Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

June 08, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328927 - Accordion two-way binding ExpandedIndices property cause animation lag issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 328354 - Chart Annotation is now rendered properly when y value is set as decimal.
  • ## 328771 - Chart tooltip value is now displayed properly for label format “p2”.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • I326061 - The issue with “panels not rendered properly while making unfavorable configurations” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I329624 - Issue with “typed invalid date is not cleared while focusing out the component with strict mode” has been resolved.

  • ## F165835 - Issue with “native onchange event doesn’t fire while clicking on the clear icon” has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • ## I329187 - Issue with “TabIndex doesn’t update the properly while disabling the component” has been resolved.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • ## I325621 - Issue with “Deleting a hierarchy of folders in the File Manager component” has been resolved.

  • ## I304379 - Issue with “Uploading duplicate files” in the file manager component has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328094 - Checkbox selection state getting persisted when changing the DataSource dynamically is resolved.
  • ## F163904 - Exception occur when searching a value in Checkbox filter in ForeignKey column is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I326923 - The issue with “ListView with Custom Adaptor is not working” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • F165483 - Maps will now be exported properly to PDF document in the web assembly application.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328278 - The issue with “Splitter expand icon is not appearing some times when hovering over the expand icon” has been resolved.

Stock Chart

Bug Fixes

  • ## 327955 - Stock chart now rendered without null reference exceptions in WASM.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328345 - Popup is not visible from toolbar overflow on mobile mode issue has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • ## I328148 - Adding a new row with RowPosition as Child works fine after performing filter action.


Bug Fixes

  • ## I328937, ## I330021 - The issue when “collapsing the node, NodeClicked is triggered before NodeCollapsing event” has been resolved.
  • ## I307819 - The issue with “Dynamic binding was not working for IsChecked field in TreeView” has been resolved.

New Features

  • I307819 - Provided support to clearing the user interactions states(Expanded, Selected, Checked) in the TreeView component by using ClearState method. ClearState method is useful when changing the data source dynamically.