Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

August 17, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #I336616 - Issue with “first list item is selected while pressing the enter key on the filtering list” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338780 - Issue with “ OnOpen event is fired multiple times while filtering the value on the combobox” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I335559 - Issue with “right calendar date is moved to current month while selecting the start date in the left calendar” has been resolved.

  • #I339263 - Issue with “both left and right side calendars have same month and selection while setting the start and end date in same month” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338394 - Issue with “popup is not opened in the mobile browser while clicking on the date and time icon” has been resolved.

  • #I338243 - Issue with “popup is not positioned properly in the mobile browser when click on the date and time icon” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I338824 - The issue “An exception occurs when selecting a node after clear and add new nodes to the diagram” has been fixed.
  • #I338349 - The issue “Provide option to set assistance based on the data source filed using DiagramDataMapSettings” has been fixed.
  • I334315 - The issue “The NodeTemplate is not cleared when the diagram is cleared” has been fixed.

Bug Fixes

  • #F167764 - Issue with “console error throws while binding enum data source with initial Value bind” has been resolved.

  • #I338866 - Issue with “popup list item is not generated while binding the complex object data to the Value property” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337607 - The issue with “Unable to enter space in search bar of File Manager” has been resolved.
  • #I337568 - The issue with “Removing the file extension while renaming a file” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • I337567 - The issue with “SelectAll Checkbox is not working properly for remote datasource” has been resolved.
  • I330641 - IndexOutOfRangeException throws on exporting stacked header grid with any gridcolumn as visible false is fixed.
  • I332987, I338972 - Problem with rendering stacked header when enable persistence in grid is fixed.
  • I335468 - The issue with “Multiple column filtering is not working properly with custom filter dialog of Excel filter” has been resolved.
  • I337531 - Need to show the pointer cursor, when we hover the e-autofill drag icon is fixed.
  • I337469 - Problem with rendering horizontal scroller when having Width as auto and enable FrozenColumns is fixed.
  • F165993 - Search operation in Excel/Checkbox filter with FilterItemTemplate is not working for integer column is fixed.
  • I335281 - Exception throw while searching the boolean values in checkbox/Excel filtering is fixed.
  • I331520 - Problem with Virtualization when having Height as 100% and Total record count less than PageSize value is fixed.
  • I336463 - The issue with “Exception occur when persisting a alpahnumeric text in ODataV4 adaptor” has been resolved.
  • I327506 - Exception occurs with VirtualScroll Grid in wasm when scrolling continuously using ArrowKeyDown is fixed.
  • I335817 - Exception throws on searching in Excel dialog of Number/Date Column when ODataV4 adaptor is used is fixed.

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I338435 - The issue with “Multiline textbox when pressing enter to proceed to the next line, the value is submitted with SubmitOnEnter disabled” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • I338363, I338851 – The issue with “Dynamic DataSource property changes are not working” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I337298 - When resizing or zooming, the panned and zoomed positions in the Maps will be preserved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I316768 - An issue with “Appointments rendered twice when double click the save button of editor window” has been fixed.


New Features

  • Now, the Tooltip will be rendered when providing an ID that starts with an integer type.


Bug Fixes

  • #I336674 - The issue with “The animation occurs twice in the TreeView when expanding the node initially” has been resolved.

Visual Studio Extensions

Bug Fixes

  • #I339836 - Fixed the issue with “Syncfusion Scaffolding command-line object reference not to set an instance of object”.


Bug Fixes

  • #F167079 - Chart title area is now preserved properly when the title is set as empty.
  • #I329608 - Cell styles for merged regions are now copied properly while using Template Markers.
  • #I336161 - Exception thrown while opening an Excel document with single quotes on external named range is now resolved.
  • Name property of Shape now returns proper AutoShape name instead of null.
  • AutoShape texture or picture fill are now preserved properly while creating Excel document.