Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
June 21, 2022
Bug Fixes
- #I381764 - Horizontal Line is now preserved properly in while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #I382322 - Paragraph is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- #I379242 - Floating table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF
- #I381764 - TextBox is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
File Manager
Bug fixes
- The issue with “Facing an issue while performing the drag and drop of image file in the Blazor File Manager component” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “Blazor File Manager sample execution stops while specifying non-existed folder path” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- InitialGrouping is not working properly when EnableVirtualization is set to true is fixed.
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- The pivot table now properly refreshed when show/hide totals dynamically.
Rich Text Editor
Bug Fixes
- Now, changing the default value of the formats, font size and font family properties in the Rich Text Editor works properly.
Bug fixes
- Exception on changing views or days with resource grouping in vertical views has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “The checkbox was not aligned properly for the sibling nodes in TreeView component” has been resolved. -
- The issue “Error occurs while adding more nested level child nodes in Blazor TreeView” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- #I381027 - Russian characters are now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion.