Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

May 12, 2022



  • In Blazor Theme Studio, migrated to latest Dart Sass version from Node Sass to compile our theme files.

Breaking changes

  • The Blazor Theme Studio is using ‘Dart Sass’ instead of ‘Node Sass’ from this release, since ‘Node Sass’ was deprecated. If you are generating CSS from Sass files in your end, switch to ‘Dart Sass’.

Bug Fixes

  • #I371275 - Issue with “TypeInitializationException is thrown when we set InvariantGlobalization in the Blazor Application” has been fixed.

  • #376453,#376334 - Issue with “When we binding the List<KeyValuePair<TValue, TKey» in dropdown list” has been fixed.

DiagramComponent Preview

Bug fixes

  • #I374274 - Able to add custom nodes and connectors in blazor diagram.
  • #I371635 - Now, the Connector took shorter route to establish connection between ports
  • #I373182 - The Layout is now rendered properly when disable the drag constraints.
  • #I370550 - Now, the Annotation size is updated properly while adding nodes along with annotation using AddDiagramElements method.
  • #I372902 - The Null reference exception will no longer be thrown while switching the selection between node and connector when the node has userhandle.
  • #34277 - The Vector and Point values are now updated properly for the edited segment in Source/TargetPointChanged events.


Bug fixes

  • #FB34246 - Now, modal dialog’s position will be changed properly when the orientation of the mobile device is changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I374475, I376289 - Paragraph shading is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
  • #I374538 - PDF file size is reduced while converting a Word document to PDF.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #FB34545 - Resolved the document editor container component destroy issue
  • #I375339 - Resolved the restart page numbering consideration on table of content updation.
  • #I374447 - Resolved the empty pages issue on printing a document with landscape orientation
  • #I373959 - Resolved the pagination issue on layouting and downloading a sfdt
  • #I373287 - Resolved the control hanging issue while opening a document with table
  • #I366157, #I367362 - Resolved the table rendering issue at the bottom of the page
  • #I373048 - Rejecting new paragraphs tracked changes releases the occupied space.
  • #I372635 - Resolved the issue in review pane while opening a default document with track changes.
  • #I372245 - Resolved the layouting issue for large footnote content which flows over the current page
  • #I371788 - Resolved the multiple call issue when enabling the spellcheck after editing the document
  • #I371641 - Resolved the minimum column width causes in-finite lopping issue when resizing table
  • #I368482 - Resolved the table in document overlaps footer
  • #I367499 - Resolved the chart color rendering and shape overlapping issue
  • #I368087 - Resolved the list format issues when open document by Document Editor

File Manager

Bug fixes

  • #I375842 - The issue with “The navigation pane throws null exception in the Blazor File Manager component” has been resolved.
  • #F174695 - The issue with “The OnSend event of Blazor File Manager is not trigger properly on navigation pane node expanding” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I373859 - Now, drag and drop works properly for the newly added cards when using complex data.


Bug Fixes

  • #F173992 - The issue with “Clicking on the padding area of a list item doesn’t select the items in Blazor ListView” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I376730, #I376873 - When the data source is not bound, the tooltip now displays all of the properties in the GeoJSON data using Format property and template support.



  • #I361979 - Added support to load items from the existing signature field.
  • #I368179 - Added support to detect if the document signature is signed with a timestamp alone.
  • #I363215 - Added the support to remove all unsupported annotations while flattening an existing PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I373194 - Argument exception will no longer occur when inserting a page from one document into another document.
  • #F173841 - The Grid Cell overlapping issue will no longer occur when drawing a PDF grid with a nested grid on a multi-page document.
  • #I369816 - Memory consumption issues will no longer occur when getting the form fields font repeatedly.
  • #I370457 - PDF pages are now shown properly after merging or appending multiple PDF documents into one PDF.
  • #I371562 - No longer provided stream disposed when loading a specific PDF in PdfLoadedDocument.
  • #I371079 - Index out of bounds exception will no longer occur when verifying the digital signature.
  • #I366088 - PdfCertificate is now created without any delay with X509Certificate in an Offline environment.
  • #I372318 - The parent bookmarks are now removed from the PDF document without any issues.
  • #I372076 - The Destination page index is now retrieved properly for loaded named destinations.
  • #F173683 - Loaded annotation is now retrieved properly while using its name.
  • #I372976 - The check box border width can now be accessed properly without any issues in the PDF document.
  • #I373386 - Font height is now updated properly while creating a new TrueType font with the existing TrueType font.
  • #I372361 - Hyperlinks now work properly while converting conformance PDF to PDF A2B document.
  • #I370979 - There is no longer a hanging issue when calling the redact method on a specific PDF document.
  • #I371416, #I370670 - An exception will no longer occur when merging the document with other PDF documents.
  • #I372831 - Checkbox values now look properly in all PDF viewers.
  • #F173437 - The row issue will no longer occur when an extra page is added on PDFGrid rendering.
  • #I370312 - Date time format in the text box field is now preserved properly after flattening the PDF document.
  • #I375999 - The child bookmark cloning issue is resolved while splitting the PDF document.
  • #I375403 - The checkbox field symbols are now shown properly after flattening the PDF document.
  • #I370362, #I373543, #I376707 - The PDF document will no longer be corrupted while creating tagged PDFs from different cultural settings.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I363323 - When rendering multiple pivot tables on the same page, the component now renders properly.
  • #F173794 - When the pivot table is displayed with a single value field, it can now be exported properly to Excel and CSV formats with required number formatting.
  • #FB32450 - Sorting, filtering, drill down/up, and other UI actions have now been properly restricted while the pivot table is being updated.
  • #I374193 - The pivot chart will now refresh properly when the data source is dynamically updated.
  • #F174022 - Using AxisLabelRender event, the pivot chart will now rendered properly.


Breaking Changes

  • FontSettings class is moved to Syncfusion.Presentation namespace.


Bug fixes

  • #FB34568 - Now, collapsing the right pane of the splitter work properly.


Bug fixes

  • #I376177 - Now, the toast close icon is displayed properly when using the themes generated from the blazor theme studio.

Visual Studio Extensions

New Feature

  • Added new Carousel component in Blazor template studio and code generator.

Bug Fixes

  • #FB32417 - Fixed unwanted model class showing issues in Blazor code generator.


Bug Fixes

  • #I377757, #I377705, #I377816 - Null reference exception being thrown while creating an Excel document with hyperlink is now resolved.