Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

April 19, 2022


Bug fixes

  • #I373557 - The console error in the Multilevel labels has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I366209 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I369631 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I369723 - Image is now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document.
  • #I372362 - Contents are now preserved properly after replacing the bookmark content in a Word document.
  • #I372205 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to Image.
  • #I367587, #I371616 - Word and character counts are now updated properly after calling UpdateWordCount method.
  • #I367368 – Column spacing is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I370323 - Form field in inline content control is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I371137 - Block content control is now replaced properly while replacing paragraph text.
  • #I370796 – Input file stream will not disposed internally while opening an HTML format document.
  • #I364096 - Paragraph formats are now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I373336 – Warnings for line number will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I371492 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML.

Gantt Chart

Bug fixes

  • #I374119 - In the German Language, Baseline not rendered in the proper position issue has been fixed.
  • #I374507 - Handled the key not found exception when mapping custom columns in DynamicObject data binding.


New Features

  • #I327532, #I331816, #I334245, #I348191 - Provided support to add/remove frozen columns by dragging the column separator when the AllowFreezeLineMoving property is enabled in the Grid component.

Bug fixes

  • #I365752 - SfGrid filtering throws OverflowException when typing a number that is too long for int/long has been resolved.
  • #F173171 - Exception throws on exporting pdf and excel with datasource property is fixed.
  • #F172759 - PageUp and PageDown trigger paging event for page navigation without considering prior pages has been resolved.
  • #F174011 - Problem with perform sorting in Vertical AdaptiveUI when removed GridFilterSettings is resolved.
  • #I372969 - Exception occurs when filtering returns empty rows in grid with complex typed DynamicObject is fixed.
  • #FB33340 - FilterByColumnAsync method is not working properly with multiple filter value is fixed.



  • #I363215 - Added the support to remove all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I372831 - Checkbox values now look properly in all PDF viewers.
  • #F173437 - The row issue will no longer occur when an extra page is added on PDFGrid rendering.
  • #I370312 - Date time format in text box field is now preserved properly after flattening the PDF document.


Bug Fixes

  • #I372405 - Hanging issue has been resolved while converting a PowerPoint presentation to Image.

Query Builder

Bug Fixes

  • I364546, I369352 - The issue with “Script error occur when adding more than one instance of a custom query builder column” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I369397 - Now, the enter key works properly after switching to the code view and then to preview multiple times.


Bug fixes

  • #I365927 - The issue with “Unable to drag and drop multiple nodes in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved.
  • #I371292 - The issue with “Facing an exception while using the GetTreeData method with a non-existing node id in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I363400 - Pivot table cell formatting is now applied properly even in protected view.
  • #I375327 - Pivot table does not get collapsed when the minimize button is clicked.
  • #I374418 - File corruption while creating an Excel file with a cell value as “Nan” has now been resolved.