Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
October 11, 2022
Bug fixes
- Provided border support for chart rows and columns. -
- Multilevel label is now hiding properly when axis hides.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “Facing NullReference Exception when navigating from DashboardLayout component page to another page” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Issue with “Selection highlight is not working properly when we select dates from the previous month in DateRangePicker.” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Now, codes after the PromptAsync work properly from the initial render when we use ‘childContent’ in the predefined dialog. -
- Now, theShowAsync
method works properly when calling the method after a task delay withConfigureAwait(false)
Bug Fixes
- Textbox is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- The NullReferenceException will no longer thrown while converting a Word document to PDF. -
– Tab stop leader is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
– The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while resaving a DOCX format document with revisions. -
- Table indent is now preserved properly while resaving a RTF format document. - Arabic text in RTL is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
- Bold and Italic text is now preserved properly while converting a DOC format document to PDF.
File Manager
Bug Fixes
- An issue with “The new folder creation of File Manager has been resolved” has been resolved. -
- Issue with “While opening the folder containing two subfolders in the Blazor File Manager component will get a hanging issue” has been resolved.
Gantt Chart
Bug fixes
- Issue on multiple row deselection using esc key has been fixed.
Bug Fixes
- Issue with ”Row deselecting event doestn’t trigger when sorting is done in the DataGrid” has been resolved. -
- Exception throws when rendering grid without columns using dynamic dictionary is fixed. -
- Exception throws when using the arrow keys on the Grid header, while Grid has no records has been resolved. -
- An exception occurs when hiding all the columns by disabling the column’s Visible property has been resolved. -
- Issue with “When using byte Datatype, dropdown list not show in the foreign key column” has been resolved. -
- Persistence does not work properly with stacked header after filtering is fixed. -
- Cell Selection is not proper while using the SelectCellAsync method is fixed.
Bug fixes
- The Y axis title is now properly rendered in different languages of the Blazor application.
Inplace Editor
Bug Fixes
- Now, when we modify the value, the initial value is changed in the In-Place Editor textbox.
Bug Fixes
- #I388955
- Provided the normal input textbox keyboard accessibility within the Blazor ListView component.
- #I401450
- Issue with “The checkbox state is not updated in the Clicked event of Blazor Listview component” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- When a click action is performed on a marker template, theOnMarkerClick
event will be triggered properly. - Navigation lines in polyline structures with the same points will now render properly.
Bug Fixes
- The issue “Chip close icon does not align properly in bootstrap4” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- #I405193 - Cryptographic exception will no longer occur while parsing certificates in X509Certificate2 in a Linux environment.
- #I406672 - PdfGird is now preserved properly when the same instance is drawn multiple times.
- #I391144 - The row rendering issue will no longer occur while paginating the PDF grid row in a PDF document.
- #I407507 - Conformance failure will no longer occur in the online validator tool while certifying the PDF document.
- #I407962 - Character “€” fails to extract text issue will no longer occur while extracting the text from PDF document.
- #F177662 - The content not shown issue will no longer occur when adding a footer in the PDF document.
- #F177009 - Annotations are now added properly based on the find text result in a Redacted PDF document.
- #I404456 - Exception no longer occurs while performing OCR in a particular pdf.
- #I406739 - The issue with “X and Y coordinate switched when extracting text from the incrusted table” has been resolved.
- #I405840, I405555 - The issue with “Signature validation result returns incorrect details when validating the signature document” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening the PowerPoint Image from a customized folder.
Query Builder
Bug Fixes
- The issue with SetRulesFromSql method while set date type as between operator has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Now, OnImageUploadSuccess event arguments pass the ‘FileInfo’ details for File in Rich Text Editor.
Bug Fixes
- The issue with “Updating slider value after thread.sleep in Slider component” has been resolved.
Bug fixes
- Period selector is now visible in the MAUI application’s stockchart.
Tree Grid
Bug fixes
- Dynamic change of column headertext works properly. -
- RowDD works properly when rendered the tree grid inside the modal dialog. -
- Resolved blank space issue while performing expandAll and collapseAll actions when virtualization is enabled. -
method works properly after collapsing.
Bug Fixes
- The issue “When adding a new item, the previously selected item is deselected in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved. -
- The issue with “NodeEditing operation is not working in the Blazor TreeView component” has been resolved.
- Issue with “The Blazor TreeView component while performing node click” has been resolved.
- Issue with “Getting an incorrect DropIndex value while dropping the TreeView node in between the nodes” has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- #I405509 - Application being hanged while parsing client data with NoThreeD element having an empty value in the shape is now resolved.
- #F177425 - Number formatting is now applied correctly when converting Excel to PDF in Indian culture.
- #I376340 - Argument exception thrown while opening Excel document with combination chart having line chart with an owner index is now resolved.
- #I408594 - Excel workbook is now cloned properly with custom properties.
#I408889 - Filters are now applied correctly even when the filter range contains merged columns.
- Text box can now be created properly with text link.