Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
December 22, 2020
Bug Fixes
## 305338
- This issue “ScriptModules was not loaded “ has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
## 306061
- Issue with “Filtering popup is closing slowly while rendering inside the dialog” has been resolved. -
## 299267
- Issue with “popup remains in open state while clicking on drop-down button rapidly in the azure” has been resolved.
File Upload
Bug Fixes
## 307704
- Issue with “ValueChange
event doesn’t fired when change the Enabled property dynamically” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
## 298104
- Script error while clicking on menu bar after navigating to another component issue resolved. -
## 304112
- Menu not closing while opening another menu issue resolved.
Bug Fixes
## F160734
- Issue with “the numeric value is updated twice when paste the value to the input in Blazor WASM application” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Exception on resource datasource changed dynamically has been fixed. -
## 304617
- An issue with Localization not applied for current Time indicator has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
## 305309
,## 306499
,## 307225
,## 307398
- Issue with Tab content rendered twice while rendering the tab in Grid Detail Template has been fixed.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
## F160574
- Adding a new record works fine whenNewRowPosition
is changed dynamically.
Bug Fixes
- #304210 - Pivot table page field filter is now working fine.
- #305776 - Pivot filter MeasureHierAttribute is now handled properly.
- #299134 - Excel document with pivot table filters and pivot table number formats are now working fine.
- #302479 - Excel document with pivot table is no longer corrupted while resaving.
- #304958 - Standard width is now correct after AddCopy operation.
- #304403 - Image position is now correct after autofit columns operation in a copied worksheet.
- #F160013 - Unicode symbols are no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
- Scatter chart with smooth line is now rendered properly while converting the chart to image.