Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

October 12, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • #343798 - Chart mouse event listener is now properly disposed when switching between chart components.

  • #F167674 - Chart now render without any exception when the width & height value is null.

  • #343102 - The title of the PrimaryYAxis no longer overlaps with the axis labels..

  • Chart with live data is now render without any exceptions.


Bug Fixes

  • #I344437 - Issue with “Focus event fired twice while clicking on the dropdown icon” has been resolved.

  • #F156747 - Issue with “wrong background color is applied to the input element while rendering the component with readonly mode” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I344226 - Now, IsInteracted argument is updated properly in the ValueChange event while selecting the date in the popup.

Bug Fixes

  • #F156747 - Issue with “wrong background color is applied to the input element while rendering the component with readonly mode” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I342939, #I339860 - The issue with “Performing copy-paste operation within the same folder while using Azure file system provider” has been resolved.

  • #I340682 - The issue with “Restricting the auto upload functionality in the File Manager” has been resolved.

Gantt Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I326818 - Issue on predecessor validation has been fixed.
  • #I326748 - Issue with gantt splitter has been fixed.
  • #I344161 - “Gantt Splitter not properly resizing for random scenario” issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I339132 - Not vertically auto scroll down while dragging the row on the Grid content is fixed.
  • #I340381 - GridHeaderContent area is missed when dynamically modifying the FrozenColumns is resolved.
  • #I336781 - Auto generated columns order is not persisted when reordering the columns and refreshing the page is resolved.
  • #I341792, #F164275 - Context menu position is not correct when browser scrollbar is scroll down has been fixed.
  • #I318841 - Grid persistence is not working while defining multiple foreign-key columns in Grid is fixed.
  • #I338300, #F168234, #I341560, #I343531 - Exception throws on resizing the columns in grid when system language is other than English is resolved.
  • #F168211 - Now string type(number as string) primary key column value is passed with exact type in OData Update request.
  • #I339723 - Horizontal scrollbar is missing when the hidden column is not having width has been fixed.
  • #F167794 - Need to enable Update button and save change in batch mode when grid edit mode is focused out is fixed.
  • #I337556 - Selected row gets deselected when invoking SelectRow method with toggle parameter as false has been fixed.
  • #I342521 - RowDeselect event is not triggered properly in Grid is resolved.
  • #I342385 - Wrong height set for Grid content when using FrozenRows with Height as 100% has been fixed.
  • #I344420 - Exception occur when trying to filter the grouped complex column with empty value is fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with “Script error thrown when setting SortBy property as Index with Field property” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I343390, #I344061- Issue with “dropdown icon and clear icon are misplaced while rendering component with material outline styling” has been resolved.

  • #I339063 - Issue with “input gets flicker in the azure hosted application while entering the value in the input” has been resolved.

PDF Viewer

Bug Fixes

  • #343036 - The Script error will no longer be thrown if you disable the annotation module.

  • #342457 - The PDF pages are rendered properly when they are scrolled with a minimum zoom percentage.

  • #342004 - Now, the tooltip of the thumbnails and bookmarks are shown and hidden properly.

  • #341392 - Now, the Loading indicator is hidden properly after closing or canceling the password-protected dialog box.

  • #342604 - Now, the search indicator is hidden properly if the search content is not available.

  • #342555 - Now, the text search result shows the correct position of the highlighted text.

  • #339898 - The memory leak occurs in the PdfViewer component is resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I325324 - The issue with “Image popup in Rich Text Editor get closed, when scrolling the page by clicking the scroll bar” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB28955 - An issue with the appointment editing in the mobile mode has been fixed.
  • #FB29284 - An issue with the “Scheduler throws an exception when the ID field is not mapped” has been fixed.
  • #I341183 - An issue with the events rendering performance for Month view in WASM Scheduler has been improved.


Bug Fixes

  • The issue with “Pane resize not working properly after first time” has been resolved.
  • #I313886 - The issue with “Resizing is not working properly, when enable the EnableReversePanes and EnableRtl properties” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I342622, #F169098 - Re-order tabs not stable in multi row mode issue has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I341942 - The issue with “OnClick event arguments not receiving the ShowModels value” has been resolved.