Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

September 13, 2022


Bug fixes

  • #I400058 - Issue with “The error class was not properly added to the component, When entering a time value that exceeds the maximum value.” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I398404 - Nested IF field with bookmark is now updated properly while calling a UpdateDocumentFields method.
  • #I401643 - Picture is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX format document.
  • #I390688 - List formatting is now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document.
  • #I399360 - Symbol is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to HTML.
  • #I399357 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while opening a RTF format document.
  • #I398399 - Nested IF field is now updated properly while calling UpdateDocumentFields method.
  • #I400616 - Tab leader of underline type is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I399616 – The OutOfMemoryException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I401483 - Chart inside text box is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • Underline for trailing spaces is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • List number is now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document.
  • Endnote and Footnote are preserved properly while creating a Word document.

Bug fixes

  • #I401552 - Issue with “ID attribute name does not support starting character with possible values like digits and special characters” has been resolved.

Gantt Chart

Bug fixes

  • #I400718 - Issue on virtualization vertical scroll alignment has been fixed.
  • #I400458 - Week start day is not maintained after the zooming action issue has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I398370 - The issue “ListBox does not have an accessible name when no record template” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #FB26554 - Issue with “selected value get unselected when using virtualization feature” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I401266 - The issue with “GetSqlFromRules method of query builder thrown error when we use between operator with empty value” has been resolved.

Bug fixes

  • #I399783 - The issue with “Animation transitions are not prevented in the Blazor Sidebar component if the Animate property is set to false” has been resolved.
  • #FB37366 - The issue with “Facing an error while using MediaQuery property in Blazor Sidebar component” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I403752 - The issue with “The Blazor Tooltip component while dynamically updating Target and OpensOn property values” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

  • #I399346 - The issue with “When selecting the node text by mouse drag, the NodeDragStart event is triggered in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved.
  • #I398079 ,#I399218 - The issue with “When collapsing the parent node in the TreeView component, the height property appends to the node” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I399982 - Application being hanged while parsing Excel document with empty relation is now resolved.
  • #I398795 - Order of conditional formatting is now maintained properly while copying the worksheet to new Excel workbook.
  • #I400852 - Null reference exception being thrown while parsing chart series category with extension list is now resolved.