClose
BeforeOpenCloseEventArgs |
Event |
Opened |
OpenEventArgs |
Name |
OnTileRender |
PaletteTileEventArgs |
Element , Name
OnModeSwitch , ModeSwitched
ModeSwitchEventArgs |
Element |
- The following properties in the event models type was changed.
Event Name | Model Name | Property | Previous Type | Current Type |
ValueChange |
ColorPickerEventArgs |
CurrentValue , PreviousValue
object |
ColorPickerValue |
OnModeSwitch , ModeSwitched
ModeSwitchEventArgs |
Mode |
string |
ColorPickerMode |
Breaking Changes
- Now, the data type of
property is changed fromSyncfusion.Blazor.Lists.SortOrder
Bug Fixes
## F159902
- Issue with “Value property is not updated to the component while enabling virtual scrolling” has been resolved. -
## F159902
- Issue with “ValueChange event is fired twice while enabling the virtual scrolling” has been resolved.
New Features
- Syncfusion Blazor components now support .NET 5.0.
## 249682
,## 290025
,## 299543
,## 301036
- Provided individual NuGet packages for our Syncfusion Blazor components.
Breaking Changes
The Syncfusion Blazor interop scripts are now loaded internally using JavaScript Isolation. The DisableScriptManager
argument in AddSyncfusionBlazor
no longer needed for production environment and it is deprecated now.
File Names | Before | Now |
Blazor Server: ~/Startup.cs Blazor WebAssembly: ~/Program.cs
services.AddSyncfusionBlazor(true); |
// DisableScriptManager argument is deprecated services.AddSyncfusionBlazor();
Blazor Server: ~/Pages/_Host.cshtml Blazor WebAssembly: ~/wwwroot/index.html
<head> ... <script src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> </head>
// The manual script or CDN script reference not required.<head> ... </head>
DashBoard Layout
Breaking Changes
- The panels will be rendered only through panels tag, and there is no inline element rendering support hereafter.
- The Resizing event also triggered after some time interval instead of continuous call.
- The Dragging event is deprecated and will no longer be used.
Here, some deprecated properties and their equivalent alternatives are listed below.
Property (Deprecated) | Alternative |
HtmlAttributes | Suggested to use @attribute . |
EnableHtmlSanitizer | - |
Panels | Suggested to use DashboardLayoutPanels tag |
Col | Suggested to use Column |
Here, some deprecated Methods and their equivalent alternatives are listed below.
Method Name (Deprecated) | Alternative |
MovePanel | MovePanelAsync |
RemoveAll | RemoveAllAsync |
ResizePanel | ResizePanelAsync |
Here, some method parameters are changed, and the changes are listed below
Method Name | Previous Param | Current Param |
MovePanelAsync | String id Double row Double col |
String id Int row Int col |
ResizePanelAsync | String id Double SizeX Double SizeY |
String id Int SizeX Int SizeY |
Event Models
Event Name | Previous Argument | Deprecated Argument | Current Argument |
Resizing OnResizeStart OnResizeStop |
DOM Element EventArgs Event |
EventArgs Event | ElementReference Element string Name string Id |
Dragging | DOM Element object Event DOM Target |
EventArgs Event | ElementReference Element ElementReference Target |
OnDragStart | DOM Element object Event |
EventArgs Event | ElementReference Element string Id |
OnDragStop | DOM Element object Event |
EventArgs Event | ElementReference Element string Id |
New Features
Provided dynamic change support for the below listed properties.
Bug Fixes
## 304478
- Issue with “placeholder text is overlaped with selected date in the Blazor WASM application” has been resolved.
Breaking Changes
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter range should be set usingStartDate
properties. -
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, the locale works based on the current culture. -
Now, changed from
and this class is generic. -
tag has been deprecated and will no longer be used. -
Now, the data type of
property is changed fromObject
toDictionary<string, object>
. -
Now, support for generic type to
properties has been provided. -
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter handled from component side. -
You have to set the
with a named model, while rendering the component withoutStartDate
<SfDateRangePicker TValue="DateTime?"></SfDateRangePicker>
Previous Event Name | Current Event Name |
RangeEventArgs |
RangePickerEventArgs<TValue> |
New Features
## 285393
- Line distribution functionality has been added. - Support added to arrange the child nodes in linear way.
Bug Fixes
## 295979
- The console exception was resolved when rendering the barcode. -
## 298048
- Random script errors while multiple page refresh is now resolved. -
## 287125
- Issue on selected items is now working fine. -
- Base script loading issue is now fixed. -
- Exception on drag and drop the shapes from palette is now working fine. -
## 298962
- Performance issue with template shapes is now resolved. -
## 300210
- Context menu click event issue is now resolved. -
## 302274
- Issue with mind map layout is now resolved.
New Features
## 274382
,## 282351
- Provided the support to resize the dialog in all directions from all the edges and borders.
Document Editor
Breaking Changes
- From 18.4 release onwards, Syncfusion.Blazor.WordProcessor NuGet package will have the mandatory dependencies of the respective control alone.
Syncfusion.Blazor.WordProcessor dependency changes.
Before | From |
Syncfusion.Blazor | Syncfusion.Blazor.Core |
Syncfusion.WordProcessor.AspNet.Core | Syncfusion.Blazor.Data |
Syncfusion.Blazor.Calendars | |
Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts | |
Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns | |
Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations | |
Syncfusion.WordProcessor.AspNet.Core |
- If you have used any non-dependent Syncfusion Blazor control, then you must include their respective NuGet package in your application along Syncfusion.Blazor.WordProcessor NuGet package.
New Features
- Added support for Footnote and Endnote.
Bug Fixes
## 294075
- Resolved table bottom border rendering issue when table contains merged cell. -
## 292515
- Resolved context menu position issue in IE11. - Strike through button now toggles properly.
## 297703
- Resolved issue on exporting a RTL document. -
## 291766
,## 293053
- Resolved the page unresponsive error while selecting the image. -
## 301016
- Multiple server calls on optimized spell checking was now optimized to single call per page. -
## 300330
- Document with comment can be opened without any script errors now. -
## 292912
,## 293388
- Document with empty comment is now exported properly. -
## 299940
- Table with center alignment is now rendered properly and footer contents are rendered properly now on zooming. -
## 290277
- Navigating to bookmark now works properly without script error. -
## 301035
,## 300947
- Changes were tracked properly now on pasting. -
- Vertical alignment for cell now working properly in header and footer. -
- Table cell spacing now exported properly. -
- Auto fit table is now layout properly if table has preferred width. -
- Resolved page unresponsive error while selecting field. -
- Chart series color now applied properly. -
- Resolved paste option issue on IE. -
## 296222
- Resolved table rendering issue when table contains merged cell. -
## 297479
- Field result text with multiple lines are now inserted properly when track changes enabled. -
## 296863
- Resolved script error when field code contains table. -
## 281339
- Resolved paragraph renders outside the page in RTL format document issue. - Resolved script error Navigating to the specified bookmark.
## 296222
- Resolved exporting issue when exporting document with shape. -
## 294306
- Resolved page number update issue when page contains page field. -
## 295176
- Ctrl + V now works properly in Edge. -
## 296782
,## 296781
- Resolved issue on cursor visibility when cursor is in editable region. -
## 293369
- Document with merged cell is now exported properly. -
## 294261
- Accepting or rejecting changes were now preserved in restrict editing. -
## 292726
- Row header was now repeated properly for each page. -
## 281339
- Numbered list in the RTL was now rendered properly. -
## 295753
- Sections with restart page number now updated properly. -
## 293980
- Skipped form field insertion in header and footer similar to MS Word. -
## 294075
,## 293472
- Resolved table border rendering issue. -
## 291766
- Resolved file picker not opening issue in IE. -
## 296842
- Resolved issue on selecting a merge field. -
## 292515
- Polish characters are now working properly in IE. -
## 291766
- Resolved script error on loading a document with text wrapped image. -
## 292515
- Resolved toolbar rendering issue in IE. -
## 289186
,## 293172
- Text box with none style is now exported properly. -
## 291766
- Resolved issue on table rendering black. -
## 293342
,## 295176
- Ctrl + V now works properly in IE.
Breaking Changes
- Now, the data type of
property is changed fromSyncfusion.Blazor.Lists.SortOrder
Bug Fixes
## 295436
- Issue with “pre-selected value is not updated while binding the nullable Enum data type” has been resolved. -
## F159191
- Issue with “add and remove is not working while creating the data source as observable collection with async await function” has been resolved. -
Issue with “error class is not added to the floating label element while focus out the component” has been resolved.
File Manager
Breaking Changes
- File Manager component reference type has been changed from
<FileManagerAjaxSettings Url=""
<SfFileManager TValue="FileManagerDirectoryContent">
<FileManagerAjaxSettings Url=""
Here, some deprecated properties and their equivalent alternatives are listed below.
Property (Deprecated) | Alternative |
HtmlAttributes | Use the alternative @attribute property. |
AjaxSettings | Use the FileManagerAjaxSettings tag |
DetailsViewSettings | Use the FileManagerDetailsViewSettings tag |
ContextMenuSettings | Use the FileManagerContextMenuSettings tag |
NavigationPaneSettings | Use the FileManagerNavigationPaneSettings tag |
SearchSettings | Use the FileManagerSearchSettings tag |
ToolbarSettings | Use the FileManagerToolbarSettings tag |
UploadSettings | Use the FileManagerUploadSettings tag |
Locale | Hereafter, the Locale will work based on the current culture. |
Here, some deprecated Methods and their equivalent alternatives are listed below.
Method Name (Deprecated) | Alternative |
ClearSelection | ClearSelectionAsync |
CreateFolder | CreateFolderAsync |
DeleteFiles | DeleteFilesAsync |
DownloadFiles | DownloadFilesAsync |
FilterFiles | FilterFilesAsync |
OpenFile | OpenFileAsync |
RefreshLayout | RefreshLayoutAsync |
RefreshFiles | RefreshFilesAsync |
RenameFiles | RenameFilesAsync |
SelectAll | SelectAllAsync |
UploadFiles | UploadFilesAsync |
Here, some method parameters are changed, and the changes are listed below.
Here, some method return type has been changed and the changes are listed below.
Method Name | Previous Return type | Current Return Type |
GetMenuItemIndex | double | int |
GetSelectedFiles | object(Optional) | List |
GetToolbarItemIndex | double | int |
Event Models
Event Name | Previous Argument | Deprecated Argument | Current Argument |
BeforeDownload | object Data |
DownloadData<T> Data |
DownloadData<T> DownloadData |
BeforeImageLoad | object FileDetails | - | TValue FileDetails |
BeforePopupClose BeforePopupOpen |
object PopupModule | string PopupModule | - |
PopupClosed PopupOpened |
DOM Element object PopupModule |
ElementReference Element string PopupModule |
- |
OnSend | object AjaxSettings | - | FileManagerAjaxSettings AjaxSettings |
OnError | object Error | - | ErrorDetails Error |
OnFileDragStart OnFileDragStop FileDragging FileDropped |
DOM Element object Event object FileDetails DOM Target |
ElementReference Element MouseEventArgs Event DOM Target (Removed) |
List<TValue> FileDetails double Left double Top |
OnFileLoad | object FileDetails DOM Element |
DOM Element | TValue FileDetails |
OnFileOpen | object FileDetails | - | TValue FileDetails |
FileSelected | object FileDetails | - | TValue FileDetails |
FileSelection | object FileDetails DOM Target |
DOM Target | TValue FileDetails |
OnMenuClick | object FileDetails DOM Element |
DOM Element (Removed) |
List<T> FileDetails |
MenuOpened | DOM Element object FileDetails List<Navigations.MenuItemModel> Items Navigations.MenuItemModel MenuModule DOM Target |
MenuItemModel MenuModule DOM Target |
ElementReference Element List<T> FileDetails List<MenuItem> Items |
OnSuccess | object Result | - |
FileManagerResponse<TValue> Result |
ToolbarItemClicked | object FileDetails ItemModel Item |
- |
List<T> FileDetails ToolBarItemModel Item |
ToolbarCreated |
List<ItemModel> Items |
- |
List<ToolBarItemModel> Items |
UploadListCreated | DOM Element FileInfo FileInfo |
DOM Element |
Syncfusion.Blazor.Inputs.FileInfo FileInfo |
New Features
- The two-way binding support has been provided for
properties. - Provided default internal
for FileManager with basic and essential members. If any custom values need to be added, you can extend this class to achieve your requirement.
File Upload
Breaking Changes
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, the locale works based on the current culture. -
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theAllowMultiple
property. -
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter handled from component side. -
Now, changed event name from
Bug Fixes
## 300744
- Console error on clicking add/edit toolbar item has been fixed. -
## 302136
- Issue in column template has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
## 301921
- Sorting and grouping not working properly when GridSortSettings tag is rendered is resolved. -
## 301146
- AutoGenerated columns is not working properly in Grid with ExpandoObejct / DynamicObject is fixed. -
## 301931
- Pressing Enter key after selection goes into EditMode directly is fixed. -
## F159657
- Localization does not working in the filter dialog for Boolean column is resolved. -
## 302448
,## 304216
,## 304865
- Exception throws on grid refresh and show/hide after performing grouping action is fixed. -
## F160179
- Problem with ExcelExport when bind CustomAdaptor in Grid is solved. -
## 304836
- Resizing is not working properly for first time is fixed. -
## 300646
- Searching does not work properly for number fields while defining Enum columns in Grid is resolved. -
## 302106
- After grouping a column, Expand/Collapse not working properly when having detail template in the grid is resolved. -
## 302321
- Exception throws on excel/pdf exporting after hiding the template column is fixed. -
## F160470
- Exception occur while navigating away from Grid before it gets rendered completely is resolved.
New Features
## 290205
,## 290717
,## F157744
,## 291039
,## 305792
- Provided support for virtualization with masked rows.
Bug Fixes
## 299130
- The issue with the continuous triggering of the Created event after changing the datasource has been resolved. -
## 298974
- Resolved the script error with the Heatmap component while changing the data source value dynamically.
In-place Editor
Breaking Changes
To improve the rendering performance on initial load, avoided unnecessary component rendering from built-in source. You can pass the editor component with all its properties from application-end that allows to customize the editor’s component.
Provide individual tag support for complex properties such as SaveButton, CancelButton, and PopupSettings.
The In-place Editor allows to add custom validation along with its editor component’s built-in validation.
Editor Component
- The type of editor component must be configured from the application level for In-place Editor. Also, provided two-way binding between the In-place Editor and its editor components. It is used to updating the editor component value into the In-place Editor component.
For example, the following code snippets demonstrate how to render the TextBox
component type in In-place Editor,
<SfInPlaceEditor Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.InPlaceEditor.InputType.Text" @bind-Value="@value" TValue="string">
<SfTextBox @bind-Value="@value"></SfTextBox>
private string value { get; set; } = "Syncfusion";
- Adaptor property type is changed
Previous Type | Current Type |
Adaptor type |
Adaptors |
- The Enum
is now deprecated in theEditableOn
property. Use theDoubleClick
property to configure double-click action.
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" EditableOn="@editableOn">
EditableType editableOn = EditableType.DblClick;
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" EditableOn="@editableOn">
EditableType editableOn = EditableType.DoubleClick;
- The Enum
type is now deprecated in theInputType
enum. Use theRichTextEditor
type to render the Rich Text Editor component.
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" Type="InputType.RTE">
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" Type="InputType.RichTextEditor">
- The
property is now deprecated. Use theSaveUrl
property for the server submit action.
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" Url="@url">
EditableType url = "some url";
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" SaveUrl="@url">
EditableType url = "some url";
- The
property is deprecated. UseInPlaceEditorTemplate
tag to render the custom components by configuringType
property asTemplate
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string">
<input type="password" />
<SfInPlaceEditor @bind-Value="@value" TValue="string" Type="InputType.Template">>
<input @bind-value="@value"/>
private string value { get; set; } = "Syncfusion";
- The
property is deprecated. Use theInPlaceEditorCancelButton
tag to configure cancel button properties.
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" CancelButton="@cancelButton">
ButtonModel cancelButton = new ButtonModel() { content = "Cancel" };
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string">
<InPlaceEditorCancelButton Content="Cancel"></InPlaceEditorCancelButton>
- The
property is deprecated. Use theInPlaceEditorSaveButton
tag to configure save button properties.
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" SaveButton="@saveButton">
ButtonModel saveButton = new ButtonModel() { content = "Okay" };
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string">
<InPlaceEditorSaveButton Content="Okay"></InPlaceEditorSaveButton>
- The
component contains the following properties
Old property | New Property |
object | OnClick -> MouseEventArgs
Content -> string
CssClass -> string
Disabled -> bool
EnableRtl -> bool
IconCss -> string
IconPosition -> IconPosition
IsPrimary -> bool
IsToggle -> bool
Type -> ButtonType
- The
property is deprecated. Configure model properties directly in the Editor Component.
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" Type="@InputType.Text" Model="@TextModel">
private object TextModel = new
placeholder = "First Name"
<SfInPlaceEditor Adaptor="@adaptor" TValue="string">
<SfTextBox Placeholder="First Name"></SfTextBox>
- The
property is deprecated. UseInPlaceEditorPopupSettings
tag to configure popup properties.
Old property | New Property |
Title -> string
Title -> string
Model -> object
Animation -> AnimationModel
CloseDelay -> int
CssClass -> string
Height -> string
IsSticky -> bool
OffsetX -> int
OffsetY -> int
OpenDelay -> int
OpensOn -> OpenType
Position -> Position
ShowTipPointer -> bool
TipPointerPosition-> TipPointerPosition
Width -> string
Title -> string
Position -> Position
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string" PopupSettings="popSettings">
private InPlaceEditorPopupSettings popSettings = new InPlaceEditorPopupSettings()
Title = "Enter details"
<SfInPlaceEditor TValue="string">
<InPlaceEditorPopupSettings Title="Enter details"></InPlaceEditorPopupSettings>
- The
property is deprecated. Use EditForm validation to validating the components value in the application end. - The
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, the locale works based on the current culture. - The
properties are deprecated and will no longer be used. - The following models are deprecated. Use the model properties while initializing the EditorComponent tag.
- InPlaceEditorModel
- ColorPickerModel
- TextBoxModel
- NumericTextBoxModel
- MaskedTextBoxModel
- SliderModel
- DatePickerModel
- DateRangePickerModel
- DateTimePickerModel
- TimePickerModel
- AutoCompleteModel
- ComboBoxModel
- DropDownListModel
- MultiSelectModel
- FieldSettingsModel
- ButtonModel
- RichTextEditorModel
- IFrameSettingsModel
- ToolbarSettingsModel
- InlineModeModel
- PasteCleanupSettingsModel
- ImageSettingsModel
- BackgroundColorModel
- FontColorModel
- FontFamilyModel
- FontSizeModel
- FormatModel
- TableSettingsModel
- QuickToolbarSettingsModel
- FocusEventArgs
- FocusEventArgs
- IButton
- IComponent
- NotifyParams
- PopupSettingsModel
- The
property type is changed fromstring
in theActionEventArgs
class. - The following events and the event models are deprecated.
- Event:
- OnSanitizeHtml
- SubmitClick
- CancelClick
- EventModels:
- BeforeSanitizeHtmlArgs
- SanitizeSelectors
- SanitizeRemoveAttr
- FormEventArgs
- ValidateEventArgs
- Event:
- The following methods are deprecated.
- ExtendModelValue
- SetValue
- Validate
New Features
- Provided workflow support that determines transitions of card from one column to another in Kanban.
- Provided support to prevent dragging and dropping the cards on particular column.
- Provided template support to the card tooltip and shown when hovering the cards.
- Improved the card layout by providing the default color, labels, and custom classes.
Bug Fixes
## 301706
- Resolved the issue with the ListView selection which is not maintained while using Grouping support with the Clicked event.
Breaking Changes
- When assigning the data source to the Maps component, the class must be created to include the properties with the getter and setter action.
public class Country
public double Latitude
public double Longitude
public string Name
public class Country
public double Latitude { get; set; }
public double Longitude { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
- TValue support is provided for
.The name of the class must henceforth be given as TValue.
- The enumeration type
is changed asTheme
- The following properties are deprecated in the maps component.
In SfMaps
Property Name | Comments |
EnablePersistence | This property is deprecated. |
Locale | This property is deprecated. Hereafter, locale works based on the current culture set in the application. |
EnableRtl | This property is deprecated. |
ModelType | This property is removed. |
In MapsAnnotation
Property Name | Comments |
Content | This property is deprecated. Use ContentTemplate to use this functionality. |
In MapsDataLabelSettings
Property Name | Comments |
Template | This property is deprecated. Use LabelTemplate to use this functionality. |
In MapsMarker
Property Name | Comments |
Template | This property is deprecated. Use MarkerTemplate to use this functionality. |
- The following properties data type are changed in the maps component.
In SfMaps
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
TabIndex | double | int |
BaseLayerIndex | double | int |
ShapePropertyPath | object | string[] |
In MapsBubbleColorMapping
and MapsShapeColorMapping
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
color | object | string[] |
- In
classes, the name of the below properties are changed.
Previous Name | Current Name |
From | StartRange |
To | EndRange |
event is deprecated. -
The data type of event argument is changed and listed below.
Previous Type | Current Type |
IAnimationCompleteEventArgs | AnimationCompleteEventArgs |
IAnnotationRenderingEventArgs | AnnotationRenderingEventArgs |
IBubbleClickEventArgs | BubbleClickEventArgs |
IBubbleMoveEventArgs | BubbleMoveEventArgs |
IBubbleRenderingEventArgs | BubbleRenderingEventArgs |
ILabelRenderingEventArgs | LabelRenderingEventArgs |
ILegendRenderingEventArgs | LegendRenderingEventArgs |
IMapPanEventArgs | MapPanEventArgs |
IMapZoomEventArgs | MapZoomEventArgs |
IMarkerClickEventArgs | MarkerClickEventArgs |
IMarkerClusterClickEventArgs | MarkerClusterClickEventArgs |
IMarkerClusterMoveEventArgs | MarkerClusterMoveEventArgs |
IMarkerMoveEventArgs | MarkerMoveEventArgs |
IMarkerRenderingEventArgs | MarkerRenderingEventArgs |
IPrintEventArgs | PrintEventArgs |
IResizeEventArgs | ResizeEventArgs |
ISelectionEventArgs | SelectionEventArgs |
IShapeRenderingEventArgs | ShapeRenderingEventArgs |
IShapeSelectedEventArgs | ShapeSelectedEventArgs |
ITooltipRenderEventArgs | TooltipRenderEventArgs |
The following methods are deprecated in the component.
- AddLayer
- AddMarker
The following methods are removed.
- GetGeoLocation
- GetLocalizedLabel
- GetModuleName
- GetTileGeoLocation
- MapsOnClick
- MapsOnDoubleClick
- MapsOnResize
- MouseDownOnMap
- MouseEndOnMap
- MouseLeaveOnMap
- MouseMoveOnMap
- OnMouseMove
- PointToLatLong
- We have changed the arguments of the
Arguments | Comments |
id | This argument is removed. |
- We have changed the arguments type and return type of the
Arguments | Previous Type | Current Type |
orientation | object | PdfPageOrientation |
<SfMaps @ref="maps" AllowPdfExport=true AllowImageExport=true>
@code {
SfMaps maps;
private async Task Export()
await maps.Export(ExportType.PDF, "FileName", "Landscape");
<SfMaps @ref="maps" AllowPdfExport=true AllowImageExport=true>
@code {
SfMaps maps;
private async Task Export()
await maps.Export(ExportType.PDF, "FileName", Syncfusion.PdfExport.PdfPageOrientation.Landscape);
Breaking Changes
- Now, the
property data type is changed fromstring
<SfMaskedTextBox Mask="(000) 000-00-00-00" PromptChar="@PromptCharacter">
public string PromptCharacter { get; set; } = "## " ;
<SfMaskedTextBox Mask="(000) 000-00-00-00" PromptChar="@PromptCharacter">
public char PromptCharacter { get; set; } = '## ' ;
- Now, the
property data type is changed fromobject
toDictionary<string, string>
<SfMaskedTextBox Mask="00:00 PM" CustomCharacters="@CustomMask">
@code {
private object CustomMask {get; set;} = new {
P = "P,p, A, a",
M = "M, m"
<SfMaskedTextBox Mask="00:00 PM" CustomCharacters="@CustomChar">
Dictionary<string, string> CustomChar = new Dictionary<string, string>()
{ "P" , "P,p,A,a" },
{ "M", "m,M" }
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, the locale works based on the current culture. -
property data type is changed fromobject
toDictionary<string, object>
type. -
Now, changed
events argumentContainer
element from typeDOM
type. -
Now, the cursor position maintains at initial prompt character position in given mask while focusing instead of full selection.
Now, the
event will triggered once focus out the component.
Breaking Changes
Now, support for generic type to
property has been provided. -
Now, changed the default value of
property as false for checkbox mode. -
is deprecated and no longer needed for generic type component templates. -
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, the locale works based on the current culture. -
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theEnableChangeOnBlur
property. -
property is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theEnableCloseOnSelect
property. -
Now, the data type of
property is changed fromSyncfusion.Blazor.Lists.SortOrder
. -
Now, the data type of
property is changed fromobject
toDictionary<string, object>
. -
Now, the return type of
method is changed fromobject
. -
Now, the return type of
method is changed fromList<DOM>
. -
Now, the
class is generic. -
Now, the
class is generic. -
Now, the
class is generic. -
Now, the
class is generic. -
Now, the
class is generic. -
Now, the
class is generic. -
Now, the
class is generic and changed event argument class name fromISelectAllEventArgs
. -
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter handled from component side. -
You have to set the
with a named model while rendering the component withoutValue
<SfMultiSelect TValue="string[]" DataSource="@OrdersList">
<MultiSelectFieldSettings Value="Name"></MultiSelectFieldSettings>
@code {
private IEnumerable<Order> OrdersList
<SfMultiSelect TValue="string[]" TItem="Order" DataSource="@OrdersList">
<MultiSelectFieldSettings Value="Name"></MultiSelectFieldSettings>
@code {
private IEnumerable<Order> OrdersList;
- Type of
property is changed fromobject
Class type.
@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Data
<SfMultiSelect Query="@QueryData">
private string QueryData = "new'TaskID', 'equal', '3')";
@using Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Data
<SfMultiSelect Query="@QueryData">
private Query QueryData = new Query().Where("TaskID", "equal", "3");
Previous Event Name | Current Event Name |
SelectEventArgs |
SelectEventArgs<TItem> |
ActionCompleteEventArgs |
ActionCompleteEventArgs<TItem> |
RemoveEventArgs |
RemoveEventArgs<TItem> |
TaggingEventArgs |
TaggingEventArgs<TItem> |
ISelectAllEventArgs |
SelectAllEventArgs<TItem> |
CustomValueEventArgs |
SelectCustomValueEventArgsAllEventArgs<TItem> |
Bug Fixes
## 304918
- Issue with “add param is not working” has been resolved. -
## 293695
- Issuw with “console error thrown, while bind simple datasource on filtering” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
## 304921
- Issue with “exception is thrown when press the numeric enter key” has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Breaking Changes
- The
methods are renamed toimportAnnotation()
- Client side Blazor controller Methods
- The
methods are removed , and the alternative method isExportAnnotation()
. - The
method is removed , and the alternative method isImportAnnotation()
. - From 18.4 release onwards, Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.* NuGet package will have the mandatory dependencies of the respective control alone.
Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Windows dependency changes.
Before | From |
Syncfusion.Blazor | Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewer |
Syncfusion.PdfViewer.AspNet.Core.Windows | Syncfusion.PdfViewer.AspNet.Core.Windows |
Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Linux dependency changes
Before | From |
Syncfusion.Blazor | Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewer |
Syncfusion.PdfViewer.AspNet.Core.Linux | Syncfusion.PdfViewer.AspNet.Core.Linux |
Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.OSX dependency changes
Before | From |
Syncfusion.Blazor | Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewer |
Syncfusion.PdfViewer.AspNet.Core.OSX | Syncfusion.PdfViewer.AspNet.Core.OSX |
- If you have used any non-dependent Syncfusion Blazor control, then you must include their respective NuGet package in your application along Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.* NuGet package.
- For more information, Refer this [PdfViewer NuGet packages] ( syncfusionblazorpdfviewer) documentation.
New Features
## F159868
- Expose the Created event for the PDF Viewer component. -
## 298336
- Provided the support to clear the text in the search box on opening it again in our PDF Viewer control. -
## 297337
,## 298646
,## 298723
,## 301996
- Expose an event on focus out of the form field. -
## 288134
- Provided the support to lock the comments of the annotations. -
## F155788
,## 296389
,## 297432
- Provided the support for importing and exporting the annotation in XFDF format.
Bug Fixes
## F155593
- Exception will no longer be thrown while exporting the form fields. -
## 300917
- Now, the read-only text box field background color is maintained correctly. -
## 299303
- Now, the waiting pop is visible on the page on applying the Zoom mode property. -
## 301753
- The ExportAnnotationAsObject is now working properly. -
## 300141
- The extra character is not displayed in the textbox field for the PDF document. -
## 296491
- Now, the format is included in the exported file in IE.
Pivot Table
Breaking Changes
- The below properties are changed.
Previous Name | Current Name |
ChartSettings.HeightLightMode |
ChartSettings.HighlightMode |
- The data type of the below properties are changed.
Previous Type | Current Type |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
IConditionalFormatSettings |
ConditionalFormatSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
IDrillOptions |
DrillOptions |
IDrilledItem |
DrilledItem |
IFilter |
Filter |
IFormatSettings |
FormatSettings |
IGroupSettings |
GroupSettings |
IGroupSettings |
GroupSettings |
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
MaxNodeLimitInMemberEditor |
double |
int |
MaxRowsInDrillThrough |
double |
int |
PivotValues |
object |
Matrix<Matrix<AxisSet>> |
In AxisSet
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
ColOrdinal |
double |
int |
MemberType |
double |
int |
Members |
List<IAxisSet> |
List<AxisSet> |
Ordinal |
double |
int |
RowOrdinal |
double |
int |
Style |
IStyle |
Style |
In ConditionalFormatSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Style |
IStyle |
Style |
In DataOptions
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Authentication |
IAuthenticationInfo |
AuthenticationInfo |
CalculatedFieldSettings |
List<ICalculatedFieldSettings> |
List<CalculatedFieldSettings> |
Columns |
List<IFieldOptions> |
List<FieldOptions> |
Rows |
List<IFieldOptions> |
List<FieldOptions> |
Values |
List<IFieldOptions> |
List<FieldOptions> |
Filters |
List<IFieldOptions> |
List<FieldOptions> |
ConditionalFormatSettings |
List<IConditionalFormatSettings> |
List<ConditionalFormatSettings> |
DrilledMembers |
List<IDrillOptions> |
List<DrillOptions> |
FieldMapping |
List<IFieldOptions> |
List<FieldOptions> |
FilterSettings |
List<IFilter> |
List<Filter> |
FormatSettings |
List<IFormatSettings> |
List<FormatSettings> |
GroupSettings |
List<IGroupSettings> |
List<GroupSettings> |
SortSettings |
List<ISort> |
List<Sort> |
ValueSortSettings |
IValueSortSettings |
ValueSortSettings |
In DrillOptions
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Items |
string[] |
List<string> |
In DrilledItem
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
CurrentCell |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
In Filter
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
LevelCount |
double |
int |
In FormatSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Type |
string |
FormatType |
In GroupSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
CustomGroups |
List<ICustomGroups> |
List<CustomGroups> |
In CellSelectedObject
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
CurrentCell |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
- The data type of event argument is changed and listed below.
In AggregateEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Column |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
Row |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
In BeforeExportEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataCollections |
object |
Matrix<Matrix<AxisSet>> |
In BeginDrillThroughEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
GridObj |
object |
SfGrid<ExpandoObject> |
In CalculatedFieldCreateEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
CalculatedField |
ICalculatedFields |
CalculatedFields |
CalculatedFieldSettings |
List<ICalculatedFieldSettings> |
List<CalculatedFieldSettings> |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
In ColumnRenderEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
In DrillThroughEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
CurrentCell |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
RawData |
object |
List<ExpandoObject> |
In EnginePopulatedEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
PivotValues |
object |
Matrix<Matrix<AxisSet>> |
In EnginePopulatingEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
In FieldDragStartEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
FieldItem |
IFieldOptions |
FieldOptions |
In FieldDropEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
DropField |
IFieldOptions |
FieldOptions |
In FieldDroppedEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
DroppedField |
IFieldOptions |
FieldOptions |
In FieldListRefreshedEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
PivotValues |
object |
Matrix<Matrix<AxisSet>> |
In FieldRemoveEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
FieldItem |
IFieldOptions |
FieldOptions |
In LoadEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
PivotValues |
object |
Matrix<Matrix<AxisSet>> |
In MemberEditorOpenEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
FieldMembers |
List<MemberItems> |
List<TreeDataInfo> |
FilterSetting |
IFilter |
Filter |
In MemberFilteringEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
DataSourceSettings |
IDataOptions |
DataOptions |
FilterSetting |
IFilter |
Filter |
In NumberFormattingEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
FormatSettings |
List<IFormatSettings> |
List<FormatSettings> |
In PivotCellSelectedEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Data |
IAxisSet |
AxisSet |
PivotValues |
object |
Matrix<Matrix<AxisSet>> |
In QueryCellInfoEventArgs
Argument Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Pivot view |
PivotViewModel<T> |
SfPivotView<T> |
- The data type of method argument is changed and listed below.
In SfPivotView
Method | Previous Type | Current Type |
CsvExport |
object |
ExcelExportProperties |
ExcelExport |
object |
ExcelExportProperties |
PdfExport |
object |
PdfExportProperties |
In SfPivotFieldList
Method | Previous Type | Current Type |
Update |
object |
SfPivotView<TValue> |
UpdateView |
object |
SfPivotView<TValue> |
method is deprecated. UseStateHasChanged
method instead.
Bug Fixes
## 293140
- Exporting is now working properly when virtualization is enabled. -
## F159169
- The pivot chart is now rendered properly when the height is set as percentage.
New Features
## 290201
- “ExpandoObject” type datasource is now supported. -
## 295364
- Support provided to set custom tooltip data in pivot chart. -
## F151061
- Now you can set the width to each column specifically. -
## 289442
- Now you can load the desired report from the report collection initially in the toolbar.
Progress Bar
Breaking Changes
- The name of the enumeration has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
ProgressTheme |
Theme |
- The name of the argument type has been renamed as given below.
Previous type | Current type |
IAnnotationRenderEventArgs |
AnnotationRenderEventArgs |
ILoadedEventArgs |
LoadedEventArgs |
IMouseEventArgs |
MouseEventArgs |
IProgressEventArgs |
ProgressEventArgs |
IProgressResizeEventArgs |
ProgressResizeEventArgs |
IProgressValueEventArgs |
ProgressValueEventArgs |
ITextRenderEventArgs |
TextRenderEventArgs |
- The data type of the properties has been changed as shown below.
SfProgressBar | Previous type | Current type |
SegmentCount |
double |
int |
StartAngle |
double |
int |
EndAngle |
double |
int |
ProgressBarAnimation | Previous type | Current type |
Delay |
double |
int |
Duration |
double |
int |
ProgressBarAnnotation | Previous type | Current type |
AnnotationAngle |
double |
int |
Bug Fixes
## 297963
- Prevented the click event triggering while the spinner is in active state.
Range Selector
Breaking Changes
- The name of the enumeration has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
ChartTheme |
Theme |
- The name of the event has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
OnPrint |
OnPrintCompleted |
- The name of the argument type has been renamed as given below.
Previous type | Current type |
IRangeSelectorRenderEventArgs |
RangeSelectorRenderEventArgs |
IRangeLoadedEventArgs |
RangeLoadedEventArgs |
IPrintEventArgs |
PrintEventArgs |
IRangeResizeEventArgs |
RangeResizeEventArgs |
IChangedEventsArgs |
ChangedEventArgs |
IRangeTooltipRenderEventArgs |
RangeTooltipRenderEventArgs |
ILabelRenderEventsArgs |
LabelRenderEventArg |
IPrintEventArgs |
PrintEventArgs |
Range Slider
Breaking Changes
- The CustomValues property now accepts only string[] type.
- SliderLimitData, SliderTicksData, SliderTooltipData inner tags are deprecated and introduced SliderLimit, SliderTicks, SliderTooltip tags.
property has been introduced to handle the server call when dragging the slider handle element. The default value is true - It is mandatory to use the two-way binding support in the
property to enable the tooltip support with the componentValueChange
Here, some deprecated properties and their equivalent alternatives are listed below.
Property | Data Type (Previous Version) | Alternative |
HtmlAttributes | Dictionary<string,object> | Use the alternative @attribute property. |
Limits | SliderLimitData |
Suggested to use SliderLimits tag. |
Ticks | SliderTicksData |
Suggested to use SliderTicks tag. |
Tooltip | SliderTooltipData |
Suggested to use SliderTooltip tag. |
CustomValues | object | string[] |
ColorRange | List<ColorRangeDataModel> |
Suggested to use SliderColorRanges tag. |
Event Models
Event Name | Previous Argument | Deprecated Argument | Current Argument |
OnChange ValueChange |
string Action | string Action | string Name |
TicksRendered |
List<DOM> TickElements DOM TicksWrapper |
List<DOM> TicksElements DOM TicksWrapper |
List<ElementReference> TickElementsRef ElementReference TicksContainerRef Dictionary<string, object> HtmlAttributes |
TicksRendering | DOM TickElement | DOM TickElement | ElemenetReference TickElementRef Dictionary<string, object> HtmlAttributes |
New Features
tag has been introduced for providing color range support instead of assigning value as List type. - Two-way binding support has been provided for the
New Features
## 301980
- Provided the support to return theXHTML
value in theValue
property when theEnableXhtml
property is enabled in the Rich Text Editor.
Breaking Changes
Following properties types are changed
Class | Property | Previous Type | Current Type |
RichTextEditorBackgroundColor | ColorCode | object |
Dictionary<string, string[]> |
RichTextEditorFontColor | ColorCode | object |
Dictionary<string, string[]> |
Bug Fixes
## 304275
- An issue with the readonly appointment has been fixed. -
## 303620
- An issue with the event click action when we using the custom header has been fixed.
New Features
## 280679
- Provided theCell Template
,Drag and Drop
support for Timeline Year view. -
## 276505
- Provided thedouble click
action for the appointments(events). - WebAssembly performance improved in
views. - Provided a public method
to open the quick popup by manually.
Breaking Changes
## 293258
- TheShow
methods are deprecated, and the alternate methods for them are as follows,
Previous Method | Current Method |
Show() |
ShowAsync() |
Hide() |
HideAsync() |
New Features
- Tab component performance improved in overflow mode as MultiRow
Bug Fixes
## 304750
,## 304735
- Issue with “exception is thrown in the Chrome browser while clicking on the back button after typing value in the TextBox” has been resolved.
New Features
,-Provided support to access and hide a specific toast using the toast modelKey
New Features
- Toolbar component performance improved in overflow mode as MultiRow
Bug Fixes
## 301882
- Resolved the script error thrown from the Tooltip component when moving fast over the target. -
## 296814
- The issue with “The Tooltip does not close when hosting the application in Azure or IIS” has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
## 304162
- Child records are obtained correctly in the template context variable for Hierarchy data binding.
New Features
## 290160
- Provided support forLoadChildOnDemand
property of Tree Grid which can be enabled to load the child records during the initial load itslef while using remote data binding.
New Features
## 297420
,## 297134
- Now, the request will be sent to the server-side on expanding the TreeView node.
Bug Fixes
## 303888
- Resolved the script error with the TreeView component when using theODATAV4
adaptor. -
## 301094
- The issue with “The TreeView node is expanded even when using the expanded attribute value as false in the remote data” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “The TreeView node editing is not working when using the template” has been resolved. -
## 300717
- The issue with “Exception occurs in TreeView likeObject reference not set to an instance of an object
” has been resolved.
- #299160 - Support has been provided to export data from Excel worksheet to data table with an event.
- #F158836 - Support has been provided to preserve value types while importing data from a data table to an Excel worksheet.
Breaking Changes
- #283371 -
, andLongDashDotDot
line patterns are added in theExcelChartLinePattern
enum. - #F158836 - The
method supports importing DataColumn from DataTable into a worksheet with preserve type option.
Bug Fixes
- #292282, #F157287 -
method now copies Excel table styles if copied from second row or more. - #292271 - Exception is no longer thrown if all the table rows are deleted.
- #293903 - Exception is no longer thrown when converting the Excel file to PDF.
- #295621 - Defined name value with more characters is now working proper without exception.
- #294651 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel file to PDF with conditional formats.
- #287586 - Name of a pivot table data field is now correct in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #293247 - Inserting a new row preserves the number format in the existing table.
- #292312 - Exception is no longer thrown while inserting rows above sparklines.
- #296469 - Conditional format is now correct while changing thread culture.
- #291424 - Column width is now set correctly while updating styles to entire column.
- #294893 - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing the Excel document with pivot table.
- #293348 - DateTime format is now proper when accessing
property. - #293903 - Exception is no longer thrown when formula contains an unknown name in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #292625 - Page numbers are now rendered in the correct format when header/footer text contains page number and plus sign.
- #292241 - Rich-text is now applied to tables during Excel to PDF conversion.
- #292697 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting Excel chart to image with polynomial trend line series.
- #294223 - Axis line is now rendered correctly in chart to image conversion.
- #279738 - Image position is no longer changed while inserting more rows.
- #295748 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving the Excel document to HTML.
- #297992 - Comments are now cleared properly while using clear option.
- #295301 - Corruption no longer occurs on resaving the Excel file that contains invalid pivot item value.
- #298342 - Performance on saving a big file with pivot table is now improved.
- #299505 - Conditional format is now applied properly when using copy style in template marker.
- #301859 - ApplicationName in Built-in document properties is now parsed and serialized properly.
- #298772 - Conditional format formula is now correct while saving the Excel document.
- #292312 - Corruption no longer occurs while opening the file using Excel 2013.
- #283371 - Provided long dash line types in chart line pattern enum.
- #292360 - Excel file with incorrect active cell is no longer corrupted on resaving.
- #304378 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting the Excel file with conditional formats to PDF.
- #303693 - Vba project’s sheet objects are now cleared properly when removing the worksheets.
- #301367 - Hyperlink is now correct while changing the system culture in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #294378 - Cell border under the image is no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #300422 - DataPoint font size and value axis alignment are now proper in chart to image conversion.
- #F157299 - Mixed data type values are exported with proper format while exporting worksheet to data table.
- #F157772 - Line series are no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #F157287 - Corruption no longer occurs when copying worksheets from multiple workbooks.
- #F158875 - Data is now correct while importing nested object collection.
- Category axis label text is now rendered properly in chart to image conversion.
- Hyperlinks in shapes are no longer removed while resaving the Excel document.
- Chart title area rendering is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion.