Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
September 6, 2022
Bug fixes
- Browser becoming unresponsive when the pie width is small and datalabel is enabled has been resolved. -
- Chart legend paging is now properly working. -
- Chart legend paging number is now proper after legend click. -
- Console error thrown in Pivot Chart issue has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue “Datepicker does not add error class when the disable date is entered manually” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
– The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX format document. -
– Bookmark content is now replaced properly while callingReplaceContent
method. -
- Paragraph bottom border is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
Bug fixes
- The issue “Virtualization is not working properly when we bind a value which is not present in the datasource” has been resolved.
Gantt Chart
Bug fixes
- Issue on taskbar dragging predecessor andModifiedTaskData
values not properly update has been fixed. -
- Issue when enable the column virtualization on load time has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- GridAggregateColumn FooterTemplate bounds outside the grid container is fixed.
Bug fixes
- The issue “cursor moves to last position when mask property is changed dynamically “ has been resolved
Bug fixes
- Issue with “Decimal Separator not working properly in Arabic culture” has been resolved.
PDF Viewer
Bug fixes
- The issue with “Annotations are not properly imported when orientation is changed” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “Some values in Form Field are missing after saving and Zooming” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “UpdateViewerContainerAsync method is not working properly” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue with “The Blazor Tooltip component while dynamically updating property values” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- The issue with “When running a Blazor TreeView test case, an infinite ExpandedNodesChanged event is triggered” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “Performance delay while rendering more than 21 nodes as nested children in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- #I396753 - Line color is now rendered properly while converting a chart from XLS file to image.
- #I395616 - Chart trendline is now rendered properly in Excel to PDF conversion even when the series data points has empty values.