## 298871, ## 302343 - Now, provided Closed event in the AutoComplete component.
## 306115 - Now, you can customize the autocomplete popup position using Opened event arguments.
@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.Popups@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns<SfAutoCompleteTValue="string"TItem="Games"Placeholder="Select a game"DataSource="@LocalData"><AutoCompleteFieldSettingsValue="Text"Text="Text"></AutoCompleteFieldSettings><AutoCompleteEventsTValue="string"TItem="Games"Opened="PopupOpen"></AutoCompleteEvents></SfAutoComplete>@code{privatevoidPopupOpen(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.PopupEventArgsargs){args.Popup.Position=newPositionDataModel(){X="left",Y="top"};}}
New Features
## F160810 - Now, you can change the rule for defining the first week of the year using WeekRule property.
## F160810 - Now, component considers culture based value for FirstDayOfWeek property when you are not configured FirstDayOfWeek property.
## F158215 - Now, you can disable the component and add custom class using Enabled and CssClass properties.
Bug Fixes
## 308374,## 309373, ## 309387, ## F161455, ## 309756, ## F161210, ## 310919 - Could not find chart in window.sfBlazor exception has been resolved.
## 309961 - Accumulationchart with custom data adaptor is not working has been resolved.
## 310011 - Console error thrown while hovering the tooltip issue has been resolved.
## 310408 - Accumulation chart data binding is not working has been resolved.
## 310714 - Accumulation chart export is not working has been resolved.
## 310683 - Empty chart does not render for datetimecategory axis issue has been resolved.
## 290687 - While selection and on hiding series page indicator changes to default has been resolved.
## F161564 - Legend padding does not work properly in chart issue has been resolved.
Circular Gauge
New Features
## 301255 - AllowMargin property is exposed to render the circular gauge component without considering the margin in the component.
Bug Fixes
## F160322 - Circular gauge will now be responsive when the web browser is resized.
New Features
## 298871, ## 302343 - Now, provided Closed event in the ComboBox component.
## 306115 - Now, you can customize the combobox popup position using Opened event arguments.
@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.Popups@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns<SfComboBoxTValue="string"TItem="Games"Placeholder="Select a game"DataSource="@LocalData"><ComboBoxFieldSettingsValue="ID"Text="Text"></ComboBoxFieldSettings><ComboBoxEventsTValue="string"TItem="Games"Opened="PopupOpen"></ComboBoxEvents></SfComboBox>@code{privatevoidPopupOpen(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.PopupEventArgsargs){args.Popup.Position=newPositionDataModel(){X="left",Y="top"};}}
Bug Fixes
## 310264 - Issue with “pre-selected value is not updated to the input when enabled the virtualization” has been resolved.
## 311308 - Issue with “ValueChange event is not fired while selecting the autofiled item in the popup” has been resolved.
New Features
## F160810 - Now, you can change the rule for defining the first week of the year using WeekRule property.
## F160810 - Now, component considers culture based value for FirstDayOfWeek property when you are not configured FirstDayOfWeek property.
Bug Fixes
## 311402 - Issue with “error class is added to the date input when manually typing the previous value” has been resolved.
New Features
## 298871, ## 302343 - Now, provided Closed event in the DropDownList component.
## 306115 - Now, you can customize the dropdown popup position using Opened event arguments.
@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.Popups@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns<SfDropDownListTValue="string"TItem="Games"Placeholder="Select a game"DataSource="@LocalData"><DropDownListFieldSettingsValue="ID"Text="Text"></DropDownListFieldSettings><DropDownListEventsTValue="string"TItem="Games"Opened="PopupOpen"></DropDownListEvents></SfDropDownList>@code{privatevoidPopupOpen(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.PopupEventArgsargs){args.Popup.Position=newPositionDataModel(){X="left",Y="top"};}}
Bug Fixes
## 310861 - Issue with “null reference exception occurs while setting grouping with item template” has been resolved.
## 310906 - Issue with “popup is not opened while dynamically updating the data source in the WASM Blazor” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
## 311096 - Problem with applying ClipMode when specified as property of SfGrid is resolved.
## F160657 - Problem with refreshing data using Refresh() method when EnableVirtualization in Grid is solved.
## 295567 - Gantt delay in adding record due to sending parent instance is resolved.
## 304854 - Searching operation does not work for Foreign key column in OdataV4Adaptor(Both Grid and foreign key column are remote data) is fixed.
## 305879 - Problem with hiding/showing columns using HideAtMedia property is resolved.
In-place Editor
Breaking Changes
F161247 - The Data argument type has been changed from object to InPlaceEditorRequestData<TValue> in the ActionBeginEventArgs.
Bug Fixes
F161196 - Resolved the issue with the ValueChange event which is not triggered for the first time when focusout the editor.
Bug Fixes
## F161682 - The issue with “Unable to resize the content when dynamically hiding the columns with swimlane layout” has been fixed.
Linear Gauge
Bug Fixes
## F160555, ## F160555 - Linear gauge will now be responsive when the web browser is resized.
F160468 - Annotations set in negative value of AxisValue property will now render properly.
New Features
## 258288 - OnPanComplete and OnZoomComplete events are exposed to notify that the panning and zooming operations are completed respectively in the Maps component.
Bug Fixes
F158524 - Data label templates will now render properly.
Bug Fixes
## 311202 - Menu bar throws script error on hover while the text box is in focus issue resolved.
New Features
## 306115 - Now, you can customize the multiselect popup position using Opened event arguments.
@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.Popups@usingSyncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns<SfMultiSelectTValue="string[]"TItem="Games"Placeholder="Select a game"DataSource="@LocalData"><MultiSelectFieldSettingsValue="Text"Text="Text"></MultiSelectFieldSettings><MultiSelectEventsTValue="string[]"TItem="Games"Opened="PopupOpen"></MultiSelectEvents></SfMultiSelect>@code{privatevoidPopupOpen(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.PopupEventArgsargs){args.Popup.Position=newPositionDataModel(){X="left",Y="top"};}}
Bug Fixes
## 310691 - Issue with “MultiSelect popup is flickered while rendering the component inside the dialog” has been resolved.
## 311283 - Issue with “ValueChange event is fired immediately when click on the UnSelectAll checkbox” has been resolved.
## 311489 - Issue with “MultiSelect popup is disabled when clear the all values using clear icon with maximum selection length” has been resolved.
## 310691 - Issue with “floating label is overlapped with selected item when set floating label type as auto” has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
New Features
## 305688 - Exposed the formFieldClick event in the PDF Viewer.
Bug Fixes
## 309198, ## 309230 - The Form field’s position is now updated properly in the print preview and printed documents.
## 308703, ## 308960 - The cut, copy, and paste actions are working properly for the custom stamp annotations.
## 306586 - The annotationAdd event is now triggered properly while adding the custom stamp annotation.
## 309594 - The Form field position is now updated properly for the provided PDF documents.
## 308213 - The page height is now updated properly on resizing the window in the fitToPage mode.
## 303825 - The propertyChangeEvent is now trigged properly for the respective property changes.
## 301513 - The isProgrammaticSelection property is returned properly in the annotation select event.
## 309981 - The PDF Viewer localization tooltip content is updated properly in the German culture.
## 309983 - Exception will no longer be thrown while selecting the zoom mode from the zoom combo box in the localization environment.
## 309238 - Now, the render page requests are not being sent on zooming when the restrictZoomRequest property is enabled.
Pivot Table
New Features
## 295724 - Zooming can now be programmatically set in the pivot chart.
Bug Fixes
## 310369 - The pivot table is now rendered, even if data from the server is delayed.
Bug Fixes
## 311411 - An issue with the “Time slot is missed the Time when the indicator is shown” has been fixed.
## 310550 - An issue with the “Recurrence exception format” has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
## F161648 - An issue with “AddedItems value is null in AddEventArgs” has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
## 310202 - Issue with “e-input class is added multiple time while rendering the component inside EditForm” has been resolved.
## Features
I307310 - Provided ProgressDirection property to customize the progress bar direction from left-to-right or right-to-left.
Bug Fixes
## 293667, ## 293799 - The issue with “The NodeDropped event is not triggered while specifying the Id fields as integer type” has been resolved.
## 301472 - The issue with “The drop operation is not working when specifying the NodeDropped event in the TreeView component” has been resolved.
F157733 - The issue with selecting the previously selected nodes dynamically via SelectedNodes property has been resolved.
## 307927 - The issue with the drag and drop functionality in the Firefox browser has been resolved.
## 309282 - Now, the TreeView nodes will be updated properly while using the RefreshNode method.
Visual Studio Extensions
New Features
Provided the Scaffolding support to Blazor client application.
Bug Fixes
#304210 - Pivot table page field filter is now working fine.
#305776 - Pivot filter MeasureHierAttribute is now handled properly.
#299134 - Excel document with pivot table filters and pivot table number formats are now working fine.
#302479 - Excel document with pivot table is no longer corrupted while resaving.
#304958 - Standard width is now correct after AddCopy operation.
#304403 - Image position is now correct after autofit columns operation in a copied worksheet.
#305064 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting pivot table in worksheet to image conversion.
#305842 - Cell style is now correct after add copy operation.
#304124 - Cell text with accounting format is now rendered properly for the cell with indent level.
#307537 - Conditional format number value is now correct when changing the system culture.
#306110 - Row format is now correct while refreshing data in the table.
#301881 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving the Excel document when duplicate styles exist.
#305006 - Performance is improved and sparklines are now preserved properly when deleting the row.
#305477 - Cell color is now updated properly for databar in Excel to HTML conversion.
#302479 - Excel document is no longer corrupted while resaving with pivot table.
#308429 - Corruption no longer occurs while opening the file with pivot table using Excel 2013.
#307768 - Exception is no longer thrown when refreshing the table with external connection.
#306248 - Cell borders are now rendered properly when adjacent cells have different border colors.
#F160013 - Unicode symbols are no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
Scatter chart with smooth line is now rendered properly while converting the chart to image.
Conditional format applied to EntireColumn is now preserved properly while resaving the XLSX file in XLS format.
MissingManifestResourceException is no longer thrown when parsing the Excel document.
Null reference exception is no longer thrown while getting the RowHeight in Excel to PDF conversion.
Exception is no longer thrown while parsing a formula in Excel to PDF conversion.
Excel document with worksheet drawing is now parsed properly.
NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while setting date time interval in the chart to image conversion.
NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while converting the chart to image in Excel to PDF conversion.