Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
Bug fixes
- #I389433
- Issue with “Autocomplete behaves differently for various ways of focusing out” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- #I389559
- Issue with “Required role attribute is not present in the child element of the component” has been resolved.
- #I383969
- Issue with “API method invoked twice on initial rendering when empty string binded as value to the component” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- An issue with “The MinSizeY property does not work when the cellSpacing property is bound to the Dashboard Layout component” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
The issue “ValueChange event is triggered when value is programmatically changed and the component is focused out”, has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “custom class is not added to the day cell while adding class usingRenderDayCell
event” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Nested IF field result is now updated properly after callingUpdateDocumentFields()
method. -
- Paragraph inside frame is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- List numbers are now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
– Paragraph spacing now preserved property while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Document will no longer be corrupted while saving a Word document to DOCX format document. -
– Shape is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Image is now preserved properly ifImageNodeVisited
event triggered while opening an HTML file.
Bug fixes
- The issue “Console error is thrown while interacting using touch”, has been resolved.
- #I389435
- Issue with “Aria labelledby attribute is unnecessarily added in the input element” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue “Drag & drop the selected text content into drop area is prevented in FileUpload” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Grouped field is not displayed in group area, when manually clear the grid(ie. empty Grid) is fixed. -
- Apply numerals in grid pager based on localization has been resolved. -
- Issue with Keyboard Navigation when pressing tab key is fixed. -
- Checkbox selection not work properly with the filtered checkbox is fixed. -
- Clicking on the area inside DetailTemplate refreshes grid is fixed.
Bug fixes
- When adding layers dynamically in the Maps component, exceptions will no longer be thrown.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “Aria activedescendant attribute is set as null when the list item is selected” has been resolved.
- #I389559
- Issue with “Required role attribute is not present in the child element of the component” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- #I390197
- Issue with “Aria minValue and Aria maxValue attributes are added to the input element when there is no min and max value property” has been resolved.
Pivot Table
Bug fixes
- Inside the dashboard component, the pivot table is now rendered properly.
Bug Fixes
- Presentation library created documents will now properly open in Litera Compare tool.
Rich Text Editor
Bug Fixes
- Now, the table cell merge and split using the table quick toolbar works properly. -
- Now, dragging and dropping content from another web page(paste action) works properly.
Bug fixes
- The issue “AddIconAsync method does not support event callback parameter”, has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- #I389877
- Issue with “Aria activedescendant attribute is set as null when the list item is selected” has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug fixes
- Resolved exception thrown when we perform sorting with virtualization enabled in case of tree grid with more than 2 levels.
Bug fixes
- The issue with “Need to remove the id attribute while unselecting an node in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- #F176166 - Used range is now updated properly while clearing worksheet range with move option.
- #I387111 - Cell values being rendered improperly due to invalid argument separator in Denmark culture is now resolved.
- #I385620 - Text overlapping while converting Excel to PDF with auto fit columns option is now resolved.
- #I390444 - Argument out of exception being thrown while opening an Excel file with shared formula is now resolved.
- #I387844 - Resolved the XML exception being thrown while openig Excel file with whitespace.
- #I392008 - Not implemented exception thown while parsing custom table styles of Excel workbook is now resolved.
- #I383129 - Default names are now generated for check boxes if the names are empty in xls format files.
- #I384894 - Index out of range exception thrown while resaving an Excel document is now resolved.
- #I390448 - Null reference exception while opening Excel document with data validation referring to external workbook is now resolved.
- #I386003 - Resolved the file corruption while add copying an Excel with embedded object.
- #I390520 - Multiple HTML tables can now ne imported to Excel document.