Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes

January 12, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • ## F160881 - Dynamic data change is not working in pie chart issue resolved.
  • ## 309099, ## 309477 - Sfchart throws cannot read property getboundingclientrect exception has been resolved.
  • ## F160879, ## F161155 - Onexportcomplete event dataurl argument returns empty string issue has been resolved.
  • ## 292841, ## 309568 - Pie chart tooltip is not visible issue has been resolved.
  • ## F161001, ## F160999 - Legend click is not proper and console error after title and series update is resolved.
  • ## F161183, ## F161214 - Charts disappear on resize in the blazor clientside is resolved.
  • ## 308733, ## 309261 - In blazor webassembly, console error is thrown while refreshing the chart is resolved.
  • ## 288987 - On adding random data multiple times console error is thrown has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F160522 - EditContext not updated issue resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F161216 - Issue with “native input event is not fired while typing the date value” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 308629 - Issue with “range hover class is added additionally while selecting the same date as start and end” has been resolved.
  • ## 308947 - Issue with “date selection is not removed from popup while resetting the date value on the external button click” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 301654 - This issue “Diagram created event gets triggered before diagram has been created “ has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 309315, ## F161138 - Provided option to pass additional parameter using the CustomData argument of OnSend event of FileManager component.

  • ## F21127 - Issue with obtaining the data value in the Upload request has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 291421, ## 306717 - DetailTemplate is not rendered properly with RowHeight property to Parent grid is resolved.
  • ## 306073 - EmptyRecordTemplate does not work while enabling Virtualization is fixed.
  • ## 306891 - Grouped value is not displayed in exported file when CaptionTemplate is used is fixed.
  • ## 305759, ## 308108 - Not able to customize the default dropdown editor for ForeignKey column using EditorSettings is solved.
  • ## F160413 - Pager is not persisted when GridPageSettings is defined explicitly in Grid is resolved.
  • ## F159799 - String Column Filtering is not working properly in ODataAdaptor/ODataV4Adaptor with EnablePersistance is solved.

New Features

  • ## F159864 - Provided option to differentiate the clicked target(header/content cell) in ContextMenuOpenEventArgs.

Bug Fixes

  • F160197 - Exception occurs while hovering the menu item issue resolved

Pivot Table

New Features

  • ## F157045 - Provided data label support in pivot chart markers.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • ## F160964 - Multiple row selection works fine for remote data binding when paging is disabled.
  • ## 306880 - Improved performance of Tree Grid while using single root data type with Virtualization.


Bug Fixes

  • #308429 - Corruption no longer occurs while opening the file with pivot table using Excel 2013.
  • #307768 - Exception is no longer thrown when refreshing the table with external connection.
  • MissingManifestResourceException is no longer thrown when parsing the Excel document.
  • Null reference exception is no longer thrown while getting the RowHeight in Excel to PDF conversion.