Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

June 7, 2022

Bug fixes

  • #I379559 - An issue with carousel item not deleted dynamically has been fixed.


Bug fixes

  • #FB34982 - Now, the dialog will be resized properly when the orientation of the mobile device is changed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I380290 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #I380268 - Performance has been improved while converting a Word document with large size images to PDF.
  • #I379502 - Image is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I378075 - Words, Characters, and Paragraphs counts are now updated properly while calling UpdateWordCount API.
  • #I381600 - Floating Item is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I379158 – Contents inside frame are now preservation properly while resaving the Word document.
  • #I381065 - Line break is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #I379158 - Text is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I379364 – List paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

    • #F172938 - The issue with “PopupClosed and BeforePopupClosed events for the Upload dialog in File Manager” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I379323 - Issue with “popup is not opening properly in the WASM application while enabling AllowCustomValue and focusing the input” has been resolved .

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I374822 - The pivot chart will now refresh properly while switching reports in toolbar UI.
  • When virtual scrolling is enabled, the pivot table can now be rendered properly while perform member filtering.


Bug Fixes

  • #I377515 - Slide background color is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.
  • #I380663 – Shape guide is now applied properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to Image.


Bug fixes

  • #F175120 - Now, the toast will be displayed in the proper position when the position is configured in ToastModel using the ShowAsync public method.


Bug fixes

  • #I361953 - The issue with “The Tooltip’s pop-up dimension change when we position its target with scrollable margin” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I378250 - Rich text is now rendered properly in worksheet to image conversion.
  • #I378154 - Argument exception thrown while accessing first formula of date conditional formatting is now resolved.
  • #I377896 - Performance deay in converting Excel docuemnt with more blank cells and shapes to PDF is now resolved.