Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
January 18, 2022
Bug Fixes
- The issue with chart series markers displaying outside of the chart area has been rectified.
Circular Gauge
Bug fixes
- Exceptions will not be thrown when the Circular Gauge is resized.
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “Unable to drag and drop panel to an empty row in Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “The panels flicker while dragging the panels slowly in the Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “start and end dates are not updated to the component while changing dynamically” has been resolved.
DiagramComponent Preview
Bug fixes
- Now, the position changed event will be triggered while nudging the diagram element.
Bug fixes
, ` #F170519` - Issue with “popup opens behind the modal dialog in the mobile mode while filtering is enabled” has been resolved.
Gantt Chart
Bug fixes
- Issue on NullReferenceException when switching the tab has been fixed.
-Issue while changing the splitter view usingSetSplitterPositionAsync()
method, after collapse any pane has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Need to close/save the edited cell when clicking on the Expand/Collapse icon is fixed. -
- Virtualized Grid is not rendering properly with VirtualMaskRow feature and 100% height is resolved. -
- Template column Headertext not rendered when enabling EnableAdaptiveUI and Vertical RowRenderingMode is fixed. -
- Filtering is not working in ODataV4 adaptor when decimal separator is comma (,) instead of (.) dot is fixed. -
- Misalignment with movable and frozen content when rendering Grid with ForeignColumn and RowHeight as 20 is resolved. -
- Problem with searching Turkish/French words in Grid is fixed. -
- Left and Top arguments of Row Drag events are not proper in firefox browser is resolved. -
- Empty Record Text is not displayed properly in Masked row enabled Grid is fixed.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “value is not deleted in the IOS mobile device while deleting the value using backspace key” has been resolved
Bug Fixes
- #I349327 - PDF document will no longer be corrupted while rescaling page on an existing PDF document.
- #361258 - Fatal exception will no longer occur while performing regression tests.
Bug fixes
- An issue with “Custom cell height is not applied at the initial rendering with virtual scrolling” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Blank space on initial load with virtual scrolling” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Virtual scroll performance issue on initial and reload” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Scheduler renders without waiting popup after scroll button click with virtual scroll” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Drag/drop cancels with virtual scrolling” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Scheduler renders without waiting popup after scrolling the content with virtual scroll” has been fixed. -
- An issue in event rendering while setting different timescale interval has been fixed. -
- Prevented quick popup opening when double clicking the cell or appointment. -
- Appointment not occupying the entire cell height while enabledIgnoreWhiteSpace
on initial rendering has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with tab drag and drop reordering on multiple row mode has been fixed.