Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

June 01, 2021

File Upload

Bug Fixes

  • ## F165527 - Issue with “console error throws while drag and drop the folder which contains the files in subfolder” has been resolved.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • ## I324950 - Resolved exposing of internal properties in ExpandoObject datasource.
  • ## I324947 - Parent Id not having string support in load time is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I323530, ## F165362 - Exception throws while performing Grouping operation with foreign key field value as null is fixed.
  • ## I330121 - ArgumentNullException throws on rendering grid with foreign key remote data column is resolved.
  • ## I322104 - Problem with displaying filtered case insensitive value in ExcelFilterDialog filterchoices is solved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328048 - The issue with “Kanban Column name is misaligned in the safari browser” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F165142 - When an entry from the marker data source is removed, an exception is no longer thrown.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I323640 - Issue with “console error throws while publishing the component with uint type” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I325145 - An issue with appointment is not edited when using IsSlotAvailable public method in ActionBegin event has been fixed.
  • ## I328172 - An issue with pressing delete key, the delete confirmation popup shows when setting AllowDelete as false has been fixed.
  • F165706 - An issue with editor window gets closed when clicking a day in recurrence editor has been fixed.


New Features

  • Provided the EnableReversePanes proeprty to reverse the splitter panes order.


Bug Fixes

  • F165521 - An issue with content is not loaded when we switch the tabs in EnablePersistence and ContentLoad in Demand has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328075 - Issue with “error class is not removed while validating the form manually” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328038 - “Console error occurs when rendering Toast inside the tab component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I319388 - Issue with “TreeView datasource not updated for UI level checkbox interactions” has been resolved.