Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
Support added for Fluent theme with light and dark variants for Syncfusion Blazor components.
Removed all the obsolete APIs that are marked on or before 2021 Volume 1 release.
Breaking changes
Syncfusion.Blazor.Themes is removed from dependencies of
. Since, it is not needed when themes are referenced from CDN. If you have referenced themes from static web assets, ensure to referSyncfusion.Blazor.Themes
NuGet explicitly from this release. -
Built-in JavaScript isolation feature is marked as obsolete and disabled by default, since loading scripts externally provides better performance over JavaScript isolation approach. If you used the JavaScript isolation feature, you have to make one of the following changes.
Way 1: Load scripts externally via CDN or Static Web Assets.
Way 2: Enable JavaScript isolation by setting IgnoreScriptIsolation as
while adding Syncfusion Blazor service usingAddSyncfusionBlazor()
.JavaScript isolation is marked as obsolete. So, way 1 can be used to resolve the breaking change.
builder.Services.AddSyncfusionBlazor(options => { options.IgnoreScriptIsolation = false; });
The un-versioned CDN links (refer below table) which always maintains latest version scripts are deprecated from 2022 Vol1 - 20.1 version. These links are available with
version scripts to avoid breaking in sites and apps that uses un-versioned links.Component CDN Script Reference All components except PDF Viewer & Document Editor PDF Viewer Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Issue with “Exception throws on number formatting when system region setting formats are changed” has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with the “e-nested class removed from the accordion panel after the expand collapse action” has been fixed.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “exception is throws while adding items to the data source using AddItemAsync
method” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Now, the OnValidationEvent triggers properly when providing invalid characters to the value property of the barcode.
Bug fixes
- Range color is now applying properly when specifying size for bulletchart.
Carousel Preview
The Carousel component allows users to display images with content, links, etc., like a slide show. Typical uses of carousels include scrolling news headlines, featured articles on home pages, and image galleries.
- Rendering - The Carousel component can be rendered based on the items.
- Animation - Supports animation effects for moving previous/next item of Carousel.
- Template Support - The Carousel component items and buttons can also be rendered with custom templates.
- Keyboard Support - By default, the Carousel allows interaction with commands by using keyboard shortcuts.
Accessibility - The Carousel provides built-in compliance with the
specifications and it is achieved through attributes.
- Provided keyboard navigation support for interactive elements on the chart. -
- Provided support to place the pie and doughnut chart title based on radius. - Provided support to customize the space between the legend items.
- Provided border support for chart types like Area, Spline area, Step area, Range area, and Stacked area.
- Improved the appearance of the tooltip and added animation for smooth transition when moving from one point to another in a chart.
Bug fixes
- Fixed the issue with cursor for the legend when the toggle visibility is turned off.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “items are not displayed in the popup list while binding theenum
type data source” has been resolved.
Context Menu
Breaking Changes
The following property names in SfContextMenu
have been changed,
Component | Old Property Name | Old Property Type | New Property Name | New Property Type | Comments |
SfContextMenu | ShowOn |
string | OpenActionEvents |
string | Old property is deprecated. |
SfContextMenu | CloseOn |
enum | CloseActionEvents |
string | Old property is removed, since it was introduced only in 19.4.53 weekly NuGet release |
Dashboard Layout
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “CssClass property in the DashboardLayoutPanel tag is not working properly” has been resolved.
DiagramComponent Preview
- Provided the support for rendering the text node either programmatically or interactively.
- Provided the support to bring the specified bounds into view/center of the diagram viewport by using the
methods of the diagram. - Provided the support to clear all nodes, connectors, and groups by using the
method of the diagram. - Provided the support to fit the entire diagram into the current viewport by using the
method of the diagram.
Bug fixes
- The Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while saving and loading the SVG node. -
- The Null reference will no longer be thrown when adding connectors along with annotations using the AddDiagramElements method. -
- The Annotations are now positioned properly for German culture. -
- The OnClick event method argument now returns the proper value when clicking the mouse right and middle buttons in the diagram. -
- The position change event will now be triggered while nudging the diagram element.
Bug fixes
– The Null reference exception will no longer be thrown when dragging and dropping node over another node in the diagram.
Bug fixes
- Now, theGetDimension
public method in the dialog returns the correct values properly.
- #I131175, #I195343, #I199221, #I323836, #I333914, #I343475, #I358626 - Provided support for preserving picture fill in DOCX to PDF conversion.
- #I341225 - Provided an API to link paragraph and character styles in a Word document.
- Word to PDF conversion is now supported in Blazor WebAssembly apps through native dependencies. [Experimental feature]
Breaking Changes
- The default XHTML validation type is changed from
while importing a HTML file.
Document Editor
Bug Fixes
- Resolved the nested table content positioning issue. -
- Copied content is now pasted properly in between the paragraph. -
- Resolved the script error in inserting footnote content. -
- Newly added table row border is now exported properly in server-side word export. -
- Resolved the content overlapping issue with wrapped shape. -
- Resolved the new window sample dialog height issue.
- Added support for adding SVG image in a Word document. -
- Added support for setting automatic space before and after a paragraph in a Word document. -
- Added support for restricting documents with comments only protection type. -
- Improved the performance of the server-side spell check library. - Replaced
dependency withSystem.Text.Json
in Syncfusion Blazor Word Processor NuGet.
- Issue with “SfDropDownButton is considering Separator as DropDownMenuItem in accessibility Support” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue with “items are not displayed in the popup list while binding theenum
type data source” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “popup is not displayed full page while rendering the component in the mobile mode with filtering” has been resolved.
Gantt Chart
- Performance is improved by 3x times for component initial loading.
- Provided support to select multiple rows or cells by mouse or touch dragging. -
- Provided support for ScrollIntoViewAsync method. -
- Provided method support for ScrollToTimelineAsync and ScrollToTaskbarAsync to scroll the Chart view to the timeline and taskbar respectively. -
- Provided AA compliance Web Accessibility support for Gantt chart.
Bug fixes
- Issue on taskbar editing whenIncludeWeekend
is disabled has been fixed. -
- Left style will not be properly updated in custom baseline has been fixed. -
- Gannt is not loaded properly when set ProjectStart / ProjectEnd with Day TimelineMode issue has been resolved.
New Features
- Provided Reactive Aggregation support for DataGrid while Batch editing. -
- Provided support for customizing the Pdf Grid cell while exporting the PDF document.
Bug Fixes
- The Cancel and Update buttons do not revert back to their state(disabled) after deleting the added record in batch edit mode is fixed. -
- Grid displaying unnecessary tooltip with ClipMode.EllipsisWithTooltip and WrapMode.Header is fixed. -
- Wrong OData request sent while applying custom filter for complex field is fixed. -
- Excel export not working with other cultures after column resizing is resolved. -
- Filtered icon applies for columns with same ForeignKeyValue names when filtering either one of the columns is fixed. -
- Sorting does not work when using with dynamic columns is resolved. -
- Aggregate TextAlign is incorrect when exporting Grid with group caption is fixed. -
- Problem with filtering when having non-stacked column between two stacked column is resolved. -
- Exception throws while performing Excel and Csv export with AllowExcelExport as false is fixed. -
- Export buttons are not shown while enabling AdaptiveUI is fixed. -
- While grouping the expand/collapse operations are not working with Virtualization is resolved.
Bug fixes
- Now, sorting in the Kanban within the same column works properly when using theSortBy Index
Linear Gauge
- Pointers can now be animated, resulting in smooth transitions when pointer value is updated.
- The shape layers can now be animated, resulting in smooth transitions when zooming and panning.
- Improve pinch zooming in Maps on mobile devices.
- TheLoaded
, andOnPanComplete
events will now provide the minimum and maximum latitude and longitude values in the Maps visible area.
- #I259782, #I308276 - Added support for importing and exporting annotations with appearance.
- #F169363 – Added Support for embedding the non-embedded font in an existing pdf document.
- #I361251 - Added support for converting the PDF/A conformance document to a normal PDF document.
- #I362189 - Added support to get annotation type and creation date directly from PdfLoadedAnnotation instance.
- #I358952 - Improved the performance of Annotation flattening by 30 times faster.
- Added support for setting base URL for PDF document.
Breaking Changes
- Starting with v20.1.0.x, if you reference Syncfusion HTML converter assemblies from trial setup or from the NuGet feed, include a license key in your projects. Refer to this link for generating and registering a Syncfusion license key in your application to use the components without a trail message.
PDF Viewer
- Provided the support to deploy the PDF Viewer service in the server-side for .NET 6.0 by migrating it from Syncfusion.Drawing.Common to SkiaSharp packages.
Breaking changes
- In .NET 6.0, the System.Dawing.Common NuGet package is now attributed as a Windows-specific library. So, the PDF rendering with the Syncfusion PDF Viewer on Linux and Mac platforms had to migrate from System.Drawing.Common to the SkiaSharp package. This migration resulted in the below API breaking changes for .NET 6.0.
.NET 3.X and .NET 5 | .NET 6 |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex) | SKBitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex) |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, bool isSkipAnnotations) | SKBitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, bool isSkipAnnotations) |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio) | SKBitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio) |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio, bool isSkipAnnotations) | SKBitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio, bool isSkipAnnotations) |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, SizeF customSize, float dpiX, float dpiY, bool keepAspectRatio) | Not supported. |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, SizeF customSize, float dpiX, float dpiY, bool keepAspectRatio, bool isSkipAnnotations) | Not supported. |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex) | SKBitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex) |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, bool isSkipAnnotations) | SKBitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, bool isSkipAnnotations) |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio) | SKBitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio) |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio, bool isSkipAnnotations) | SKBitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, SizeF customSize, bool keepAspectRatio, bool isSkipAnnotations) |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, SizeF customSize, float dpiX, float dpiY, bool keepAspectRatio) | Not supported. |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, SizeF customSize, float dpiX, float dpiY, bool keepAspectRatio, bool isSkipAnnotations) | Not supported. |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, float dpiX, float dpiY) | Not supported. |
Bitmap[] ExportAsImage(int startIndex, int endIndex, float dpiX, float dpiY, bool isSkipAnnotations) | Not supported. |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, float zoomFactor, int tileXCount, int tileYCount, int tileX, int tileY) | SKBitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, float zoomFactor, int tileXCount, int tileYCount, int tileX, int tileY) |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, float dpiX, float dpiY) | Not supported. |
Bitmap ExportAsImage(int pageIndex, float dpiX, float dpiY, bool isSkipAnnotations) | Not supported. |
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- The pivot chart now works properly with height as a percentage.
- The pivot table is now properly refreshed with live data when performing drill operations.
- PPTX to PDF conversion is now supported in Blazor WebAssembly apps through native dependencies. [Experimental feature]
Query Builder
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “Script error thrown while using trigger event with date between value in the query builder” has been resolved.
- The initial rendering and CRUD operation performance improved ~3x when loading a large number of resources and appointments in the WASM Scheduler.
- Virtual scrolling support provided for vertical timeline year view of the Scheduler.
Bug fixes
- An issue with “the scroll bar appears whenEnableRowAutoHeight
is set without events in month view” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “appointments of short duration render in the wrong position” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Keyboard navigation is wrong for read-only appointments quick popup” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “ResizeEventArgs return wrong datetime values” has been fixed. -
- An issue with “Appointments are misaligned when performs expand/collapse resources” has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Tab performance issue occurred when adding the selected event has been fixed.
Tree Grid
- Provided support to select multiple rows or cells by mouse or touch dragging.
Visual Studio Extensions
New Feature
- Provide fluent theme support to the Blazor template studio, conversion, and migration.
Bug Fixes
- #T32352 - Fix the model class and DB context empty value issue in Blazor Scaffolding.
Provided support for new functions such as XLOOKUP, VALUETOTEXT, ARRAYTOTEXT, XMATCH, and LET.
Excel to PDF conversion is now supported in Blazor WebAssembly apps through native dependencies [Experimental feature].
Bug Fixes
- #I366365 - The default space maintained between cell border and cell text is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.