Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

June 30, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #I331805 - An issue with the “Accordion throws the console error on initial load” has been fixed.

Accumulation Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #F166233 - Binding dynamic object for accumulation chart is now working properly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I328072 - Issue with “full list item is not shown in the popup after filtering the text in the input” has been resolved.


New Features

  • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

    Method Usage
    FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method to focus the component.


Bug Fixes

  • #I327888 - The issue with button selection when multiple buttongroup is rendered has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I331457 - The scatter series in the logarithmic axis is now working properly.
  • #I331369 - Axis tooltip now renders appropriately, when the legend is placed on top.


New Features

  • #F164910 - Enable Persistence support for checkbox is now available.

  • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

    Method Usage
    FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method to focus the component.


New Features

  • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

    Method Usage
    FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method to focus the component.


New Features

  • Built-in support added for Tailwind CSS theme with light and dark variants for Syncfusion Blazor components.

  • Provided optional support to refer the component scripts externally from the application end to increase initial load performance. If IgnoreScriptIsolation is set to true in AddSyncfusionBlazor(), the Syncfusion Blazor components will disable the built-in script isolation and use application-level scripts.

    Ways of adding external script references

    1. The Syncfusion provides a combined script with all tools and major Blazor components by excluding Diagram, PDF Viewer, and Document Editor components

       <script  src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>
    2. Refer to the CDN script reference below.

       <script  src=""  type="text/javascript"></script>
    3. Generate a required component script and styles from Blazor custom resource generator(Blazor CRG) and refer to them in your application.

Blazor Server: (~/Startup.cs) Blazor WebAssembly: (~/Program.cs)
  • C#
  • services.AddSyncfusionBlazor(options => {
    options.IgnoreScriptIsolation = true;
  • C#
  • builder.Services.AddSyncfusionBlazor(options => {
    options.IgnoreScriptIsolation = true;
  • HTML
  • <!--_Host.cshtml
    For Syncfusion Blazor overall Package-->
    <script src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!-- For Individual Package -->
    <script src="Path for CRG generated script" type="text/javascript"></script>
  • HTML
  • <!-- index.html
    For Syncfusion Blazor overall Package -->
    <script src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <!--For Individual Package -->
    <script src="Path for CRG generated script" type="text/javascript"></script>
    • Added Async suffix convention for all our component’s asynchronous methods like Method Name + Async. For example, ShowPopupAsync is an additional method for ShowPopup.

    • Removed all the obsolete APIs that are marked on or before 2020 Volume 2 release.

    Bug Fixes

    • #I318552 - The issue with filtering the decimal values separated with comma has been resolved.

    Dashboard Layout

    Bug Fixes

    • #I329615 - The issue with “The AddPanel method is not working when using for loop” has been resolved.


    New Features

    • #F157852 - Added support to use Named/Typed HttpClient.

    DiagramComponent Preview

    New Features

    The Diagram control creates rich Visio like applications. Its Framework comprises of many Elements that helps you to create an application easily. The rich feature set of the Diagram control includes Snapping, Guidelines, Grid lines, Serialization and Zooming. All diagram elements are rendered using Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG).

    • Node, Connector, Group, Port, Label: Element used to compose diagram.
    • Symbol Palette: It holds a list of symbols that is dropped over diagram.
    • Clipboard Commands: Performs Cut, Copy and Paste operations.
    • Undo/Redo: Performs correction in recent change.
    • Serialization: Save current state of Diagram, and load them back when needed.
    • Snapping: Snap the diagram elements towards the nearest elements.
    • Gridlines: Visual horizontal/vertical lines that helps to align elements on diagram.


    Bug Fixes

    • #I330447 - The issue with “Modal dialog hides when clicking on the overlay element, after opening the dialog for the second time” has been resolved.

    Document Editor

    Bug Fixes

    • #I318381 - Resolved the script error while adding comments across two pages.
    • #I318283 - Handled the “Different First Page” in Headers and Footers after section breaks.
    • #I319182 - Selection issue after editing header is resolved.
    • #I315240 - The script error while parsing shape is resolved.
    • #I319182 - Resolved the script error while editing the header/footer.
    • #F163188 - Highlight color is now working properly.
    • #I320821 - Resolved the script error while opening document with table.
    • #I319403, #I317463 - Resolved file corruption issue while exporting the document with shapes.
    • #I319185 - Resolved left border rendering issue in merged cells.
    • #I313943 - Tab character is now displayed properly.
    • #I318786 - The document with footnote is now opened properly.
    • #I318786 - Table column width is now updated properly.
    • #I319991 - Inline form filling is now working properly in Internet Explorer.
    • #I319782 - Resolved script error while deleting the content.
    • #I320821, #I320991 - Table is now displayed with proper line width.
    • #I319987 - Table with merged cells is now displayed properly.
    • #I320513 - Header content is now displayed properly.
    • #I321397 - Table with merged cells is now preserved properly in the exported document.
    • #I317683 - Exported document with footnote is no longer corrupted.
    • #I313465 - Image inserted using API is now displayed properly.
    • #I308899 - Track changes is now listed properly in revision pane.
    • #I320270 - Table changes are now tracked during paste operation.
    • #I313821 - Table with preferred width type as auto is now displayed properly.
    • #F162726 - Line spacing is now updated properly.
    • #I319819 - Undo/Redo for multilevel list is now working properly.
    • #I318381 - Comment is now added properly.
    • #I317743 - Script error on accept track changes is now resolved.
    • #I307321 - Checkbox with tab width is rendered properly.
    • #FB23691 - Resolved changes pane visibility issue in read only mode.
    • #I319397 - Spell checker now works properly for words ending with ‘ies’.
    • #F164367 - Resolved the script error in npm run sass.
    • #I319824 - Resolved the extra page rendering issue.
    • #I319824 - Border displayed properly in the exported word document.
    • #I319421, #F163236 - Resolved the copy/paste issue for content copied from Document editor.
    • #I307321 - Line shape is now preserved properly in the exported document.
    • #I307321 - Exported document is now displayed properly.
    • #I321190 - Resolved the icon issue in material-dark, bootstrap-dark, fabric-dark themes.
    • #I319808 - Document with tab is now displayed properly.
    • #I317303 - Spacing after the numbered list is preserved properly.
    • #I324052 - Added the footnote and endnote locale strings.
    • #I307321 - Table border is now preserved properly in exported word document.
    • #I307321 - List with hanging indent is displayed properly.
    • #I321108 - Script error on tracking the changes is now resolved.
    • #I321923 - Script error on pasting image URL in track change mode is now resolved.
    • #I317358 - Image copy/paste issue in ASP.NET MVC framework is now resolved.
    • #I318843 - Resolved the list formatting issue in copy pasted content.
    • #I319868 - Exported document with image in header is now opened properly in Libre Office.
    • #I324025 - Resolved the font dialog option value in localized mode.
    • #I324223, #I324023 - Resolved the underline issue while exporting word document.
    • #I322402 - Before pane switch event triggering twice issue is resolved.
    • #F163664 - Document editor now opens large size text file properly.
    • #I322548 - Resolved the issue with track changes.
    • #I322561 - Bookmark delete and undo/redo operation is now working properly.
    • #I324028 - Resolved the issue with applying properties in font dialog.
    • #I323597 - Textbox in RTF documents are now displayed properly.
    • #I323603 - Resolved the footnote issue when switching to web layout.
    • #I321745 - Comment is now selected properly.
    • #I322561 - Resolved the script error with bookmark undo/redo operation.
    • #I323670 - Resolved the font size and font family issue during copy paste.
    • #I325291 - Document with alternate chunks is now displayed properly.
    • #I323401, #I323423 - Resolved the page wise footnote content display issue.
    • #I326150 - Resolved issue in updating cross reference field.
    • #F160804 - Styles are now considered properly while deleting the content.
    • #I312306 - Hyperlink content is now retrieved properly.
    • #I325681 - Resolved the Textbox border displaying issue.
    • #I323059 - Resolved the script error when ignore action in spelling dialog.
    • #I323423 - Resolved the issue when moving footnote to next page.
    • #I324169 - Resolved opacity issue in toolbar item.
    • #I322560, #I323516 - Script error in the top and bottom layout is resolved.
    • #I323824 - Resolved the document corruption issue when opening the document in MS Office 2007.
    • #I325554 - Resolved the script error when multiple documents pasted as SFDT.
    • #I327626 - Footnote is now displayed properly.
    • #I326000 - Document content is now displayed properly.
    • #I327097 - Resolved the script error related to square wrapping style.
    • #I327458 - Text overlapping issue is resolved.
    • #I327647 - Issue with removing comment is resolved.
    • #I322560 - Resolved the issue with duplication of page content.
    • #I322560 - Font size is now parsed properly.
    • #I323423 - Footnote is now displayed properly.
    • #I325920 - Selection behavior is now working properly when mouse pointer goes outside the control.
    • #I323608 - Textbox with fill color is now displayed properly.
    • #I326144 - Resolved the issue with multi-line track changes.
    • #I328063 - Document with checkbox form field applied is now displayed properly.
    • #I328067 - Resolved the navigation issue when form filling mode is inline.
    • #F164875, #F163714 - Resolved the border issue when textbox has square border.
    • #I327817 - Resolved the script error when using insert footnote in custom toolbar.
    • #I325320 - Page number is now updated properly.
    • #FB25004 - Exported document with table is opened properly in Libre Office.
    • #I325323 - Textbox shape is now displayed properly.
    • #FB24917 - Document is now exported properly after deleting comment.
    • #F163116 - Hanging indent is now retrieved properly in paragraph dialog.
    • #I327769 - Checkbox is now displayed properly.
    • #I326567 - Nested table with preferred width type percentage is now displayed properly.
    • #I328479 - Resolved script error while deleting merged cells.
    • #I329173, #I330233 - Resolve script error while updating cross reference field.
    • #F165501 - Resolve script error while applying border.
    • #I328310 - Shape is now rendered properly in header and footer.
    • #I325741 - Footnote content is now displayed properly.
    • #I329564 - Accept and reject changes are now disabled properly in read only mode.
    • #F164814 - Character format is now applied properly for RTL text.
    • #I328063 - Resolved script error while scrolling.
    • #I327450 - Resolved the overlapping issue in footnote section when working with text.
    • #I327606 - Font size is now updated properly for the cursor position.
    • #I329354 - Resolved the exception while exporting documents in server-side.
    • #I330375 - Updated the constants for locale constants.
    • #I330047 - Resolved the script error with refresh API.
    • #I329637 - Resoled the issue with deleting comment.
    • #I330918, #I331136 - Resolved the issue with updating cursor.
    • #I329954 - Resolved the overlapping issue in options pane.
    • #I327635, #I330160 - Resolved the text overlapping when editing the footnote.
    • #I324042 - Resolved the issue with displaying document footer.
    • #I315376 - Resolved the script error related to Jest framework.
    • #I307321 - Resolved the issue with document zooming.

    New Features

    • #I165071, #I226674, #I229069, #I231373, #I241445, #I251719, #I251720, #I267474, #I284190, #I287633, #I291766, #I295055, #I295549, #I298036, #I297705, #I301313, #I291964, #I306274, #I305349, #I308409, #I310463, #I311260, #I312302, #I313526, #I314192, #I317340, #I319563 - Added support to preserve image position with square, in-front of text, behind text, top and bottom wrapping styles.
    • #I165071, #I226674, #I229069, #I231373, #I241445, #I251719, #I251720, #I267474, #I284190, #I287633, #I291766, #I295055, #I295549, #I298036, #I297705, #I301313, #I291964, #I306274, #I305349, #I308409, #I310463, #I311260, #I312302, #I313526, #I314192, #I317340, #I319563 - Textbox shape with square, in-front of text, behind text, top and bottom wrapping styles.
    • #I307321 - Added support to preserve table positioning properties.
    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method instead of FocusIn to focus the component.
      IsSelectionInsideFieldAsync Use IsSelectionInsideFieldAsync method instead of GetIsInField to check whether the selection is inside Field element.
      GetFootnoteNumberFormatAsync Use GetFootnoteNumberFormatAsync method instead of GetFootNoteNumberFormat to get the number format of footnote.
      SetFootnoteNumberFormatAsync Use SetFootnoteNumberFormatAsync method instead of SetFootNoteNumberFormat to set the number format of footnote.
      GetInitialEndnoteNumberAsync Use GetInitialEndnoteNumberAsync method instead of GetInitialEndNoteNumber to get the initial number format of endnote.
      SetInitialEndnoteNumberAsync Use SetInitialEndnoteNumberAsync method instead of SetInitialEndNoteNumber to set the initial number format of endnote.
      GetInitialFootnoteNumberAsync Use GetInitialFootnoteNumberAsync method instead of GetInitialFootNoteNumber to get the initial number format of footnote.
      SetInitialFootnoteNumberAsync Use SetInitialFootnoteNumberAsync method instead of SetInitialFootNoteNumber to set the initial number format of footnote.

    Bug Fixes

    • #F165895 - Issue with “value persistence is not updated while binding the complex object data value to Value property” has been resolved.

    File Manager

    Bug Fixes

    • #F165003 - The issue with “The OnSuccess event is not triggered for delete action in the File Manager component” has been resolved.
    • #F165295 - The issue with “Changing the root folder dynamically in the File Manager component” has been resolved.
    • #F165482 - The issue with “Drag and Drop upload is not working when disabling the navigation pane of the File Manager component” has been resolved.
    • #F161756 - The issue with “Preventing uploads using access control is not working in the File Manager component” has been resolved.

    New Features

    • #I274680, #I290475, #I311917, #F164589, #I325858 - Provided support to pass the additional data in File Manager ajax request.

    • #I307523 - Provided support to pass the target element position in the FileSelecting event of the File Manager component.

    Gantt Chart

    New Features

    • #I279689 - Edit Template support for Gantt Column has been added

    • #I306928 - Support for Restricting Zooming Level has been added

    • #I294214, #I313460, #I324608, #I326817 - Provided Row virtualization support in Blazor Gantt

    • #I307100,#I325202 - Dynamic Object data binding support has been provided.

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      ExportToCsvAsync Export Gantt data in csv format.
      ExportToCsvAsync(ExcelExportProperties) Export Gantt data in csv format with excel export properties.
      ExportToExcelAsync Export Gantt data in Excel format.
      ExportToExcelAsync(ExcelExportProperties) Export Gantt data in Excel format with excel export properties.
      ShowColumnAsync(String, String) Shows a column by its column name.
      HideColumnAsync(String, String) Hides a column by column name.
      ReorderRowAsync(Object, Double, String) Reorder the rows based on given indexes and position.

    Bug Fixes

    • #I328609 - Issue on expanding record when primary key is named as “ID” has been fixed.

    • The PreviousData field in the args of the TaskbarEdited event is null issue has been fixed.

    • #I325311,#I325618,#I326214 - Issue in rendering custom column tab in add/edit dialog box has beed fixed.

    • #I326224 - Issue in Expand/Collpase at level has been fixed.

    • #I330852, #F165485 - Custom properties are null when trying to read them in taskbar template issue has been fixed

    • #327500 - Issue in updating projectStartDate and projectEndDate dynamically

    • #I327107 - Issue in Taskbar Template while binding ExpandoObject has been fixed.

    • #I326825 - ExpandState property value is not updating properly in GanttProperties issue has been fixed.

    • #I330852,#F165485 - Custom property value in Taskbar Template is shown null issue has been fixed.

    Breaking Changes

    • Gantt Taskbar Template property type parameter has been changed from TValue to object.

      Class Properties Previous Current
      GanttTemplates BaselineMilestoneTemplate RenderFragment<TValue> RenderFragment<object>
      GanttTemplates BaselineTemplate RenderFragment<TValue> RenderFragment<object>
      GanttTemplates MilestoneTemplate RenderFragment<TValue> RenderFragment<object>
      GanttTemplates TaskbarTemplate RenderFragment<TValue> RenderFragment<object>
      GanttTemplates ManualTaskbarTemplate RenderFragment<TValue> RenderFragment<object>
      GanttTemplates ParentTaskbarTemplate RenderFragment<TValue> RenderFragment<object>
    • In TaskbarEditedEventArgs class PreviousData property type has been changed from GanttTaskModel to TValue.

      Class Properties Previous Current
      TaskbarEditedEventArgs PreviousData public GanttTaskModel PreviousData { get; set; } public T PreviousData { get; set; }
    • In GanttActionEventArgs<TValue> class, currentZoomingLevel property name and type has been changed from currentZoomingLevel and GanttTimelineSettings to CurrentZoomingLevel and GanttZoomTimelineSettings.

      Class Property/Type Previous Current
      GanttActionEventArgs Property currentZoomingLevel CurrentZoomingLevel
      GanttActionEventArgs Type GanttTimelineSettings GanttZoomTimelineSettings


    New Features

    • #I291415 - Provided support for Frozen rows and columns with Virtualization. Check out the demo here.
    • #I321517 - Added support for freeze columns on both left and right side. Check out the demo here.
    • #I290267, #I289442 - Provided support for lazy loading with grouping. Check out the demo here.

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      HideColumnAsync Use this method to hide a single column by its column name. And for hiding multiple columns go with HideColumnsAsync method.
      ShowColumnAsync Use this method to show a single column by its column name. And for showing multiple columns go with ShowColumnsAsync method.
      ReorderRowAsync Use this method to change the grid row position based on the given index.
      ReorderColumnAsync Use this method to change the grid column position by field name.
      AutoFitColumnAsync Use this method to auto fit the column width based on its header/content size.
      CollapseAllDetailRowAsync Use this method to collapse all the detail rows of the grid.
      ExpandAllDetailRowAsync Use this method to expand all the detail rows of the grid.
      ExpandCollapseDetailRowAsync Use this method to expand/collapse specific detail rows of the grid.
      ExpandAllGroupAsync Use this method to expand all the grouped rows of the grid.
      CollapseAllGroupAsync Use this method to collapse all the grouped rows of the grid.
      ExportToPdfAsync Use this method to export grid data to PDF document.
      ExportToExcelAsync Use this method to export grid data to Excel file(.xlsx) format.
      ExportToCsvAsync Use this method to export grid data to CSV file format.

    Bug Fixes

    • #I318552 - Problem with filter/search decimal values separated with comma is fixed.

    Breaking changes

    SfGrid Comments
    Show This method is deprecated. Use ShowColumnsAsync / ShowColumnAsync method to show columns.
    Hide This method is deprecated. Use HideColumnsAsync / HideColumnAsync method to hide columns.

    HeatMap Chart

    Bug Fixes

    • #FB25078 - The issue with “Heatmap does not fit inside the dashboard panel on window resizing” has been resolved.

    In-place Editor

    New Features

    • Provided the new event EndEdit that triggers when the edit action is finished and begin to submit/cancel the current value.

    Bug Fixes

    • #I331386 - The issue with “Escape key not working same as Cancel action in In-place Editor” has been resolved.

    • #FB23795 - The issue with “Save button has the hover caption text of Cancel button” has been resolved.


    New Features

    • #I293618 - Provided support for swimlane frozen rows while scrolling the Kanban content.

    Bug Fixes

    • #I331067 - The issue with “Setting Cancel argument as true in the DragStart event, doesn’t prevent the drag operation in Kanban” has been resolved.
    • #I331122, #I332683 - The issue with “Kanban layout not rendered properly when using mobile device” has been resolved.


    New Features

    • #I320007- Support for HTML Attributes to list items is now available.

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      MoveAllAsync Use MoveAllAsync method to move all the values to other listbox.
      MoveAsync Use MoveAsync method to move the selected value to the scoped listbox.

    Bug Fixes

    • #F163935 - The issue with Current Index needs to be zero when items drops at first place has been fixed.
    • #F165772, #F165903 - The issue with data in filtering side is not updated when a filtered item is dropped in other listbox has been resolved.
    • #I328215 - The issue with MoveUp and MoveDown is not working properly, when sortOrder is applied has been resolved.
    • #I328215 - Resolved the Drag and Drop not works properly with toolbar enabled listbox.
    • #I327278, #I327421 - The issue with listbox filter input position is incorrect has been fixed.


    Bug Fixes

    • #I309655 - Performance has been improved when the DataSource of MapsLayer is updated dynamically.

    Bug Fixes

    • #F163656 - Resolved the script error while opening another menu before closing the menu.
    • #I323559 - The issue with submenu positioning flickering issue has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • #F165895 - Issue with “value persistence is not updated while binding the complex object data value to Value property” has been resolved.


    Breaking Changes

    • Now, GetText method is deprecated and will no longer be used. Use GetFormattedText method to get the formatted text.

    PDF Viewer

    Bug Fixes

    • #I315443, #I315966 - Now, the downloaded file name value will be same as we set.
    • #F162861 - The text selection is working on navigating to the page using the GoToPage method.
    • #F163390 - The bookmark content is hiding properly while opening the thumbnail view.
    • #F162904 - The text content is exporting properly for the text-markup annotation.
    • #F163701 - Now, annotation bounds returns corresponding values from the annotation collection.
    • #I318853, #I319877 - The print preview for the first-time will not be blank in the Firefox browser.
    • #F163400 - Script error will no longer be thrown while clicking the custom stamps annotation in the toolbar.
    • #I321949 - Script error will no longer be thrown while invoking UpdateViewerContainer method.
    • #F158855 - The search notification popup will be displayed properly for searching a word which is not present in the PDF document.
    • #F164246 - Now, the stamp annotations are cancelled properly on clicking the other toolbar icons.
    • #I326764, #I316512, #I327649, #I324689 - Script error will no longer be thrown while performing unload actions.
    • #F164245 - The highlight annotations will render properly on the page.
    • #F164245 - The transparent border color is preserved correctly while loading the saved PDF document.
    • #I328798 - Annotations position will be proper while saving the rotated PDF documents.
    • #I325073 - Now, toolbar options will be enabled while loading the PDF document in landscape mode.
    • The comment panel will be closed while closing the edit annotation tab.
    • Resolved the bookmark symbol overlapping issue with bookmark content in RTL mode.

    Pivot Table

    Bug Fixes

    • #330210 - Conditional formatting dropdown menu is now localized.
    • #330170 - An exception which occurs while binding empty data source has been fixed.

    New Features

    • #F164344 - Support provided to render the pivot chart series of different measures in a single axis.
    • #314024 - Support provided to edit the value cells directly without opening the editing dialog.
    • #275959 - Support provided to add fields in the report by grouping bar itself.


    New Features

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method to focus the component.
      EndProgressAsync Use EndProgressAsync method to complete the button progress.


    Bug Fixes

    • #I331381 - The issue with SetRulesFromSql is not applied properly has been fixed.


    New Features

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method to focus the component.

    Range Selector

    Breaking Changes

    • Changed event callback to Action type for events SelectorRender and LabelRender.

    Range Slider

    Bug Fixes

    • #F165135 - The issue with “Slider step is not properly working after dynamic update of max value” has been resolved.


    New Features

    • Provided the List style type and List style image support for the Numbered and Bulleted lists.

    • #F164264 - Provided ShowDialogAsync, CloseDialogAsync methods to opens/closes the Link, Image, Table dialog in the Rich Text Editor.

    Breaking Changes

    • The ToolbarStatusUpdate event has been deprecated. Use UpdatedToolbarStatus new event to get the status of the updated toolbar.

    • The ToolbarUpdateEventArgs class has been deprecated. Use ToolbarStatusEventArgs new class for UpdatedToolbarStatus event.


    Bug Fixes

    • #F165889 - An issue with the “keyboard interactions are submitting the form even the keyboard interactions disabled” has been fixed
    • #I324677 - An issue with the “Scheduler events are not rendered in the proper time range on setting StartHour and EndHour” has been fixed.

    New Features

    • #I281802, #I286079 - Initial rendering performance of the Scheduler has been improved by 25% in the Blazor Server and WebAssembly App. We suggested defining the required ScheduleView to get better performance.

        <SfSchedule TValue=AppointmentData @bind-CurrentView="@CurrentView">
                <ScheduleView Option="View.Day"></ScheduleView>
                <ScheduleView Option="View.Week"></ScheduleView>
                <ScheduleView Option="View.WorkWeek"></ScheduleView>
                <ScheduleView Option="View.Month"></ScheduleView>
                <ScheduleView Option="View.Agenda"></ScheduleView>
        @code {
            View CurrentView = View.Day;
            public class AppointmentData
                public int Id { get; set; }
                public string Subject { get; set; }
                public string Location { get; set; }
                public DateTime StartTime { get; set; }
                public DateTime EndTime { get; set; }
                public string Description { get; set; }
                public bool IsAllDay { get; set; }
                public string RecurrenceRule { get; set; }
                public string RecurrenceException { get; set; }
                public Nullable<int> RecurrenceID { get; set; }
    • Provided the support to rendering a mobile-adaptive layout on desktop devices. Also, it lets you render a desktop view on mobile devices.
    • Provided the support to customize the total number of months to be displayed in Year and Timeline Year views.
    • Improved the print feature to print all the appointments instead of the viewport only in the Agenda view.

    New Features

    • #I285270 - Provided support to pass the target element position in the OnOpen and OnClose events of the Sidebar component.


    Bug Fixes

    • #I330301, #I330301 - The issue with “While showing the material spinner, its takes high CPU usage” has been resolved


    New Features

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      FocusAsync Use FocusAsync method to focus the component.

    Bug Fixes

    • The issue with improvements in visual effect for bootstrap4 theme has been fixed.

    Tree Grid

    New Features

    • #I318494, #I319194 - Provided remote data binding support with Virtualization.Check out the demo here.

    • Along with adding Async suffix for asynchronous methods, we have changed the name too to meet standard for the following methods.

      Method Usage
      ShowColumnAsync Shows a column by its column name.And for showing multiple columns go with ShowColumnsAsync method.
      HideColumnAsync Hides a column by its column name.And for hiding multiple columns go with HideColumnsAsync method.
      ReorderRowAsync Use this method to change the grid row position based on the given index.
      ExportToPdfAsync Used to export Grid data to PDF document.
      ExportToExcelAsync Used to Export Grid data to Excel file(.xlsx).
      ExportToCsvAsync Used to Export Grid data to CSV file.

    Bug Fixes

    • #I323753, F155141 - Included aria-expanded attribute for parent row elements.
    • #I324605 - Row drag and drop works fine when dragged row is different from selected row.


    Bug Fixes

    • #F165657 - The issue with “The CheckAll method unchecked the previously checked nodes in the TreeView component” has been resolved.
    • #I328937, #I330021 - The issue with “The NodeClicked event is triggered before the NodeCollapsing event in the TreeView component” has been resolved.
    • #F165364 - The issue with “The NodeClicked event of the TreeView component does not return the nodeDetails when using Custom Adaptor ” has been resolved.
    • #F164360 - The issue with “The Cancel argument is not working in the NodeEdited event of the TreeView component” has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • #I328938 - Issue with “file list is not created while updating the Files on dynamically” has been resolved.

    Visual Studio Extensions

    New Features

    • #FB12756 - Provided authentication support in the Syncfusion Blazor Template Studio.
    • Enhanced the Blazor Conversion and Migration user experience.
    • Added the ReadMe file in the Syncfusion Blazor Template Studio.

    Bug Fixes

    • #FB25953 - Multiple theme entries adding issue in the Syncfusion Blazor Code Generator has been resolved.
    • #FB25918 - The null exception issue in the Syncfusion Blazor Code Generator has been resolved.
    • #FB26275 - Creating a .cshtml file instead of a .razor file issue in the Syncfusion scaffolding command-line has been resolved.