Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes
New Features
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theAddItems
method. -
Provided the
event with Exception type argument.
Bullet Chart
Breaking Changes
- The name of the enumeration has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
ChartTheme |
Theme |
- The name of the event has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
OnPrint |
OnPrintComplete |
- The name of the argument types have been renamed as shown below.
Previous type | Current type |
IBulletLegendRenderEventArgs |
BulletChartLegendRenderEventArgs |
IBulletChartTooltipEventArgs |
BulletChartTooltipEventArgs |
IPrintEventArgs |
PrintEventArgs |
IBulletLoadedEventArgs |
BulletChartLoadedEventArgs |
- In
, andBulletChartMinorTickLines
classes, the property has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
UseRangeColor |
EnableRangeColor |
- The data type of the properties have been changed as shown below.
SfBulletChart | Previous type | Current type |
DataSource |
IEnumerable |
IEnumerable<TValue> |
TabIndex |
double |
int |
BulletChartAnimation | Previous type | Current type |
Delay |
double |
int |
Duration |
double |
int |
BulletChartTooltip | Previous type | Current type |
Template |
RenderFragment<object> |
RenderFragment<TValue> |
Button Group
New Features
- Provided two way binding support.
- Provided HTML attributes support for ButtonGroupButton.
Breaking Changes
- To avoid delayed rendering, architectural changes were made to the Chart when the width/height were specified in percentages or through style settings applied in the component’s parent. As a result, the Chart is initially rendered with the default width and height and then redrawn by adjusting only the size of the Chart in a responsive manner. By including the following script in the header tag, the redrawn scenario can now be avoided.
<script src=""></script>
<!--- To avoid the redraw scenario, add the CDN link below. --->
<script src=""></script>
Bug Fixes
## 313854
,## 317654
- Chart renders fine when the second call ofOnAfterRender
event. -
## F161283
,## 314155
,## F162365
- Console error while performing navigation in the chart has been resolved. -
## 315778
- Accumulation chart data labels are placed properly in the pie chart. -
## 316390
- Chart gets redrawn on button click has been resolved. -
## 317103
- Console exception when chart series datasource is empty has been resolved. -
## F162893
- Radar chart does not render the first time on data change has been resolved. -
## 315933
- Selection changed event now works properly on drag selection. -
## 317081
,## F162940
- The chart renders fine with German culture and the width of SVG is in decimal values in firefox. -
## 317506
- Pie chart tooltip is removed after mouse leave in .Net Core 3.1. -
## 318454
- Chart will be rendered properly when using the custom adaptor. -
## 318898
- Decimal values for axis labels and tooltip text render properly with 4 digits. -
## F163500
- Candle chart with decimal type values will render without any exception.
Circular Gauge
Bug Fixes
## 312040
- Ranges with rounded corner radius will now render properly in the Circular Gauge.
New Features
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theAddItems
method. -
Provided the
event with Exception type argument.
SfGantt | Comments |
AllowKeyboard | Enabled keyboard interaction as default. |
AllowPdfExport | This property is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
AutoFocusTasks | Enabled AutoFocusTasks interaction as default. |
CollapseAllParentTasks | No longer required. Use CollapseAll() public method for this instead. |
HtmlAttributes | This property is deprecated and will no longer be used |
Timezone | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used |
Sub Properties
Previous | Now |
CustomAttributes | This property is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
DisplayAsCheckBox | This property is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
HeaderTemplateID, HeaderTemplateItems, HeaderTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use HeaderTemplate property instead to define header template. |
TemplateData, TemplateID, TemplateItems, ValueAccessor | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use Template property instead to define header template. |
Previous | Now |
LeftLabelTemplateData, LeftLabelTemplateID, LeftLabelTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use LeftLabelTemplate instead to define left label. |
RightLabelTemplateData, RightLabelTemplateID, RightLabelTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use RightLabelTemplate instead to define right label. |
TaskLabelTemplateData, TaskLabelTemplateID, TaskLabelTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use TaskLabelTemplate instead to define task label. |
Previous | Now |
MilestoneTemplateData, MilestoneTemplateID, MilestoneTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use MilestoneTemplate instead to define milestone tasks. |
ParentTaskbarTemplateData, ParentTaskbarTemplateID, ParentTaskbarTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use ParentTemplate instead to define parent task. |
TaskbarTemplateData, TaskbarTemplateID, TaskbarTemplateItems | These properties has been deprecated and will no longer be used. Use TaskbarTemplate instead to define taskbar. |
SfGantt | Comments |
ChangeTaskMode | This method is deprecated.Use UpdateRecordByID(object data) method instead |
CollapseByID | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used |
CollapseByIndex | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used |
ExpandByID(Double) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used |
ExpandByIndex(Double) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used |
GetDurationString(Double, String) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used |
GetFormatedDate(DateTime, String) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
GetGanttColumns() | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
GetGridColumns() | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
GetRowByID(Object) | This method is deprecated.Use GetRecordByID(String) method instead |
GetRowByIndex(Double) | This method is deprecated.Use GetRecordByID(String) method instead |
GetTaskbarHeight() | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
GetTaskByUniqueID(String) | This method is deprecated and use GetRecordByID(String) this method instead |
GetWorkString(Double, String) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PdfExport(PdfExportProperties, Nullable<Boolean> , Object) |
This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
RemoveSortColumn(String) | This method is deprecated.Use ClearSorting() method instead |
ScrollToDate(String) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
ScrollToTask(String) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
SetScrollTop(Double) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
UpdateChartScrollOffset(Double, Double) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. |
UpdateDataSource(Object, Object) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Use datasource with two way binding property instead. |
UpdateProjectDates(DateTime, DateTime, Boolean, String) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Use Project dates with two way binding property instead. |
UpdateRecordByIndex(Double, Object) | This method is deprecated.Use UpdateRecordByID(object data) method instead |
UpdateTaskId(Object, Object) | This method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Use UpdateRecordByID(object data) method instead |
Event name | Comments |
HeaderCellInfo | This event has been deprecated and no longer will be used. |
QueryTaskbarInfo | This event has been deprecated. Use QueryChartRowInfo instead. |
TaskbarEditing | This event has been deprecated. Use TaskBarEdited instead. |
SplitterResizing | This event is deprecated and will no longer be used |
Enum properties
SfGantt | Comments |
ColumnMenuItem | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
DisplayMode | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
ExportType | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
ItemType | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
ItemAlign | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PageOrientation | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PdfDashStyle | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PdfHAlign | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PdfPageSize | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PdfTheme | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
PdfVAlign | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
ToolbarItem | This enum property has been deprecated and will no longer be used. |
To get the collection of selected row indexes.
public async Task<List<double>> GetSelection()
return await this.Gantt.GetSelectedRowIndexes();
SelectRowsByRange(int startIndex, int endIndex)
Selects a range of rows from start and end row indexes.
Argument | Type | Comments |
startIndex | int | Specifies the Row starting index to be selected |
endIndex | int | Sepcifies the Row ending index to be selected |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
To get the collection of selected records.
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
var records = Gantt.GetSelectedRecords();
ExpandAtLevel(double Level)
Expand the particular hierarchical Level as mentioned in argument
Argument | Type | Comments |
Level | double | Specifies the level in integer to be expanded |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
CollapseAtLevel(double Level)
Collapse the particular hierarchical Level as mentioned in argument
Argument | Type | Comments |
Level | double | Specifies the level in integer to be collapsed |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Event name | Type | Comments |
CellDeselecting | EventCallback<CellDeselectEventArgs<TValue>> |
Triggers before any cell deselection occurs. |
CellDeselected | EventCallback<CellDeselectEventArgs<TValue>> |
Triggers before any cell deselection occurs. |
RowDeselecting | EventCallback<RowDeselectEventArgs<TValue>> |
Triggers before deselecting the selected row. |
RowDropped | EventCallback<RowDragEventArgs<TValue>> |
Triggers when row elements are dropped on the target row. |
OnRowDragStart | EventCallback<RowDragEventArgs<TValue>> |
Triggers when row element’s drag(move) starts. |
Event Arguments
This arguments will be available onCellDeselecting
event call. Check the below table for arguments with this event call.
Arguments | Type | Comments |
Cancel | bool | Cancel the action |
Event | MouseEventArgs | Define the mouse event. |
CellIndex | double | Defines the index of the current selected/deselected cell. |
IsCtrlPressed | bool | Defines whether the CTRL key is pressed or not. |
IsShiftPressed | bool | Defines whether the SHIFT key is pressed or not. |
RowIndex | double | Defines the row index of the current selected/deselected cell. |
Cells | List<DOM> |
Defines the currently selected/deselected cells. |
Data | T | Defines the currently selected/deselected row data. |
This arguments will be available oncollapsing
event call. Check the below table for arguments with this event call.
Arguments | Type | Comments |
Cancel | bool | Cancel the row collapsing action |
Data | T | Defines the parent row data. |
Row | DOM | Defines the parent row element. |
This event will be triggered after collapsed the row. Check the below table for arguments with this event call.
Arguments | Type | Comments |
Data | T | Defines the parent row data. |
Row | DOM | Defines the parent row element. |
This arguments will be available onSplitterResizeStart
event call. Check the below table for arguments with this event call.
Arguments | Type | Comments |
Cancel | bool | Cancel the action |
Element | DOM | Returns the root element of the Splitter. |
Event | EventArgs | Returns the original event arguments when you trigger the event. |
Pane | List<DOM> |
Contains the corresponding resizing pane. |
PaneSize | double[] | Contains the pane size when it resizes. |
Separator | DOM | Contains the resizing panes separator element. |
Index | int[] | Returns the index of a pane |
Name | string | Specifies the name of the event. |
This arguments will be available onRowDropped
event call. Check the below table for arguments with this event call.
Arguments | Type | Comments |
Cancel | bool | Cancel the action |
Data | List<T> |
Defines the selected row data. |
DropIndex | double | Defines the target element from index. |
FromIndex | double | Defines the drag element from index. |
OriginalEvent | MouseEventArgs | Define the mouse event |
Rows | List<DOM> |
Defines the selected row’s element. |
Target | DOM | Defines the target element from which drag starts. |
events will be triggered with the below arguments. There is some event arguments has been deprecated and some has been added newly. Check the Table of details below.
Arguments | Type | Comments |
Type | string | Defines the type of event. |
Data | TValue | Defines the record objects. |
RequestType | Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.Action | Defines the current action. |
RowData | TValue | Defines the record objects. |
ColumnName | string | Defines the field name of the currently grouped columns. |
FromColumns | List<GridColumn> |
FromColumns |
ToColumn | GridColumn | Defines the collection of columns to be moved. |
Columns | List<PredicateModel<object>> |
Defines the collection of filtered columns. |
CurrentFilteringColumn | string | Defines the column name that is currently filtered. |
CurrentPage | double | Defines the current page number. |
Direction | SortDirection | Defines the direction of sort column. |
ExcelSearchOperator | Syncfusion.Blazor.Operator | Defines the excel search operator |
FilterChoiceCount | double | Defines take number of data while Filtering |
ForeignKeyData | IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<object>> |
Defines foreign data object. |
CurrentFilterObject | PredicateModel<object> |
Defines the object that is currently filtered. |
FilterOperators | List<object> |
Defines the custom filter operators. |
Form | DOM | Define the form element |
Index | double | Added row index |
MovableForm | DOM | Define the movable table form element |
PreviousData | TValue | Defines the previous data. |
PreviousPage | double | Defines the previous page number. |
PrimaryKeyValue | object | Defines the primary key value |
PrimaryKeys | string[] | Defines the primary keys |
Row | DOM | Defines the added row. |
RowIndex | double | Defines the edited rowIndex |
SearchString | string | Defines the string value to search. |
SelectedRow | double | Defines the selected row index. |
Target | DOM | Defines the target for dialog |
Tr | List<DOM> |
Defines the selected rows for delete. |
EditContext | EditContext | Defines the current |
CurrentZoomingLevel | GanttTimelineSettings | Defines the current Zooming Level |
New Features
## 285393
- Support to avoid connector overlapping with complex hierarchical layout has been added. -
## 314220
- Support for Auto scrolling feature while using drawing tool has been added.
Bug Fixes
## 316115
- An exception occurs when save and load the diagram with PreventDefaults as “true”. -
## 314939
- An exception occurs when render the complex HTML template in diagram’s node. -
- When change the node’s property at runtime is not working in the blazor webAssembly. -
## 319545
- The issue with “Connector Property not updated at run time in blazor web assembly” has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
## 320447
,## 320848
,## 320861
,## 321128
,## 321348
- The issue with “The exception occurs when the ‘ResizeHandles’ property not configured in Dialog” has been resolved.
Breaking Changes
The following properties are deprecated and no longer works.
- Locale
- AnimationSettings
<SfDialog AnimationSettings="@AnimationSetting">
private DialogAnimationSettings AnimationSetting = new DialogAnimationSettings()
Effect = DialogEffect.Zoom,
Duration = 400
<DialogAnimationSettings Effect="@AnimationEffect" Duration=400 />
private DialogEffect AnimationEffect = DialogEffect.Zoom;
- Buttons
<SfDialog Buttons="@DlgButtons">
private List<DialogButton> DlgButtons = new List<DialogButton>()
new DialogButton() { Content = "OK" }
<DialogButton Content="OK" />
- Position
<SfDialog Position="@DlgPosition">
private DialogPositionData DlgPosition = new DialogPositionData()
X = "center", Y = "center"
<DialogPositionData X="center" Y="center" />
Document Editor
Breaking Changes
- In
, deprecated theGetDocumentEditor
method and changed the return type fromDocumentEditorModule
Method Name(Deprecated) | Previous Return Type | Current Return Type | Alternative |
GetDocumentEditor |
DocumentEditorModule |
SfDocumentEditor |
Use DocumentEditor property to access document editor object |
- In
below methods are deprecated
Method Name(Deprecated) | Alternative |
GetSelection |
Use Selection property to access selection object |
GetContextMenu |
Use ContextMenu property to access context menu object |
GetEditor |
Use Editor property to access editor object |
GetEditorHistory |
Use EditorHistory property to access editor history object |
GetSearch |
Use Search property to access search module object |
GetSpellChecker |
Use SpellChecker property to access spell checker object |
- In
below methods are deprecated
Method Name(Deprecated) | Alternative |
GetImageFormat |
Use ImageFormat property to access image format object |
GetTableFormat |
Use TableFormat property to access table format object |
GetCellFormat |
Use CellFormat property to access cell format object |
GetCharacterFormat |
Use CharacterFormat property to access character format object |
GetParagraphFormat |
Use ParagraphFormat property to access paragraph format object |
GetRowFormat |
Use RowFormat property to access row format object |
GetSectionFormat |
Use SectionFormat property to access section format object |
- In
below method is deprecated.
Method Name(Deprecated) | Alternative |
GetSearchResults |
Use SearchResults property to access search results object |
Following unused classes are removed.
New Features
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theAddItems
method. -
Provided the
event with Exception type argument.
File Manager
Bug Fixes
## 313621
- The issue with “Drag and Drop operation is not working properly with Azure File service provider” has been resolved. -
## 313555
- The script error will no longer be thrown when performing a right-click on the navigation pane in the File Manager component. -
## 314243
- The issue with “Multiple selection of files or folders is not working properly after performing a drag and drop operation” has been resolved. -
## 309959
- The issue “Script error thrown in the File Manager component while navigating between pages” has been resolved.
Gantt Chart
New Features
## 280259
- Support provided to bind datasource to Gantt without any serialization -
## 279892
- Support provide to render task information dialog with read only mode -
## 269669
,## F155037
,## 296674
- Provided support to drag and drop the rows in gantt chart.
Breaking Changes
property type has been changed fromobject
<SfGantt ColumnMenuItems="@(new List<Object>(){"AutoFit","AutoFitAllColumns", "AutoFitThisColumn"})">
<SfGantt ColumnMenuItems="@(new List<String>(){"AutoFit","AutoFitAllColumns", "AutoFitThisColumn"})">
property type has been changed fromobject
toList <GanttColumn>
<SfGantt Columns = "@(new List<object>(){
field = "TaskId", Width="100"}, { field="TaskName", width = "250"})">
<GanttColumn Field="TaskId" Width="100"></GanttColumn>
<GanttColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Job Name" Width="250"></GanttColumn>
property type has been changed fromGanttResourceFields
toGanttResourceFields <ExpandoObject>
. -
This Property declaration has been changed and declare resources collection details insideResourceFields.Resources
. -
This Property declaration has been changed and declare resource id mapping details insideResourceFields.Id
. -
This Property declaration has been changed and declare resource name mapping details insideResourceFields.Name
Property | Previous | Now |
ResourceFields | GanttResourceFields |
GanttResourceFields <ExpandoObject> |
Resources | Object |
IEnumerable<TResources> |
<SfGantt Resources="@ResourceCollection" ResourceIDMapping="ResourceId" ResourceNameMapping="ResourceName">
<GanttResourceFields ></GanttResourceFields>
public class TaskData
public int[] ResourceId { get; set; }
<GanttResourceFields Resources="@ResourceCollection" Id="ResourceId" Name="ResourceName" TResources="TaskResource"></GanttResourceFields>
public class TaskResource
public int ResourceId { get; set; }
public string ResourceName { get; set; }
public class TaskData
public List<TaskResource> ResourceId { get; set; }
property type has been changed fromGanttTooltipSettings
<GanttTooltipSettings ShowTooltip="@showTooltip">
<GanttTooltipSettings ShowTooltip="@showTooltip" TValue="TaskData">
property has been changed fromDialogFieldType
. This will be applicable for bothGanttEditDialogField
<GanttAddDialogField Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.DialogFieldType.General">
<GanttAddDialogFields >
<GanttAddDialogField Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.GanttDialogFieldType.General">
from and to properies types has been changed as below.
Properties | Previous | Now |
From | Nullable<double> |
double |
To | Nullable<double> |
double |
day property ofGanttEventMarker
type has been changed as below.
Properties | Previous | Now |
Day | Nullable<DateTime> |
DateTime |
This Property declaration has been changed and declare insideGanttTemplates.MilestoneTemplate
to provide details to milestone.
Note: Use TValue as datasource type inGanttTemplates
to access context inside template
<div class="e-gantt-milestone" style="position:absolute;">
<div class="e-milestone-top" style="border-right-width:9px;border-left-width:9px;border-bottom-width:9px;"></div>
<div class="e-milestone-bottom" style="top:26px;border-right-width:9px; border-left-width:9px; border-top-width:9px;"></div>
<GanttTemplates TValue="TaskData">
<div class="e-gantt-milestone" style="position:absolute;">
<div class="e-milestone-top" style="border-right-width:9px;border-left-width:9px;border-bottom-width:9px;"></div>
<div class="e-milestone-bottom" style="top:26px;border-right-width:9px; border-left-width:9px; border-top-width:9px;"></div>
This Property declaration has been changed and declare insideGanttTemplates.ParentTaskbarTemplate
to provide details to parent taskbar.
Note: Use TValue as datasource type inGanttTemplates
to access context inside template
<div class="e-gantt-parent-taskbar e-custom-parent" style="height:22px;border-radius:5px;text-overflow:ellipsis;">
<span class="e-task-label">@(context.TaskId)</span>
<GanttTemplates TValue="TaskData">
<div class="e-gantt-parent-taskbar e-custom-parent" style="height:22px;border-radius:5px;text-overflow:ellipsis;">
<span class="e-task-label">@(context.TaskId)</span>
This Property declaration has been changed and declareGanttTemplates.TaskbarTemplate
to provide details to taskbar.
Note: Use TValue as datasource type inGanttTemplates
to access context inside template
<div class="e-gantt-child-taskbar e-custom-moments" style="height:22px;border-radius:5px;">
<span class="e-task-label" style="top:15px;font-size:12px;text-overflow:ellipsis;height:90%;overflow:hidden;">@(context.TaskId)</span>
<GanttTemplates TValue="TaskData">
<div class="e-gantt-child-taskbar e-custom-moments" style="height:22px;border-radius:5px;">
<span class="e-task-label" style="top:15px;font-size:12px;text-overflow:ellipsis;height:90%;overflow:hidden;">@(context.TaskId)</span>
types has been changed inGanttSearchSettings
Properties | Previous | Now |
HierarchyMode | SearchHierarchyMode |
FilterHierarchyMode |
Operator | string |
Operator |
<GanttSearchSettings HierarchyMode="Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.SearchHierarchyMode.Both" Operator="Contains">
<GanttSearchSettings HierarchyMode="Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.FilterHierarchyMode.Both" Operator="Syncfusion.Blazor.Operator.Contains">
some inner property types ofGanttTimelineSettings
has been changes as described below.
Properties | Previous | Now |
BottomTier | GanttBottomTierSettings |
GanttTimelineTierSettings |
TimelineUnitSize | double |
int |
TopTier | GanttTopTierSettings |
GanttTimelineTierSettings |
WeekStartDay | double |
int |
<GanttTimelineSettings TimelineViewMode="TimelineViewMode.Week"></GanttTimelineSettings>
<GanttTimelineSettings TimelineUnitSize="40" WeekStartDay="2">
<GanttTopTierSettings Unit="Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.TimelineViewMode.Month"></GanttTopTierSettings>
<GanttBottomTierSettings Unit="Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.TimelineViewMode.Week"></GanttBottomTierSettings>
type has been changed from double to int.
<GanttTopTierSettings Count="3.4"></GanttTopTierSettings>
<GanttTopTierSettings Count="3"></GanttTopTierSettings>
Inner properties names has been changed as below.
Previous | Now |
Baseline | BaselineTemplate |
ConnectorLine | ConnectorLineTemplate |
Editing | EditingTemplate |
Taskbar | TaskbarTemplate |
ManualTaskbar | ManualTaskbarTemplate |
<GanttTooltipSettings ShowTooltip="@showTooltip" TValue="TaskData">
<div>TaskID: @context.TaskId</div>
<div>TaskID: @context.TaskId</div>
<div><p>StartDate: @context.StartDate </p>
<p> EndDate: @context.EndDate</p> </div>
<GanttTooltipSettings ShowTooltip="@showTooltip" TValue="TaskData">
<div>TaskID: @context.TaskId</div>
<div>TaskID: @context.TaskId</div>
<div><p>StartDate: @context.StartDate </p>
<p> EndDate: @context.EndDate</p> </div>
proerty type has been changed fromGanttLabelSettings
name has been changed toGanttTaskFields.TaskType
<GanttTaskFields Type="Type">
<GanttTaskFields TaskType="Type">
type has been changed fromdouble
Property | Previous | Now |
GanttSplitterSettings.ColumnIndex | double | int |
<GanttSplitterSettings ColumnIndex = "3.2"></GanttSplitterSettings>
<GanttSplitterSettings ColumnIndex = "3"></GanttSplitterSettings>
type has been changed fromstring
enum property
Property | Previous | Now |
GanttColumn.EditType | string | EditType |
Find the available EditType
properties below.
EditType | Description |
DefaultEdit | Default Text box is used for editing. |
DropDownEdit | DropDownList is used for editing. |
BooleanEdit | Checkbox is used for editing. |
DatePickerEdit | Date picker is used for editing. |
DateTimePickerEdit | Date time picker is used for editing. |
NumericEditNumeric | textbox is used for editing. |
<GanttSplitterSettings ColumnIndex = "3.2"></GanttSplitterSettings>
<GanttSplitterSettings ColumnIndex = "3"></GanttSplitterSettings>
AddRecord( TValue , double? , RowPosition?)
to add new record to gantt dynamically.
Previous | Now |
public Task AddRecord(object data = null, Nullable<RowPosition> rowPosition = null, Nullable<double> rowIndex = null) |
public async Task AddRecord(TValue data, double? index = null, RowPosition? position = null) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | TValue | data | No change |
Parameter 2 | System.Nullable<System.Double> | No change | rowIndex | index |
Parameter 3 | System.Nullable<RowPosition> | No change | rowPosition | position |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
var data = new TaskData() {
TaskId = 11,
TaskName = "New Dynamic add Record",
StartDate = new DateTime(2019, 04, 02),
Duration = "4",
Gantt.AddRecord(data, 1, Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.RowPosition.Above);
Export the gantt data in csv format with exporting properties.
Previous | Now |
public Task CsvExport(object excelExportProperties = null, Nullable<bool> isMultipleExport = null, object workbook = null, Nullable<bool> isBlob = null) |
public async Task CsvExport(ExcelExportProperties excelExportProperties) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | ExcelExportProperties | excelExportProperties | No change |
Parameter 2 | System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | Removed | isMultipleExport | Removed |
Parameter 3 | System.Object | Removed | workbook | Removed |
Parameter 4 | System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | Removed | isBlob | Removed |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
delete particular record with index
Previous | Now |
public Task DeleteRecord(object taskDetail) | public async Task DeleteRecord(int? TaskID = null) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | int? | taskDetail | TaskID |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
EnableItems(List<int>, bool)
Enable/disable toolbar items dynamically.
Previous | Now |
public Task EnableItems(object items, bool isEnable) | public async Task EnableItems(List<int> items, bool isEnable) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | `List<int>` | items | No change |
Parameter 2 | System.Boolean | Removed<int> | isEnable | Removed |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Gantt.EnableItems(List<int>{"1","2"}, true);
ExcelExport(ExcelExportProperties excelExportProperties)
Export Gantt data in Excel format.
Previous | Now |
public Task ExcelExport(object excelExportProperties = null, Nullable<bool> isMultipleExport = null, object workbook = null, Nullable<bool> isBlob = null) |
public async Task ExcelExport(ExcelExportProperties excelExportProperties) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | ExcelExportProperties | excelExportProperties | No change |
Parameter 2 | System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | Removed | isMultipleExport | Removed |
Parameter 3 | System.Object | Removed | workbook | Removed |
Parameter 4 | System.Nullable<System.Boolean> | Removed | isBlob | Removed |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
FilterByColumn(string fieldName, string filterOperator, string filterValue)
Filters gantt row by column name with the given options.
Previous | Now |
public Task FilterByColumn(string fieldName, string filterOperator, object filterValue, string predicate = null, Nullable<bool> matchCase = null, Nullable<bool> ignoreAccent = null) |
public async Task FilterByColumn(string fieldName, string filterOperator, string filterValue) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.String | No change | fieldName | No change |
Parameter 2 | System.String | No change | filterOperator | No change |
Parameter 3 | System.Object | System.String | filterValue | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Gantt.FilterByColumn("TaskId", "Equals", "2");
OpenEditDialog(int? TaskID = null)
Method to open Edit dialog.
Previous | Now |
public Task OpenEditDialog(Nullable<double> taskId = null) |
public async Task OpenEditDialog(int? TaskID = null) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Nullable<System.Double> | int? | taskId | TaskID |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
ReorderColumns(List<string> fromFName, string toFName)
Changes the TreeGrid column positions by field names.
Previous | Now |
public Task ReorderColumns(object fromFName, string toFName) | public async Task ReorderColumns(List<string> fromFName, string toFName) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | List<string> | fromFName | No change |
Parameter 2 | System.String | No change | toFName | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Gantt.ReorderColumns(new List<string>() { "TaskId", "Duration" }, "Progress");
Searches Gantt records using the given key.
Previous | Now |
public Task Search(string keyVal) | public async Task Search(string key) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.String | No change | keyVal | key |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
SetSplitterPosition(string, string)
arguments types has been changed as descriped below.
Previous | Now |
SetSplitterPosition(Object, String) | SetSplitterPosition(string positionValue, String type) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | Object | string | Value | positionValue |
Parameter 2 | System.String | No change | type | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Gantt.SetSplitterPosition("50%", "Position")
SetSplitterPosition(double, string)
arguments types has been changed as descriped below.
Previous | Now |
SetSplitterPosition(Object value, String type) | SetSplitterPosition(double positionValue, String type) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | Object | double | Value | positionValue |
Parameter 2 | System.String | No change | type | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Gantt.SetSplitterPosition(113, "Position")
SelectRow(double, bool)
types has been changed in this method as descriped below.
Previous | Now |
public Task SelectRow(double index, Nullable<bool> isToggle = null) |
public async Task SelectRow(double index, bool isToggle = false) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | double | No change | index | No change |
Parameter 2 | Nullable<bool> | bool | isToggle = null | isToggle = false |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
Gantt.SelectRow(2, true);
-SelectCell(object cellIndex, Nullable<bool> isToggle = null)
arguments types has been changed in this method.
Previous | Now |
public Task SelectCell(object cellIndex, Nullable<bool> isToggle = null) |
public async Task SelectCell(ValueTuple<int, int> cellIndex, bool? isToggle = null) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | Object | `ValueTuple<int, int>` | cellIndex | No change |
Parameter 2 | `Nullable<bool>` | No change | isToggle = null | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
this.Gantt.SelectCell( new Dictionary<int, int> { { 1 , 1 }, { 3 , 2 } } );
Selects a collection of rows by indexes.
Previous | Now |
public Task SelectRows(object records) | public async Task SelectRows(double[] rowIndexes) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | System.Object | double[] | records | rowIndexes |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
List<double> SelectIndex = new List<double>();
UpdatePredecessor(int, string)
arguments types has been changed in this method as below.
Previous | Now |
UpdatePredecessor(double id, string predecessorString) | UpdatePredecessor(int id, string predecessorString) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | double | int | id | No change |
Parameter 2 | string | No change | predecessorString | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
GanttObject.UpdatePredecessor(4, "3FS");
ShowColumns(string, string)
method name has been changed fromShowColumn
and arguments types has been changed in this method as below.
Previous | Now |
ShowColumn(object keys, string hideBy) | ShowColumn(string key, string hideBy)/ShowColumns(string[] key, string hideBy) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | object | string / string[] | keys | No change |
Parameter 2 | string | No change | hideBy | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
arguments types has been changed in this method as below.
Previous | Now |
RemovePredecessor(double id) | RemovePredecessor(int id) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | double | int | id | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
arguments has been removed. This will update timeline at start point with one unit
Previous | Now |
PreviousTimeSpan(string mode = null) | PreviousTimeSpan() |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
arguments has been removed. This will update timeline at end point with one unit
Previous | Now |
NextTimeSpan(string mode = null) | NextTimeSpan() |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
HideColumns(string, string)
method name has been changed fromHideColumn
and arguments types has been changed in this method as below.
Previous | Now |
public Task HideColumn(object keys, string hideBy = null) | public async Task HideColumns(string key, string hideBy)/public async Task HideColumns(string[] key, string hideBy) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | object | string / string[] | key / keys | No change |
Parameter 2 | string | No change | hideBy | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
AddPredecessor(int, string)
arguments types has been changed in this method as below.
Previous | Now |
public Task AddPredecessor(double id, string predecessorString) | public void AddPredecessor(int id, string predecessorString) |
Parameter | Type | Name | ||
Previous | Now | Previous | Now | |
Parameter 1 | double | int | id | No change |
Parameter 2 | string | No change | predecessorString | No change |
private void onClick(MouseEventArgs e)
method name has been changed to ZoomToFit()
for same funtionality.
-UpdateRecordByID(object data)
method argument type has been changed from object
to TValue
Previous | Now |
public Task UpdateRecordByID(object data) | public async Task UpdateRecordByID(TValue data) |
Event types
Event Name | Previous | Now |
Collapsed | EventCallback<ICollapsingEventArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.RowCollapsedEventArgs<TValue>> |
Collapsing | EventCallback<ICollapsingEventArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.RowCollapsingEventArgs<TValue>> |
Expanded | EventCallback<ICollapsingEventArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.RowExpandedEventArgs<TValue>> |
Expanding | EventCallback<ICollapsingEventArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.RowExpandingEventArgs<TValue>> |
OnActionBegin | EventCallback<ActionBeginArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<ActionEventArgs<TValue>> |
OnActionComplete | EventCallback<ActionCompleteArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<ActionEventArgs<TValue>> |
SplitterResized | EventCallback<ISplitterResizedEventArgs> |
EventCallback<Syncfusion.Blazor.Layouts.ResizingEventArgs> |
SplitterResizeStart | EventCallback<ResizeEventArgs> |
EventCallback<Syncfusion.Blazor.Layouts.ResizeEventArgs> |
TaskbarEdited | EventCallback <ITaskbarEditedEventArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<TaskbarEditedEventArgs<TValue>> |
EndEdit | EventCallback<ITaskbarEditedEventArgs<TValue>> |
EventCallback<TaskbarEditedEventArgs<TValue>> |
RowDataBound | EventCallback<object> |
EventCallback<RowDataBoundEventArgs<TValue>> |
Event arguments
This event will be triggered before tooltip has been rendered. And there is some changes in event arguments as described below.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Args | Present | This arguments has been removed |
Content | object | RenderFragment |
Data | BeforeTooltipRenderEventArgsData |
ITaskData |
Target | - | string |
This event will be triggered when editing cell. And check the argument changes in case of type and name as below.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
RowData | IGanttData<T> |
T |
Data | - | T |
ValidationRules | object | ValidationRules |
ForeignKeyData | - | IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<object>> |
EditContext | - | EditContext |
This event will be triggered while selecting a cell. And Check the arguments changes below.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
CellIndexes | Object | This argument is deprecated. Use GetSelectedRowCellIndexes() to get all selected cell indexes. |
RowIndex | - | double |
PreviousRowCellIndex | - | double |
This event will be triggered while selecting a cell. And Check the arguments changes below.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
CellIndexes | Object | This argument is deprecated. Use GetSelectedRowCellIndexes() to get all selected cell indexes. |
RowIndex | - | double |
PreviousRowCellIndex | - | double |
This event will be triggered while clicking on contextmenu. Check the the changes of arguments below.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Column | ColumnModel | GridColumn |
Element | DOM | ElementReference |
Event | EventArgs | object |
RowData | Present | Removed |
Type | Present | Removed |
Check the table below for the argument type changes in this event.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Column | ColumnModel | GridColumn |
Element | DOM | ElementReference |
Event | EventArgs | ElementReference |
Items | object | List<MenuItemModel> |
Left | Nullable<double> |
double |
ParentItem | object | MenuItemModel |
RowInfo | object | RowInfo<T> |
Top | Nullable<double> |
double |
ChartRow | Present | Removed |
DisableItems | Present | Removed |
GridRow | Present | Removed |
HideItems | Present | Removed |
RowData | Present | Removed |
Type | Present | Removed |
Some properties types has been changed and some proeprties included newly in this event call. Check the table below for details.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Data | IGanttData<T> |
T |
EditingFields | ITaskData | GanttTaskModel |
PreviousData | ITaskData | GanttTaskModel |
ColumnName | - | String |
Some of this event arguments types has been changed and check the table below for details.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Cell | DOM | CellDOM |
Column | ColumnModel | GridColumn |
Data | IGanttData<T> |
T |
ForeignKeyData | object | IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<object>> |
Some of this event arguments types has been changed and check the table below for details.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Data | IGanttData<T> |
T |
Row | DOM | CellDOM |
Some of this event arguments types has been changed and check the table below for details.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Data | IGanttData<T> |
T |
ForeignKeyData | object | IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<object>> |
IsHeaderCheckboxClicked | - | bool |
IsCtrlPressed | - | bool |
IsShiftPressed | - | bool |
Some of this event arguments types has been changed and check the table below for details.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Data | IGanttData<T> |
T |
ForeignKeyData | object | IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<object>> |
Event | - | MouseEventArgs |
IsHeaderCheckboxClicked | - | bool |
IsCtrlPressed | - | bool |
IsShiftPressed | - | bool |
Some of this event arguments types has been changed and check the table below for details.
Arguments | Previous | Now |
Data | IGanttData<T> |
T |
ForeignKeyData | object | IDictionary<string, IEnumerable<object>> |
Event | - | MouseEventArgs |
IsHeaderCheckboxClicked | - | bool |
Bug Fixes
## 313536
- Exception occur while resizing the Grid column is fixed. -
## F162357
- Problem with triggeringOnResizeStart
event when having hidden columns in Grid is resolved. -
## 312903
- Misalignment occurs in normal editing when autofit is set to true is solved. -
## F161285
- Grid batch Edit does not move to next row while pressing enter when using template is fixed. -
## 313898
- BatchChanges gets updated without changing the value in cell is solved. -
## F158722
- Search in Excel Filter after GridSearch throws exception when using Custom Adaptor with Dynamic Dictionary is resolved. -
## 306247
,## 312095
- Validation message not shown when foreignkey column is rendered is fixed. -
## 312839
- Exception thrown when cancel the editing by pressing the esc key twice with dropdown edit is resolved. -
## 318665
- Global RTL setting does not set Grid RTL correctly is fixed. -
## I309602
- Modify the method name in Scaffolded item used to fetch data from database is resolved.
New Features
## 306827
,## 307113
- Provided Support for complex objects using ExpandoObjects. -
## F160921
- Provided support for AutoGenerateField DataAnnotation attribute.
Breaking Changes
- The HeatMap
data type has been changed fromobject
type. - The
method has been removed and will no longer be used. - The
properties have been deprecated and will no longer be used. - The
property has been removed and will no longer be used. - The
property has been deprecated in root level and suggested to use theEnable
property in the TooltipSettings tag. - The
enum has been deprecated. Hereafter, we have only the SVG type of rendering and there is noCanvas
in draw mode.
Here, some of the properties are deprecated and their equivalents are listed below.
Property (Deprecated) | Alternative |
HtmlAttributes | Use the @attribute property. |
RenderingMode | We have only the SVG mode of rendering and now, the Canvas and Auto DrawType are deprecated. |
ShowTooltip | Suggested to use the Enable property in TooltipSettings tag. |
CellSettings | Suggested to use the HeatMapCellSettings tag. |
DataSourceSettings | Suggested to use the HeatMapDataSourceSettings tag. |
LegendSettings | Suggested to use the HeatMapLegendSettings tag. |
Margin | Suggested to use the HeatMapMargin tag. |
PaletteSettings | Suggested to use the HeatMapPaletteSettings tag. |
TitleSettings | Suggested to use the HeatMapTitleSettings tag. |
TooltipSettings | Suggested to use HeatMapTooltipSettings tag. |
XAxis | Suggested to use the HeatMapXAxis tag. |
YAxis | Suggested to use the HeatMapYAxis tag. |
Here, some of the properties inside various models are deprecated and their alternates are listed below.
Model | Properties (Deprecated) | Alternatives |
CellSettings | Border BubbleSize TextStyle |
Suggested to use the HeatMapCellBorder tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapBubbleSize tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapCellTextStyle tag. |
Axis | Border MultiLevelLabels |
Suggested to use the HeatMapAxisLabelBorder tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapMultiLevelLabels tag. |
HeatMapXAxis | TextStyle Title |
Suggested to use the HeatMapXAxisTextStyle tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapXAxisTitle tag. |
HeatMapXAxisTitle | TextStyle | Suggested to use the HeatMapXAxisTextStyle tag. |
HeatMapYAxis | TextStyle Title |
Suggested to use the HeatMapYAxisTextStyle tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapYAxisTitle tag. |
HeatMapYAxisTitle | TextStyle | Suggested to use the HeatMapYAxisTextStyle tag. |
HeatMapMultiLevelLabel | Categories Border TextStyle |
Suggested to use the HeatMapAxisMultiLevelCategories tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapXAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder tag for x-axis and HeatMapYAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder tag for y-axis. Suggested to use the HeatMapAxisMultiLevelLabelsTextStyle tag. |
HeatMapDataSourceSettings | BubbleDataMapping | Suggested to use the HeatMapBubbleDataMapping tag. |
HeatMapLegendSettings | TextStyle Title |
Suggested to use the HeatMapLegendTextStyle tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapLegendTitle tag. |
HeatMapLegendTitle | TextStyle | Suggested to use the HeatMapLegendTitleTextStyle tag. |
HeatMapPaletteSettings | FillColor Palette |
Suggested to use the HeatMapFillColor tag. Suggested to use the HeatMapPalette tag. |
HeatMapTitle | TextStyle | Suggested to use the HeatMapTitleTextStyle tag. |
Here, some of the property’s data type are changed and the changes are listed below.
Property | Previous Data Type | Current Data Type |
DataSource | object | TValue |
Some of the property’s data type inside various Models are changed and the changes are listed below.
Model | Properties | Previous Data Type | Current Data Type |
HeatMapCommonLabelBorder | Width | double | int |
HeatMapCommonAxis | Interval LabelRotation MaxLabelLength |
double double double |
int int int |
HeatMapAxisMultiLevelCategories | MaximumTextWidth | double | int |
HeatMapXAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder HeatMapYAxisMultiLevelLabelBorder |
Width | double | int |
HeatMapMargin | Bottom Left Right Top |
double double double double |
int int int int |
HeatMapPalette | EndValue StartValue |
double double |
int? int? |
HeatMapCellBorder | Radius Width |
double double |
int int |
HeatMapTooltipBorder | Width | double | int |
Event Models
Here, some of the event’s model type has been changed and the changes are listed below.
Event | Previous Event Type | Current Event Type |
CellClicked | ICellClickEventArgs | CellClickEventArgs |
Resized | IResizeEventArgs | ResizeEventArgs |
CellSelected | ISelectedEventArgs | SelectedEventArgs |
TooltipRendering | ITooltipEventArgs | TooltipEventArgs |
Loaded OnLoad |
ILoadedEventArgs | LoadedEventArgs |
Here, some of the event’s argument type has been changed and the changes are listed below.
Event | Previous Args Type | Current Args Type |
CellClicked | DOM CellElement object XValue object YValue |
ElementReference? CellElement string XValue string YValue string X string Y |
Resized | object CurrentSize object PreviousSize |
Size CurrentSize Size PreviousSize |
CellSelected | object Data | List |
TooltipRendering | object Value object XValue object YValue |
double Value int XValue int YValue |
Some of the event’s arguments have been removed and they are listed below.
Event | Previous Event Type |
CellClicked | string Name HeatMapModel Heatmap |
Resized | string Name HeatMapModel Heatmap |
CellSelected | string Name HeatMapModel Heatmap |
TooltipRendering | string Name HeatMapModel Heatmap |
Loaded OnLoad |
string Name HeatMapModel Heatmap |
In-place Editor
Bug Fixes
## 317509
- The issue with “While clicking the cancel button, the editor’s value is updated in the InPlaceEditor .” has been resolved.
New Features
## 308642
,## 316682
- Support to drag and drop the card from kanban to an external source and vice versa has been provided.
Bug Fixes
- “The issue with “The Kanban board card changed automatically before clicking the save button in dialog template when selecting the dropdown value in the swimlane layout” has been fixed.
Breaking Changes
- The data type of the below property is changed.
In MapsLegendSettings
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Shape |
MarkerType |
LegendShape |
- The following properties are deprecated.
In MapsLegendSettings
Property Name | Comments |
Location | No longer required. Use X and Y properties for this instead. |
In MapsMarker
Property Name | Comments |
Offset | No longer required. Use OffsetX and OffsetY properties for this instead. |
Bug Fixes
## 315114
- When the shape is selected and zoomed on the Maps, the border of the shape will be applied properly. -
## 316008
- The opacity for the shapes will be applied withMaxOpacity
in equal color mapping. -
## 315114
- In the Maps component, the zoom toolbar now renders properly. -
## F162500
- When the Maps component is rendered inside the Tab component with theRefresh()
method, it will now render properly. -
## 314597
property will now work properly. -
## 314597
- The color of the zoom toolbar buttons can now be properly adjusted. -
## 310757
- When a marker is dynamically changed, there will be no flickering in the tile maps. -
## 310879
,## F163276
- The latitude and the longitude values returned in theOnClick
event are now correct. -
## 310870
- The latitude and the longitude values returned in theOnPan
events are now correct. -
## 309303
- The provided GeoJSON now renders properly in the Maps component.
New Features
- Now,
method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Hereafter, provided theAddItems
PDF Viewer
New Features
## 309071
,## 311454
,## F62667
- Provided the support to mouse wheel magnification in the PDF Viewer. -
## 305105
- Added text and image option in the handwritten signature dialog in the Blazor PDF Viewer.
Bug Fixes
## 312136
,## 312057
,## 313209
- The annotation custom data values are maintained properly in the downloaded PDF document. -
## 313601
,## 314167
,## 315264
,## 316648
,## 317756
- The author’s persistence for the stamp annotations is now working properly. -
## 312055
- The opacity value is applied properly for the free text annotation when importing the annotations. -
## 308213
- The Page Width is fitting properly in the FitToPage zoom mode for the lower PDF Viewer control width. -
## 313599
- The ink annotation author name is now updated properly in the comment panel. -
## 312671
- The Signature position is updated correctly for the rotated PDF documents. -
## 315424
- The PDF Viewer cursor type is now modified as a pointer while adding the sticky notes annotation. -
## 316224
- The free text annotation font styles value is updated properly in the annotationSelect event. -
## 317968
,## 318252
- The Script error will no longer be thrown on adding or removing the sticky notes annotation when the enableCommentPanel is set to false.
Pivot Table
Breaking Changes
property is deprecated and will no longer to be used. UsePivotChartSettings.EnableMultipleAxis
to achieve the same. -
The data type of the below properties are changed.
In PivotChartCrosshairTooltip
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Enable |
object |
bool |
In AxisSet
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
IndexObject |
SortedDictionary<Int32 ,Int32> |
SortedList<Int32,Int32> |
In PivotViewTemplates
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
CellTemplate |
RenderFragment<Object> |
RenderFragment<AxisSet> |
In PivotChartDataLabel
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Template |
RenderFragment<AccumulationChartTemplate> |
RenderFragment<AccumulationChartDataPointInfo> |
Bug Fixes
## 311753
- Performance of the pivot table in WASM application has been improved. -
## F163476
- The issue when hiding grand totals has been fixed.
Progress Bar
Bug Fixes
## 308903
,## 316576
- Progress bar doesn’t throw any exception on initial loading. -
## F161710
- Progress bar will be rendered with proper width when loading at runtime. -
## 301174
,## 303696
- During runtime progress bar text will be updated and animated properly. -
## F160194
- Progress bar text will be positioned properly for the higher font size.
Breaking Changes
- The below event argument has been provided.
Event Name | Argument type |
Loaded |
System.EventArgs |
Progress Button
Bug Fixes
## F159681
- Progress button spinner performance improved.
Query Builder
New Features
## 313033
- Provided Header Template support.
Range Selector
Bug Fixes
## 315608
- Console error when resizing the range selector has been resolved. -
## 313954
- Animation will be working fine for range selector while selection changed.
Breaking Changes
- The data type of the property has been changed as shown below.
Property Name | Previous Type | Current Type |
Query |
string |
Query |
Rich Text Editor
Bug Fixes
## 320697
- The issue with “Exception occurs from toolbar when Rich Text Editor component is rendered” has been resolved.
New Features
- Provided support for multiple events drag and drop and reschedule them.
- Provided support for timeline year view template which is used to customize day and month headers using the template elements.
- Provided support for auto-adjusted timeline year row height based on the number of events on the day.
- Provided support to customize the first month of the year with a timeline year view.
- Provided different options to set the week numbers like Microsoft Outlook Calendar.
Bug Fixes
## 319650
,## F163550
- Now, the Sidebar component is properly visible while specifying the EnableDock property.
Smith Chart
Breaking Changes
- The name of the class which contains
has been renamed toSmithChart
. Henceforth, the<SfSmithchart>
tag has been changed to<SfSmithChart>
- The name of the enumerations have been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
SmithchartTheme |
Theme |
SmithchartAlignment |
SmithChartAlignment |
SmithchartLabelIntersectAction |
SmithChartLabelIntersectAction |
- The name of the events have been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
OnPrint |
OnPrintComplete |
BeforeExport |
OnExportComplete |
- The name of the argument types have been renamed as shown below.
Previous type | Current type |
ISmithchartAxisLabelRenderEventArgs |
SmithChartAxisLabelRenderEventArgs |
ISmithchartLegendRenderEventArgs |
SmithChartLegendRenderEventArgs |
ISmithchartLoadedEventArgs |
SmithChartLoadedEventArgs |
ISmithchartSeriesRenderEventArgs |
SmithChartSeriesRenderEventArgs |
ISubTitleRenderEventArgs |
SubTitleRenderEventArgs |
ISmithchartTextRenderEventArgs |
SmithchartTextRenderEventArgs |
ITitleRenderEventArgs |
TitleRenderEventArgs |
ISmithChartTooltipEventArgs |
SmithChartTooltipEventArgs |
- In
class, the property has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
Visibility |
Visible |
- The data type of the properties have been changed as shown below.
SmithChartRadialMinorGridLines | Previous type | Current type |
Count |
double |
int |
SmithChartSeries | Previous type | Current type |
AnimationDuration |
string |
double |
DataSource |
object |
IEnumerable<object> |
Points |
List<ISmithChartPoint> |
List<SmithChartPoint> |
SmithChartSeriesMarker | Previous type | Current type |
Shape |
string |
(Enum)Shape |
SmithChartSeriesDatalabel | Previous type | Current type |
Template |
string |
RenderFragment<SmithChartPoint> |
SmithChartSeriesTooltip | Previous type | Current type |
Template |
string |
RenderFragment<object> |
SmithChartLegendSettings | Previous type | Current type |
ColumnCount |
double |
int |
RowCount |
double |
int |
Height |
double |
string |
Width |
double |
string |
Position |
string |
(Enum)LegendPosition |
Shape |
string |
(Enum)Shape |
Sparkline Chart
Breaking Changes
- The name of the enumeration has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
SparklineTheme |
Theme |
- The name of the argument types have been renamed as shown below.
Previous type | Current type |
IAxisRenderingEventArgs |
AxisRenderingEventArgs |
IDataLabelRenderingEventArgs |
DataLabelRenderingEventArgs |
IMarkerRenderingEventArgs |
MarkerRenderingEventArgs |
IPointRegionEventArgs |
PointRegionEventArgs |
ISparklinePointEventArgs |
SparklinePointEventArgs |
ISparklineResizeEventArgs |
SparklineResizeEventArgs |
ISparklineMouseEventArgs |
SparklineMouseEventArgs |
ITooltipRenderingEventArgs |
TooltipRenderingEventArgs |
ISparklineLoadEventArgs |
SparklineLoadEventArgs |
ISparklineLoadedEventArgs |
SparklineLoadedEventArgs |
- In
class, the property has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
UseGroupingSeparator |
EnableGroupingSeparator |
- The data type of the property has been changed as shown below.
SparklineTooltipSettings | Previous type | Current type |
Template |
string |
RenderFragment<TValue> |
New Features
## 275717
- Provided state persistence support for the Splitter component. The following properties alone are persisted on each SplitterPane of the Splitter component.
- Min
- Max
- Size
- Collapsed
Breaking Changes
The following properties are deprecated and no longer works.
- PaneSettings
<SfSplitter PaneSettings="@Panes">
List<SplitterPane> Panes = new List<SplitterPane>();
<SplitterPane Size="50%">
Stock Chart
Breaking Changes
- Adding lodash script is mandatory to load Stock Chart.
<script src=""></script>
- Adding SignalR’s MaximumReceiveMessageSize as shown below is mandatory to load Stock Chart.
using Syncfusion.Blazor;
namespace BlazorApplication
public class Startup
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
services.AddSignalR(e => {
e.MaximumReceiveMessageSize = 65536;
// For Azure SignalR use below configuration
// services.AddSignalR(e => {e.MaximumReceiveMessageSize = 65536;}).AddAzureSignalR();
Data Class
public class ChartData
public double X;
public double Y;
public class ChartData
public double X { get; set; }
public double Y { get; set; }
- The name of the enumeration has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
ChartTheme |
Theme |
- The name of the event has been renamed as shown below.
Previous Name | Current Name |
Loaded |
OnLoaded |
- The name of the argument types have been renamed as shown below.
Previous type | Current type |
IRangeChangeEventArgs |
StockChartRangeChangeEventArgs |
IStockChartEventArgs |
StockChartEventArgs |
IMouseEventArgs |
StockChartMouseEventArgs |
IPointEventArgs |
StockChartPointEventArgs |
IZoomingEventArgs |
StockChartZoomingEventArgs |
Below listed events are depricated
* Load
* PointMoved
* OnStockChartMouseClick
* OnStockChartMouseDown
* OnStockChartMouseLeave
* OnStockChartMouseMove
* OnStockChartMouseUp
Bug Fixes
## 316158
- Trendlines are will be updated properly for multiple series in Stock Chart. -
## 287558
- Stock Chart events are now updated dynamically. -
## 293330
- The console exception while choosing some indicator types in Stock Chart has been resolved. -
## 293048
,## 293482
,## 293330
,## F153659
,## F159514
- Flickering issue while updating datasource or refreshing the Stock Chart has been resolved.
New Features
- Provided support for drag and drop to reorder the tab items dynamically.
Breaking Changes
The following properties are deprecated and no longer works.
- EnablePersistence
- Locale
- Animation
<SfToast Animation="@ToastAnimation">
private ToastAnimationSettings ToastAnimation = new ToastAnimationSettings()
Show = new ToastAnimationSettingsShow() { Effect = ToastEffect.FadeIn },
Hide = new ToastAnimationSettingsHide() { Effect = ToastEffect.FadeOut }
<ToastShowAnimationSettings Effect="@ShowAnimation" />
<ToastHideAnimationSettings Effect="@HideAnimation" />
private ToastEffect ShowAnimation = ToastEffect.FadeIn;
private ToastEffect HideAnimation = ToastEffect.FadeOut;
- Position
<SfToast Position="@PositionData">
private ToastPosition PositionData = new ToastPosition()
X = "Center", Y = "Bottom"
<ToastPosition X="Center" Y="Bottom" />
- ActionButtons
<SfToast ActionButtons="@Buttons">
private List<ToastButton> Buttons = new List<ToastButton>()
new ToastButton() { Content = "Ignore" }
<ToastButton Content = "Ignore" />
Tree Grid
New Features
## 303936
,## 305601
- Provided support for complex data binding. -
## 280065
- Provided support to maintain Expand/Collapse state while exporting the data.
Bug Fixes
## 314925
- The issue with “The Expand / Collapse icon is removed while expanding the sibling node in the TreeView component” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
## F163703
- Issue with “Created event is not triggered while rendering the component” has been resolved.
Visual Studio Extensions
New Features
Provided the Code Generator support for adding the Syncfusion Blazor component in the Blazor application.
Provided the Snippet support for inserting the Syncfusion Blazor component in the Blazor application.
Bug Fixes
- #304210 - Pivot table page field filter is now working fine.
- #305776 - Pivot filter MeasureHierAttribute is now handled properly.
- #299134 - Excel document with pivot table filters and pivot table number formats are now working fine.
- #302479 - Excel document with pivot table is no longer corrupted while resaving.
- #304958 - Standard width is now correct after AddCopy operation.
- #304403 - Image position is now correct after autofit columns operation in a copied worksheet.
- #305064 - Exception is no longer thrown while converting pivot table in worksheet to image conversion.
- #305842 - Cell style is now correct after AddCopy operation.
- #304124 - Cell text with accounting format is now rendered properly for the cell with indent level.
- #307537 - Conditional format number value is now correct when changing the system culture.
- #306110 - Row format is now correct while refreshing data in the table.
- #301881 - Exception is no longer thrown while resaving the Excel document when duplicate styles exist.
- #305006 - Performance is improved and sparklines are now preserved properly when deleting the row.
- #305477 - Cell color is now updated properly for databar in Excel to HTML conversion.
- #302479 - Excel document is no longer corrupted while resaving with pivot table.
- #308429 - Corruption no longer occurs while opening the file with pivot table using Excel 2013.
- #307768 - Exception is no longer thrown when refreshing the table with external connection.
- #306248 - Cell borders are now rendered properly when adjacent cells have different border colors.
- #311707 - Striped right arrow AutoShape is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #309735 - TextBox position is now rendered properly when converting the Excel to PDF with
. - #309605 - IndexOutOfRange exception is no longer thrown for the combinational chart in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #310396 - Chart title and axis title with Japanese character is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.
- #310319 - Conditional format is now proper in Excel to PDF conversion when using relative cell address.
- #310561 - Template marker copy range is now applied properly for relative conditional format formula.
- #310022 - String type number value is now detected and changed to an actual number value.
- #312715 - Hair border with black color is now proper in worksheet to image conversion.
- #311736 - Cell border is now rendered properly in worksheet to image conversion.
- #312729 - Chart title text is no longer changed into bold fonts in chart to image conversion.
- #312529 - Indent level is no longer increased while converting pivot table to image.
- #312426 - Custom time is now correct while creating an Excel document.
- #312932 - Cell value is no longer rounded off while resaving the document as CSV.
- #312736 - Chart series is no longer rendered with solid line instead of dot line in chart to image conversion.
- #314458 - Chart series is no longer rendered with connected lines in chart to image conversion.
- #286882 - Background color is now applied properly in pivot value fields.
- #314457 - Chart legend icon is now rendered with fill color in chart to image conversion.
- #315165 - Picture is no longer missed while using
option. - #F160013 - Unicode symbols are no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.
- Scatter chart with smooth line is now rendered properly while converting the chart to image.
- Conditional format applied to EntireColumn is now preserved properly while resaving the XLSX file in XLS format.
- MissingManifestResourceException is no longer thrown when parsing the Excel document.
- Null reference exception is no longer thrown while getting the
in Excel to PDF conversion. - Exception is no longer thrown while parsing a formula in Excel to PDF conversion.
- Excel document with worksheet drawing is now parsed properly.
- NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while setting date time interval in the chart to image conversion.
- NullReferenceException is no longer thrown while converting the chart to image in Excel to PDF conversion.
- Chart category axis is now rendered properly when converting chart to image.
- Chart value axis with billion is no longer missed in Excel to PDF conversion.