Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

February 08, 2022


Bug Fixes

  • #I364325 - Trendline marker is now rendering properly.
  • #I363263 - Radar chart empty datasource console error issue has been resolved.
  • #I364321, #I364318 - Trendline forecast numeric value is now working properly.
  • #F172216 - Pie chart WASM .Net 6 console error issue has been resolved.

Dashboard Layout

Bug fixes

  • #I347658, #I348605 - The issue with “The panels flicker while dragging the panels slowly in the Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved.
  • #I357743 - The issue with “Persistence is not maintained in Dashboard Layout when using delay in the OnInitializedAsync method” has been resolved.
  • #I363746 - The issue with “Panel position jumps for next row instead of expected row while dragging vertically in Blazor Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #F171754 - Text found properly while finding a text in Word document using FindSingleLine() method.
  • #I361319 - Bookmark content is now replaced properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #F171754 - Text is now replaced properly while replacing text in a Word document using ReplaceSingleLine() method.
  • #I361733 - Document will no longer be corrupted while executing nested mail merge in a Word document.
  • #I362350 - Mail merge is now executed properly in a Word document.
  • #I363683 - Horizontal line is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.

Bug fixes

  • #I362245 - Issue with “selection is not working in the MAUI Blazor application” has been resolved.

File Manager

Bug fixes

  • #I360132 - The issue with “The BeforeDownload event doesn’t trigger for DownloadFilesAsync method in the File Manager component” has been resolved.

Gantt Chart

Bug fixes

  • #F31705 - Gantt chart holidays are hidden when added programmatically issue has been fixed.
  • SF-351027 - Issue on updating the column properties has been fixed.
  • SF-351785 - Issue on dynamically adding columns has been fixed.
  • SF-349534 - Fixed the multiple Gantt Rows selection issue with Mac device.


Bug Fixes

  • #I358504 - Issue on exception throws when excel exporting grid with CaptionTemplate and custom aggregate has been fixed.
  • #I359519 - Issue on previous edited value is not properly returned in OnCellSaved event while using BatchEditing has been fixed.
  • #I363850 - Issue on null reference exception throws when clearing a value by using clear icon on searchbar/filterbar has been fixed.
  • #I364068, #F172371 - Issue on exception throws when grouping a column with FilterBar has been fixed.
  • #F170055 - Issue on validation is not removed properly for GridForeignColumn has been fixed.
  • #F171036 - Issue on invalid Odata URI is passed when the filtervalue string contains single quotes(‘) has been resolved.
  • #F171066 - Issue on menu filter dialog get closed on selecting an item in the TimePicker has been resolved.


  • #I343450 - Column chooser’s selectall behavior has been improved when columns are filtered.

Heatmap Chart

Bug Fixes

  • #I359858 - The issue with “The disable tooltip option is not working in Heatmap component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I363355 - Line caption will be preserved properly when flattening line annotation.
  • #I360055 - Runtime exception will no longer occur while getting annotations from the existing PDF document.
  • #F171847 - Free text annotation padding is now proper while preserving appearance in our library.
  • #I363573 - Form fields are now individually flattened properly.
  • #F172143 - Page overlapping issue is now resolved when drawing a nested PDF grid with a multiple number of rows.


Bug Fixes

  • #I361739 - PowerPoint presentation is now opened properly while adding the empty string into empty paragraph.


Bug fixes

  • #I359090 - Now, the image resizing works properly when we minimize the image.


Bug fixes

  • #F172214 - An issue with events overlapping in timeline views while rowAutoHeight is enabled has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #I363348 - The issue with “Unable to drop the node as sibling while bind the NodeDropped event and enable the ShowCheckBox property in TreeView component” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #F171824 - Pivot field font size is now correct while changing the sorting order in Microsoft Excel.