Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

September 30, 2021


New Features

  • Syncfusion Blazor components is now compatible with .NET 6.0 Release Candidate (RC1).

  • Built-in support added for Bootstrap5 CSS theme with light and dark variants for Syncfusion Blazor components.

  • Included PdfViewer, DocumentEditor and Diagram components in Blazor CRG.

  • In 19.2 release, provided optional support to refer the component scripts externally from the application end to increase initial load performance for all the components except PdfViewer, DocumentEditor and Diagram. Now, we extended this support for PdfViewer, DocumentEditor and Diagram components also. If IgnoreScriptIsolation is set to true in AddSyncfusionBlazor(), the Syncfusion Blazor components will disable the built-in script isolation and use application-level scripts.

      services.AddSyncfusionBlazor(options =>
          options.IgnoreScriptIsolation = true;

    You can add script reference in one of the following ways,

    Reference scripts from NuGet

    To add script reference for all component except PdfViewer and DocumentEditor.

      <script  src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor/scripts/syncfusion-blazor.min.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>

    To add script reference for PdfViewer.

      <script  src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewer/scripts/syncfusion-blazor-pdfviewer.min.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>

    To add script reference for DocumentEditor.

      <script  src="_content/Syncfusion.Blazor.WordProcessor/scripts/syncfusion-blazor-documenteditor.min.js"  type="text/javascript"></script>

    Reference scripts from CDN

    To add script reference for all component except PdfViewer and DocumentEditor.

      <script  src=""  type="text/javascript"></script>

    To add script reference for PdfViewer.

      <script  src=""  type="text/javascript"></script>

    To add script reference for DocumentEditor.

      <script  src=""  type="text/javascript"></script>

    Reference scripts by generating used components scripts from Blazor CRG

    Generate a required component script and styles from Blazor custom resource generator(Blazor CRG) and refer to them in your application.

  • Improved initial loading performance for the following components.

    • Textbox
    • Numeric Textbox
    • DatePicker
    • DateTimePicker
    • DateRangePicker
    • TimePicker
Components Vol-2, 2021 Release Vol-3, 2021 Release
30 Textboxes and 960 Numeric Textboxes 12-15 sec 8-10 sec
1000 Textboxes and 1000 Numeric Textboxes 25-27 sec 17-20sec
  • Removed all the obsolete APIs that are marked on or before 2020 Volume 3 release.

Bug Fixes

  • #I341649 - The issue with “IntelliSense in Visual Studio doesn’t show description when using our Syncfusion Blazor individual NuGet packages” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I342088 - An issue with the “style is not adding to the Accordion HtmlAttributes” has been fixed.


Breadcrumb is a graphical user interface that helps to identify or highlight the current location within a hierarchical structure of websites. The aim is to make the user aware of their current position in a hierarchy of website links.

  • Overflow Mode - Used to limit the number of breadcrumb items to be displayed.
  • Icons - Icons can be specified in Breadcrumb items.
  • Template - Supports template for item and separator.
  • Bind to Location - Supports items to be rendered based on the URL or current location.
  • Accessibility - Provided with built-in accessibility support that helps to access all the Breadcrumb component features through the keyboard, screen readers, or other assistive technology devices.



Improved the chart to load large amount of data without any delay, also the zooming and panning is now smooth and quick. Any dynamic update to chart is faster and element specific.


No. of records Improvements
10K 2X
50K 3X
100K 3X
1000K 4X


No. of records Improvements
10K 2X
50K 4X
100K 4X
1000K 5X

Breaking Changes


The value type of below listed event argument properties are changed.

Event Name Argument Name Property Name Previous Property Type Current Property Type
OnAxisLabelRender AxisLabelRenderEventArgs Axis ChartCommonAxis ChartAxis
OnAxisLabelRender AxisLabelRenderEventArgs LabelStyle ChartCommonFont ChartDefaultFont
OnPointRender PointRenderEventArgs Border ChartCommonBorder ChartEventBorder
OnPointRender PointRenderEventArgs Point Points Point
OnDataLabelRender TextRenderEventArgs Point Points Point
OnDataLabelRender TextRenderEventArgs Font ChartCommonFont ChartDefaultFont
OnAxisMultiLevelLabelRender AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs Axis ChartCommonAxis ChartAxis
OnAxisMultiLevelLabelRender AxisMultiLabelRenderEventArgs TextStyle ChartCommonFont ChartDefaultFont
OnScrollChanged ScrollEventArgs Axis ChartCommonAxis ChartAxis
OnDataEditCompleted DataEditingEventArgs Point Points Point
OnDataEdit DataEditingEventArgs Point Points Point
TooltipRender TooltipRenderEventArgs TextStyle ChartCommonFont ChartDefaultFont
SharedTooltipRender SharedTooltipRenderEventArgs TextStyle FontModel ChartDefaultFont
OnPointClick PointEventArgs Point Points Point
OnMultiLevelLabelClick MultiLevelLabelClickEventArgs Axis ChartCommonAxis ChartAxis
OnAxisLabelClick AxisLabelClickEventArgs Axis ChartCommonAxis ChartAxis


Bug Fixes

  • #F166520 - The issue with “Scroll bar does not work while rendering more than one Color Picker in inline picker mode” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I342543 - Issue with “runtime exception throws while binding the CultureInfo class to DataSource property” has been resolved.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I340278 - The issue with “Console error is thrown after removing panel from collection” has been resolved.

  • #I340152 - The issue with “The Dashboard panels are not occupying the free space correctly while performing Drag and Drop” has been resolved.

  • #F166401 - The issue with “Panels are placed in improper while dragging” has been resolved.

DiagramComponent Preview

Bug Fixes

  • #I342173, #I338448 - The issue “An exception occurs when clear the diagram using Clear API.” has been fixed.
  • #I341447 - The issue “The historyChange event is not triggered while rotate and move the node” has been fixed.
  • #I338448 - The issue “An exception occurs when save and load the diagram with PreventDefaults as “true”” has been fixed.
  • #I338349 - The issue “Provide option to set assistance based on the data source filed using DiagramDataMapSettings” has been fixed.
  • #F167344 - The issue “While editing the annotation’s content, it’s not updated properly in node collection for UML class shapes” has been fixed.
  • #I342533 - The issue “Exception occurs when Drag and drop a node from symbol palette” has been fixed.
  • #I338824 - The issue “An exception occurs when selecting a node after clear and add new nodes to the diagram” has been fixed.
  • #I338349 - The issue “Provide option to set assistance based on the data source filed using DiagramDataMapSettings” has been fixed.
  • #I334315 - The issue “The NodeTemplate is not cleared when the diagram is cleared” has been fixed.

Breaking Changes


The following property names in the mentioned class has been changed to the new property name.

Class Old Property Name New Property Name
Node RotateAngle RotationAngle
TreeInfo CanEnableSubTree EnableSubTree
Decorator Decorator DecoratorSettings
DiagramSelectionSettings RotateAngle RotationAngle
SfDiagramComponent SelectedItems SelectionSettings
SfDiagramComponent History HistoryManager
HistoryManager CanLog HistoryAdding
SfDiagramComponent NodeDefaults NodeCreating
SfDiagramComponent ConnectorDefaults ConnectorCreating
SfDiagramComponent Tool InteractionController
ImageShape Align ImageAlign
NodeBase AddInfo AdditionalInfo
TreeInfo Type AlignmentType
KeyGesture KeyModifiers Modifiers
SnapSetting SnapObjectDistance SnapDistance
SfSymbolPalette NodeDefaults NodeCreating
SfSymbolPalette ConnectorDefaults ConnectorDefaults
SymbolDescription Wrap TextWrapping
SymbolDescription Overflow TextOverflow
SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolDragSize SymbolDiagramPreviewSize
SfSymbolPaletteComponent SymbolPreview SymbolDragPreviewSize
SfSymbolPaletteComponent DiagramInstances Targets
SfDiagramComponent SelectionChange SelectionChanging and SelectionChanged
SfDiagramComponent RotationChange RotateChanging and RotationChanged
SfDiagramComponent SizeChange SizeChanging and SizeChanged
SfDiagramComponent TargetPointChange TargetPointChanging and TargetPointChanged
SfDiagramComponent SourcePointChange SourcePointChanging and SourcePointChanged
SfDiagramComponent ConnectionChange ConnectionChanging and ConnectionChanged
SfDiagramComponent PositionChange PositionChanging and PositionChanged
SfDiagramComponent ScrollChange ScrollChanged
SfDiagramComponent CollectionChange CollectionChanging and CollectionChanged
SfDiagramComponent HistoryChange HistoryChanged
SfDiagramComponent PropertyChange PropertyChanged
SfDiagramComponent Drop DragDrop
SfDiagramComponent MouseOver MouseHover
SfDiagramComponent DragEnter DragStart
SfDiagramComponent DragOver Dragging
SfDiagramComponent TextEdit TextChanged
SfSymbolPalette PaletteSelectionChange SelectionChanged
SfSymbolPalette OnExpanding Expanding
NodeBase ExcludeFromLayout CanAutoLayout
FixedUserHandle HandleStrokeWidth StrokeThickness
NodeBase Visible IsVisible
FixedUserHandle HandleStrokeColor Stroke
FixedUserHandle IconStrokeWidth IconStrokeThickness
DataSourceSettings DoBinding SymbolBinding
DataSourceSettings ParentId ParentID
DataSourceSettings Id ID
DiagramMouseEventArgs Source Element
BackgroundStyle Scale ImageScale
BackgroundStyle Color Background
BackgroundStyle Algin ImageAlign
BackgroundStyle source ImageSource
SfDiagramComponent Align SetAlign
SfDiagramComponent Distribute SetDistribute
SfDiagramComponent SameSize SetSameSize

Properties Type changed

The following property type has been changed into the new property type.

Class Old Property Type New Property Type
SfDiagramComponent Dictionary<string, Command> Commands Dictionary<string, KeyboardCommand> Commands
  • ZIndex property has been removed from the NodeBase.
  • SourcePortWrapper, SourceWrapper, TargetPortWrapper, TargetWrapper properties are removed from the Connector.
  • The ViewPortWidth, ViewPortHeight, CanAutoScroll, AutoScrollBorder, AutoScrollPadding, ScrollableAreaChanged properties are removed from the ScrollSettings.
  • CommandHandler property in the SfDiagramComponent has been removed.
  • ConnectionDataSource property in the DataSourceSettings has been removed.
  • BPMN Shapes have been removed from SfDiagramComponent.
  • Type property of the Gradient is removed.
  • WhiteSpace property of the TextStyle has been removed.
  • Syncfusion.Blazor.SymbolPalette namespace has been modified to Syncfusion.Blazor.Diagram.SymbolPalette


  • Native field in the shapes enum has been changed into SVG
  • GradientType enum has been removed
  • The following enum names have been renamed to the new names.

    Old Enum Name New Enum Name
    BranchTypes BranchType
    BridgeDirection Direction
    FlowShapes FlowShapeType
    BasicShapes BasicShapeType
    Command KeyboardCommand
    KeyModifiers ModifierKeys
    ScrollLimit ScrollLimitMode
    Segments ConnectorSegmentType
    SizingTypes SizingMode
    SubTreeOrientation Orientation


  • LabelTool class has been removed from the SfDiagramComponent
  • The following class names have been modified to the new class names.

    Old Class New Class
    SelectionChangeEventArgs SelectionChangingEventArgs and SelectionChangedEventArgs
    RotationChangeEventArgs RotationChangingEventArgs and RotationChangedEventArgs
    SizeChangeEventArgs SizeChangingEventArgs and SizeChangedEventArgs
    EndChangeEventArgs EndPointChangingEventArgs and EndPointChangedEventArgs
    ConnectionChangeEventArgs ConnectionChangingEventArgs and ConnectionChangedEventArgs
    DraggingEventArgs PositionChangingEventArgs and PositionChangedEventArgs
    ScrollChangeEventArgs ScrollChangedEventArgs
    CollectionChangeEventArgs CollectionChangingEventArgs and CollectionChangedEventArgs
    HistoryChangeArgs HistoryChangedEventArgs
    PropertyChangeEventArgs PropertyChangedEventArgs
    MouseEventArgs DiagramElementMouseEventArgs
    DragEnterEventArgs DragStartEventArgs
    DragOverEventArgs DraggingEventArgs
    TextEditEventArgs TextChangeEventArgs
    Group NodeGroup
    TextShapeStyle TextStyle
    Hyperlink HyperlinkSettings
    Decorator DecoratorSettings
    Selector DiagramSelectionSettings
    DiagramNativeElement DiagramSVGElement
    Image ImageShape
    Path PathShape
    Point DiagramPoint
    Rect DiagramRect
    Size DiagramSize
    ToolBase InteractionControllerBase
    History DiagramHistoryManager
    MoveTool DragController
    ZoomPanTool ZoomPanController
    FixedUserHandleTool FixedUserHandleController
    RotateTool RotationController
    PolygonDrawingTool PolygonDrawingController
    NodeDrawingTool NodeDrawingController
    ConnectorDrawingTool ConnectorDrawingController
    PolyLineDrawingTool PolylineDrawingController
    SelectTool SelectionController
    ResizeTool ResizeController
    RadialGradient RadialGradientBrush
    LinearGradient LinearGradientBrush
    TextShapeStyle TextStyle
    Hyperlink HyperlinkSettings
    Background BackgroundStyle
    PaletteExpandArgs PaletteExpandingEventArgs
    PaletteSelectionChangeArgs PaletteSelectionChangedEventArgs



  • #I186983, #I333774, #I335509, #I338257 - Provided a support to preserve comments in Word to PDF conversion.

Bug Fixes

  • #I336964 - The OutOfMemoryException will no longer be thrown while cloning a Word document.
  • #I339817 - DocProperty Field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I337901 - IF field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I340459 - HTML tags are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #I340918 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335509 - RTL table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I340452 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I338617, #I338693, #I337927 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I339721 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I339840 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I339591 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while converting a DOC format document to PDF.
  • #I337145 - Shape content is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337139 - List number is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I339224, #I337142 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I338971 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while a converting Word document to PDF.
  • #I338277 - RTL text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337903 - Text color is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337902 - Tab position is now updated properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337734 - Complex script font is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337148 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337146 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I304673, #I340821, #I339630, #I339435, #I337277, #I338429 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB27930 - Document will no longer be corrupted while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #FB27676 - The ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document.
  • #FB27639 - List number is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to HTML.
  • #FB27307 - Image is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #FB27108 - The EndOfStreamException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOC format document.
  • #I327306, #I334309, #I336202, #I336652 - Table is now preserved properly while converting the DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I331426 - Text form field is now preserved properly while replacing the text of text form field.
  • #I330485 - Ole object is now preserved properly while saving the DOCX format document.
  • #I327263 - Hanging issue has been resolved while calling RejectChanges() method.
  • #I333912, #I334480, #FB26557 - IF field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I333832 - Comment is now parsed properly while opening the RTF format document.
  • #I334216 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting the DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I334851 - Comment is now parsed properly while opening the DOC format document.
  • #I335253 - The ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown while opening the DOCX format document.
  • #I334753 - The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while converting the DOCX format document to HTML.
  • #I335244 - Heading paragraph is now exported as bookmark properly while converting the RTF format document to PDF.
  • #I335094 - Hanging issue has been resolved while calling AcceptChanges() method.
  • #I336652 - Textbox is now preserved properly while converting the DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I334644 - Bookmark content is now replaced properly while calling ReplaceBookmarkContent() method.
  • #I336519 - Image is now preserved properly while resaving the DOCX format document.
  • #FB26691 - List numbering is now preserved properly while merging the Word documents.
  • #FB26614 - Date field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields() method.
  • #I325898 - Table border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I331492 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I331818 - Image positioning is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I331611 - Exponent text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #F165847 - WCAG standard will be maintained in Word to PDF conversion with PDF/A1A conformance.
  • #I332387 - The ArgumentNullException will no longer be thrown when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB26471 - Page number is now updated properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I320911 - RTL number is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I333811 - Text is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I333912, #I334483, #I333550 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335265, #I336652 - List number is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335256 - Heading paragraphs in table cell is now skipped to export as a bookmark while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I335510 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB26928 - RTL paragraph is now aligned properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #I331818, #I335853, #I332666 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Picture bullet is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Text size is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Shape is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #FB27360 - List character is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I337255 - Text in table cell is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652, #I337144 - Tab is now preserved properly while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #I336652 - Underline is now preserved properly when converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I328130 - The OutOfMemoryException will no longer be thrown while converting Word document to PDF.

Document Editor

New Features

  • #I256210, #F150773, #I295055, #I295551, #I324037, #I326715 - Added support for Widow/Orphan control, Keep with next and Keep lines together properties.
  • #I298019, #I307321, #F160804, #F164217, #F164872 – Improved the accuracy of text size measurements such as to match Microsoft Word pagination for most Word documents.
  • #I243246, #I249594, #I287633, #I295055, #I295549, #I299657, #I308408, #I326567 – Added support to preserve tables with position properties.
  • Added option to directly convert DocIO’s WordDocument to SFDT and vice-versa.

Breaking Changes

  • Optimized the accuracy of text size measurements such as to match Microsoft Word pagination for most Word documents. This improvement is included as default behavior along with an optional API EnableOptimizedTextMeasuring in Document editor settings. To disable this improvement and retain the document pagination behavior of older versions, kindly set false to EnableOptimizedTextMeasuring property.

Bug Fixes

  • #I334754, #I337720, #F167429 - Resolved the localization issue.
  • #I333264 - Resolved the before spacing issue for the paragraph starting in new page.
  • #I333226 - Resolved the underline issue.
  • #I332508 - Resolved the tracking of multiline and empty paragraph revision.
  • #I335858, #F148494 - Resolved the script error in component destroy.
  • #F166420 - Resolved the SFDT exporting issue with shape.
  • #I332253 - Resolved the cut paste hyperlink issue when track changes enabled.
  • #I335409 - Resolved user list updating issue in restrict editing pane.
  • #I328976 - Table and document content is now displayed properly.
  • #I331333 - Resolved the page unresponsive issue when opening a document with nested table.
  • #I331763 - Table with position property is now displayed properly after editing the document.
  • #I330233 - Resolved the extra page issue when updating cross reference field.
  • #I329790, #I331351 - Table is now displayed properly based on compatibility mode of the document.
  • #I332483 - Bookmark is now preserved properly after deleting the content from a document containing bookmark.
  • #I331762 - Table with merged cell is now displayed properly.
  • #I330485 - Ole picture is now preserved properly as normal picture.
  • #I330776 - Resolved the casing issue in the suggestions generated by spell checker.
  • #I330982 - Resolved the text encoding problem when pasting with Java server-side library.
  • #I325741 - Footnote is now displayed properly when opening a document.
  • #I331634 - Table with preferred width type percent and allow auto fit property false is now displayed properly.
  • #I331274 - Table positioning property is now preserved properly.
  • #I331667 - Document with building block gallery content control is now exported properly.
  • #I331452 - Footnote inside the table is now displayed properly.
  • #I331606 - Document with block content control is now exported properly.
  • #I331667, #I332223 - Shape in footer is now preserved properly.
  • #I330686, #I331349, #I310463 - Shape fill is now preserved properly.
  • #I332333 - Zoom value is now updated properly in status bar.
  • #I319210 - The changes and comment tab in the review pane will be visible only if at least one tracked change or comment is present in the document.
  • #I337569 - Table in a document with compatibility mode is now displayed properly after editing.
  • #I331349 - Resolved the text clipping issue.
  • #I336632 - Resolved the next style hierarchy issue.
  • #I335857 - Resolved the after spacing preservation issue during copy and paste.
  • #I335107 - Table with position property is now displayed properly when it overlap on another table.
  • #I334036 - Resolved the spell check word by word service triggering issue in optimized spell check mode.
  • #I330165, #I327647, #I324515, #I338278 - Resolved the issues in comment edit, delete, and history operation.
  • #I336315 - Tab character inside absolute positioned table is now displayed properly.
  • #I319206 - Resolved the issue with displaying the horizontal line shape.
  • #F167416 - Line spacing is now preserved properly in server-side export.
  • #I335145, #I337499 - Resolved the text size measurement issue when HTML and body tag contains styles.
  • #I339105 - Resolved the number formatting color change issue.
  • #I340265 - Default value for text form field is now preserved properly in Word export.
  • #I336632 - Style names are now properly listed in the drop down of text properties pane.
  • #I338027 - Track changes close icon is now positioned properly in RTL mode.
  • #I337566 - Last empty paragraph (cell mark) inside a table cell after a nested table is now invisible.
  • #I340416 - Resolved the script error with custom toolbar items during destroy.
  • #I337274 - Resolved the border issue for merged cell.
  • #I336588 - Resolved the RTL text issue when copy and paste with text only option.
  • #I338123 - Line spacing is now applied properly for the result text of text form field.
  • #I337118 - Shape inside a table is now displayed properly.
  • #I337397 - Resolved the script error when opening a document with nested table.
  • #I337786 - Empty footer is now ignored properly from bottom margin calculation.
  • #I337968 - Resolved the automatic color issue for the text inside table.
  • #I339240 - Resolved the RTL text issue when deleting the text.
  • #I339488 - Resolved the script error while opening a document with footnote.
  • #I339715 - Footnote is now displayed properly on next page after editing.
  • #I339454 - Resolved alignment issue for a table that is wrapped over a positioned object.
  • #I341016 - Resolved the script error while exporting a document with empty list.
  • #I334046 - Optimized the spell check by page service call in optimized spell check mode.

Gantt Chart


  • Improved Initial loading time and provided PreventRender method to avoid unnecessary re-rendering of Gantt Component.
  • Provided Header Template support to customize header cell content.
  • Provided Responsive support for Gantt chart.
  • #I337754 - Provided support for updating non column fields in add action.
  • #I326818 - Provided support to handle dependency validation at client side.
  • #I326428 - Provided support for OnCellSave event.
  • Included EnableAutoLinkValidation property in OnActionBegin event arguments. Based on AutoLinkValidate value we can enable/disable validation on predecessor drawing.
  • #331813 - Provided support for splitter Collapsible support.

Bug Fixes

  • #I341261 - Issue with “event marker does not show on correct day with German culture” has been resolved.
  • #I338838 - Now, the modified Resources properly updated in Gantt ActionComplete event.
  • #I340048 - Fixed issue “unable to dynamically set the Gantt Task values before open Add Dialog”.
  • #I341461 - Now, the script error has been cleared when using Gantt Column Template with dynamic binding.
  • #I326818 - Issue in predecessor validation has been fixed.
  • #I340009 - Issue in CollapseAllParentTasks property has been fixed.
  • #I341405 - Issue with “Gantt Add/Edit dialog is not opening when click cancel icon” has been resolved.

Breaking Changes

  • We have removed Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.Public namespace.These following classes are now available in Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt namespace.

    Class Name Previous Namespace Current Namespace
    GanttZoomTimelineSettings Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.Public Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt
    GanttTopTierSettings Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.Public Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt
    GanttBottomTierSettings Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt.Public Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt
  • We have removed the following class.

    Class Name Previous Namespace
    GanttRowData<TValue> Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt
  • The following properties are removed.

    Namespace Class Name Removed property name
    Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt Action Paging, Grouping, UnGrouping,Print, BatchSave
  • The following property Type Changed.

    Namespace Class Name Field Previous DataType Current DataType
    Syncfusion.Blazor.Gantt QueryChartRowInfoEventArgs<TValue> Data GanttTaskModel TValue
  • The following methods are deprecated. Requesting to use alternate methods.

    SfGantt Comments
    AddRecord This method is deprecated. Use AddRecordAsync method to add a record.
    ClearFiltering This method is deprecated. Use ClearFilteringAsync method to clear filtered records.
    ClearSelection This method is deprecated. Use ClearSelectionAsync method to clear selected records.
    ClearSorting This method is deprecated. Use ClearSortingAsync method to clear sorted records.
    CollapseAll This method is deprecated. Use CollapseAllAsync method to collapse Gantt Columns.
    ExpandAll This method is deprecated. Use ExpandAllAsync method to expand Gantt Columns.
    CsvExport This method is deprecated. Use ExportToCsvAsync method to export Gantt Data in CSV format.
    ExcelExport This method is deprecated. Use ExportToExcelAsync method to export Gantt Data in excel format.
    FilterByColumn This method is deprecated. Use FilterByColumnAsync method to filter gantt row by column name.
    ZoomToFit This method is deprecated. Use ZoomToFitAsync method to zoom fit to project in timeline.
    HideColumns This method is deprecated. Use HideColumnAsync method to hide a single column and HideColumnsAsyncto hide multiple columns.
    HideSpinner This method is deprecated. Use HideSpinnerAsync method to hide Spinner.
    Indent This method is deprecated. Use IndentAsync method to indent the level of selected record.
    OpenAddDialog This method is deprecated. Use OpenAddDialogAsync method to open add dialog.
    OpenEditDialog This method is deprecated. Use OpenEditDialogAsync method to open edit dialog.
    Outdent This method is deprecated. Use OutdentAsync method to outdent the level of selected record.
    Refresh This method is deprecated. Use RefreshAsync method to refresh gantt.
    ReorderColumns This method is deprecated. Use ReorderColumnsAsync method to change the treegrid column position.
    Search This method is deprecated. Use SearchAsync method to search gantt records.
    SelectCell This method is deprecated. Use SelectCellAsync method to select a cell.
    SelectRow This method is deprecated. Use SelectRowAsync method to select a row.
    SelectRows This method is deprecated. Use SelectRowsAsync method to select a rows.
    SetSplitterPosition This method is deprecated. Use SetSplitterPositionAsync method to change splitter position.
    ShowColumns This method is deprecated. Use ShowColumnsAsync method to show columns.
    ShowSpinner This method is deprecated. Use ShowSpinnerAsync method to show spinner.
    SortByColumn This method is deprecated. Use SortByColumnAsync method to sort a column.
    ZoomIn This method is deprecated. Use ZoomInAsync method to timeline zoom in.
    ZoomOut This method is deprecated. Use ZoomOutAsync method to timeline zoom out.
    GetSelectedRowIndexes This method is deprecated. Use GetSelectedRowIndexesAsync method to get selected Row Indexes.
    SelectRowsByRange This method is deprecated. Use SelectRowsByRangeAsync method to select range of Rows.
    GetSelectedRecords This method is deprecated. Use GetSelectedRecordsAsync method to get selected records.
    ExpandAtLevel This method is deprecated. Use ExpandAtLevelAsync method to expand the hierarchical Level.
    CollapseAtLevel This method is deprecated. Use CollapseAtLevelAsync method to collapse the hierarchical Level.
    UpdateRecordByID This method is deprecated. Use UpdateRecordByIDAsync method to update the record.
    ReorderRows This method is deprecated. Use ReorderRowAsync method to reorder row.



  • #I326598 - Provided Custom Sort Comparer support for column.
  • #F152093, #I273767, #I283830, #I296220, #I316636, #I325204,#I327364, #I338418 - Adaptive UI layout support for all devices.
  • #I321541, #I327366 - Provided content template support for column chooser.
  • #F157787, #I322795 - Provided support to show clear icon in search textbox of toolbar item.
  • #F167408, #I340223, #I342816 - Provided support to custom datasource for Checkbox/Excel filter list datasource.

Bug Fixes

  • #I337655, #I342111 - Excel filter dialog closes when clicking on “Blanks” checkbox in WASM is fixed.
  • #I336713 - Filter template is rendered in wrong column when the stacked column is present is resolved.
  • #I340476 - Null reference exception throws on reordering row by using the ReorderRowAsync method is fixed.

Icon Preview


Syncfusion Icon component provides support to render predefined Syncfusion icons or custom font icons. The component comes with options to customize an icon’s title, size, and color, and it supports third-party icon integration.

  • Name - Pre-defined Syncfusion Icons.
  • Icon Size - Customize the Icon size.
  • Icon color - Customize the Icon color.
  • Third-party Icon Integration - To render custom font icons like open-iconic and font-awesome.
  • Accessibility - Set title attribute for the icon to improve accessibility with screen readers and shows a tooltip on mouseover.



  • #I337337 - Provided support to bind the ObservableCollection, DynamicObject, and ExpandoObject data to the Kanban board.


Bug Fixes

  • #I333504 - Provided Enable Persistence support for ListBox.
  • #I332049 - Issue with “Items not moved properly when an item is in selected state in ListBox and filtering is applied” has been resolved.
  • #I331846, #F168142 - Resolved the script error in ListBox while navigating to other page with dual ListBox.
  • #F167779 - Issue with “Target element was null in OnDrop event of ListBox” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168285 - The issue with “Updating the GroupBy field dynamically in the ListView component” has been resolved.



  • Online map providers, such as ESRI, TomTom, and MapBox, can now be rendered in the Blazor Maps component.
  • The zooming toolbar can now be customized in terms of appearance. This includes the fill color, background color, border color, icon color, font settings, spacing, padding, width, and other options.

Bug Fixes

  • #I340269 - Exception will not be thrown when navigating from the page with Maps component to another page.
  • #F168114 - Tile maps will now be rendered properly without white spaces while panning.
  • #I337298 - ZoomByPosition method will now work properly in the OnZoom event.

Breaking Changes

The following properties are deprecated.

SfMaps Comments
UseGroupingSeparator This property is deprecated. Use EnableGroupingSeparator to separate the numbers with comma separator.
MapsLayer Comments
BingMapType This property is deprecated. Use GetBingUrlTemplate method and UrlTemplate property to render various Bing map types.
LayerType This property is deprecated. Use UrlTemplate property to render various map providers without setting the LayerType.
StaticMapType This property is deprecated and will no longer be used.
Key This property is deprecated. Use UrlTemplate property to set the map provider URL with their access key.
MapsZoomSettings Comments
HighlightColor This property is deprecated. Use HighlightColor of MapsZoomToolbarButton class to achieve highlight color of zooming toolbar button.
SelectionColor This property is deprecated. Use SelectionColor of MapsZoomToolbarButton class to achieve selection color of zooming toolbar button.
HorizontalAlignment This property is deprecated. Use HorizontalAlignment of MapsZoomToolbarSettings class to achieve horizontal alignment of zooming toolbar.
VerticalAlignment This property is deprecated. Use VerticalAlignment of MapsZoomToolbarSettings class to achieve vertical alignment of zooming toolbar.
Toolbars This property is deprecated. Use ToolbarItems of MapsZoomToolbarButton class to add predefined buttons in zooming toolbar.
ToolBarOrientation This property is deprecated. Use Orientation of MapsZoomToolbarSettings class to achieve orientation of zooming toolbar.


Bug Fixes

  • #I342184, #I342180 - Issue with “input value is reset to the previous value of the component while pressing the enter key” has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • #I334845 - Issue with “submenu does not close properly while having scroller” has been resolved.
  • #I339514 - Issue with “Menu items disappear while hovering on submenu” has been resolved.
  • #I332425 - Resolved the issue while hovering the Menu in Debug mode.



  • #F167423 - Now, you can change the value of the typed custom value using CustomValueSpecifier event.
<SfMultiSelect TValue="int[]" TItem="Countries" DataSource="@CountryList">
    <MultiSelectEvents TValue="int[]" TItem="Countries" CustomValueSpecifier="@customValue"></MultiSelectEvents>
    <MultiSelectFieldSettings Text="Name" Value="Code"></MultiSelectFieldSettings>

@code {
    private IEnumerable<Countries> CountryList

    private void customValue(CustomValueSpecifier<Countries> args)
        args.NewData = new Countries() { Code = 22, Name = args.Text };
    public class Countries
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Code { get; set; }



  • #323190, #323169, #323166, #334076, #338447 - Now, import or export the form data properly from different PDF processing libraries and applications.
  • #239648, #275725, #324732, #325276, #329312 – Added the support to draw Arabic characters with advanced typography.
  • #325958, #326694 – Added the support to rotate the form fields in 0, 90, 180, and 270-degree angles.
  • #334340 - Added the support to get the size of PdfQRBarcode.

Bug Fixes

  • #334352, #334174, #334360, #321178, #326601 – The rendering issues are now resolved with PdfGrid.
  • #321533 – The PdfLoadedCheckBoxField value will be retrieved properly from the existing PDF form.
  • #340014 – The PdfLoadedComboBoxField value will be updated properly when flattening the form fields.
  • #339796, #340893 – The PdfDocumentException will no longer occur while loading a PDF document.
  • #335088 – Color will be retrieved properly from the PdfLoadedFreeTextAnnotation.
  • #341003 – Font will be updated properly in all the PdfLoadedTextBoxField with the same name.
  • #340147 – NullReferenceException will no longer occur while getting the UsedFonts from a PDF document.
  • #338845, #339634 – DocumentInformation will be updated properly while adding values to metadata.
  • #334076 – The PdfForm data will be exported properly in the XML and XFDF formats.
  • #339945 – Exception will no longer occur while loading the PDF document with the invalid page nodes.
  • #340842 – ObjectDisposedException will no longer occur while loading the PDF document with an incorrect password.
  • #340709, #339257 – PdfException will no longer occur while loading a PDF document in the open and repair mode.
  • #339929 – PdfException will no longer occur while saving a document in the open and repair mode.
  • #338459 – Image will be preserved properly while converting Word to PDF document.
  • #337756 – The baseline alignment issues will no longer occur while converting Word to PDF.
  • #339709 - Certificate information will be retrieved properly for the existing broken signatures.
  • #340065 - PdfGird is now preserved properly when a single instance is drawn in multiple locations.
  • #F168454 – The PdfLoadedTextBoxField name will be retrieved properly from the existing PDF form.
  • #F168500 – Exception will no longer occur while updating the text in PdfLoadedTextBoxField.
  • #F167592 - PDF bookmarks will be retrieved properly while it contains special characters.
  • ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer occur while filling the particular form field
  • Japanese characters will be retrieved properly from the PDF document information.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #338441, #338820, #F167563 - The height of the parent div element is now applied to the PDF Viewer component.
  • #339345, #340936 - Loading indicator is no longer spinning continuously.
  • #330812, #331350 - The position and the size of the annotations are changed programmatically.
  • #326412, #326976 - Script error no longer occurs while loading the PDF Viewer component in the mobile mode.
  • #337836 - “Web service is not listening” issue no longer occurs while downloading the PDF document.
  • #338852 - Zoom drop-down is now displayed properly in the full screen view.
  • #339717 - Some tiles on the first page of the PDF document are now loaded properly.
  • #339346 - Comment panel can now be closed if the width of the PDF Viewer container is small.
  • #338269 - PDF Viewer no longer crashes while invoking the exportFormFieldsAsObject() and exportFormFieldsAsObjectAsync() methods.
  • #328798 - Highlight annotation is now working properly while opening the downloaded landscape document with Adobe reader.
  • #F167997 - The mobile toolbar can now be disabled while setting the enableToolbar property to FALSE in the PdfViewerServer.
  • #F168163 - DownloadFileName is now working when loading a document from the documentPath.
  • #F167918 - Exception is no longer thrown while extracting the text from the provided document.
  • Not implemented exception no longer occurs while invoking the documentLoad event in the docker environment.

Pivot Table


  • #I341060 - Provided EnginePopulated event support while performing drill operation in the Pivot Table.

Bug Fixes

  • #F168722 - BeforeExport event is now triggered properly on Pivot Table exporting.

Breaking Changes

  • Syncfusion.Blazor.PivotView.PivotChartTheme enum has been modified to Syncfusion.Blazor.Theme.



  • #I254156 - Added encryption and decryption support for PowerPoint presentation.

Bug Fixes

  • #I331919 - The IndexOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint presentation with empty VML shape.
  • #I336115 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while cloning the PowerPoint presentation with table.
  • #F167364 - Created Notes slide is now preserved properly while opening in Mac Keynote application.
  • #I336013 - Paragraph font properties are now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to Image.
  • #I338014 - Clone and merge within same PowerPoint presentation is now working properly.
  • #I339978 - End paragraph properties are now applied properly in newly added text.
  • #I340325 - Multiple excel files are now added properly as OLE Object within same PowerPoint presentation.


Breaking Changes

  • Removed the parameter ‘target’ in GetGroup method.

Bug Fixes

  • #I333261 - The issue with “Importing SQL rule where value contains space” has been fixed.
  • #I336729 - The issue with “EnablePersistence while using isNull operator” has been fixed.
  • #I338262 - The issue with “Number type column values disappear for IN operator” has been fixed.
  • #F167671 - The issue with “Custom Operator does not render properly” has been fixed.
  • #F160333 - The issue with “ previous column was not removed when we add columns dynamically” has been fixed.


Breaking Changes

  • #I334962 - The image size popup, now has an option to set an auto value.

Bug Fixes

  • #I342683 - The issue with “Page reloads, when pasting content from Ms-Word to Rich Text Editor when using Events tag” has been resolved.



  • Provided support to bind the ObservableCollection, DynamicObject, and ExpandoObject data to the appointment and resource data source.
  • Provided support to sort appointments by priority instead of time.
  • Provided the placeholder(virtual mask) support for Virtualization.
  • #F166351 - Provided template support for header indent cells.
  • #I341443, #I325768 - Provided the timezone support for the current time indicator.

Bug Fixes

  • #F168839 - An issue with the recurrence events dragging has been fixed.
  • #I340852 - An issue with the “CustomAdaptor ReadAsync called twice” has been fixed.
  • #I340998 - An issue with the OnActionFailure event has been fixed.
  • #F167873, #F166967 - An issue with the Scheduler timezone and the events specified timezone has been fixed.

Bug Fixes

  • The issue with “The Sidebar background color is not correct in high-contrast theme” has been resolved.



  • #I326426, #I331813, #I325380 - Provided template support for the resize icon in the separator of the Splitter.
  • #I323587 - Provided support to dynamically show or hide the Splitter panes.


Bug Fixes

  • #F159026, #F165343 - Issue with “icon and placeholder are overlapped while adding the icon in the prepend position of the component” has been resolved.

  • #I330309 - Now, you can render the multiple textbox component in the single page with better UI and interaction performance


Bug Fixes

  • #I342050, #I342850, #F168876, #F169030 - An issue with the “empty toolbar in .NET 6 RC1” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB22166 - The issue with “The script error occurs in the Tooltip like Could not find 'sfBlazor.Tooltip.updateProperties' ('Tooltip' was undefined). while updating the content at initialize method” has been resolved.

Tree Grid


  • #I324607 - Provided support for Paste and AutoFill functionalities like Microsoft office Excel.
  • #I324614 - Provided template support for Column Chooser Customization.
  • #I311578 - Provided support for Custom Validation during CRUD operations.
  • #I325212 - Provided support for Column Virtualization which boosts performance of tree grid.


Bug Fixes

  • #F168465 - Now, the Expanded Nodes are persisting properly while specifying the EnablePersistence property in the Tree View component.



  • #F167537 - Now, you can get the MIME content type in the ValueChange event argument.

Visual Studio Code Extensions

Bug Fixes

  • #FB27317 - Fixed the UI loading issue in Blazor VS Code Template Studio.

Visual Studio Extensions

New Features

  • Provided the Bootstrap 5 theme support to the Blazor template studio and conversion and migration.

Bug Fixes

  • #FB27579 - Fixed the Set property System.Windows.FrameworkElement.Style exception in Syncfusion check for updates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I330055 - Formula with negative values are now handled properly.
  • #I332467 - Binary records parsing is now correct while opening an XLSB document.
  • #I333060 - File corruption while creating pivot table containing row fields with mixed values is now resolved.
  • #I333270 - Pivot table values field position is now preserved properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #I332751 - Pivot cache fields with empty values are now handled properly while resaving the Excel document.
  • #FB26790 - Option button check state is now updated properly for different linked cell.
  • #FB26791 - XmlException thrown while setting value in option button linked cell is now resolved.
  • #I334495, #I335887 - Chart data labels with manual layout are now preserved properly.
  • #F167079 - Chart title area is now preserved properly when the title is set as empty.
  • #I329608 - Cell styles for merged regions are now copied properly while using Template Markers.
  • #I336161 - Exception thrown while opening an Excel document with single quotes on external named range is now resolved.
  • #FB27546 - Tab character included in table column header value is now returned properly.
  • #I336277 - Time value being shown as date in pivot table in .NET Core is now resolved.
  • #I337534 - Sheet index for external workbook reference is now updated properly.
  • #F167885 - Link to content option in custom document properties is now working properly.
  • #I340041 - Performance issue while opening an Excel document with auto filters is now resolved.
  • Shape text color is now rendered properly when the black and white PageSetup setting is enabled.
  • Text box with picture and texture fill is now proper while resaving the Excel document.
  • Hyperlink default color is now correct while creating the hyperlink.
  • Shape borders are now proper while resaving the Excel document.
  • Pivot table data field base field number format is now proper.
  • Checkbox with dotted-round border style is now preserved properly while creating the Excel document.
  • RichText is now applied properly in shape text while dong AddCopy of Excel worksheet.
  • Font name and size of comment shape text are proper while creating the Excel document.
  • Name property of Shape now returns proper AutoShape name instead of null.
  • AutoShape texture or picture fill are now preserved properly while creating Excel document.
  • Specific text conditional format with formula is now proper while creating and resaving the Excel document.
  • Data bar conditional format is now proper while creating more than one data bar conditional format in Excel document.
  • Default settings of data bar conditional format is now properly preserved while creating Excel document.
  • Number format of total row count calculated value in Excel table is now proper.
  • Conditional format is now applied properly even while creating multiple conditional formats for Excel range.