Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

December 06, 2022


Bug fixes

#F172188, #I420859, #I421338 - The issue with “The change event does not trigger when we set the value and data source dynamically.” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I383879 – Paragraph spacing is now preserved properly while cloning a DOCX format document.
  • #I410531 – Table is now positioned properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I419642 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I420782 - The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while executing a mail merge in a Word document.

Bug fixes

#F172188, #I420859, #I421338 - The issue with “The change event does not trigger when we set the value and data source dynamically.” has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

  • #I394613 - The Request type “selection” has been removed from the class [ActionEventArgs](

Bug Fixes

  • #I418603 - Issue with “Exception throws on saving a edited row while a column is grouped in the DataGrid” has been resolved.
  • #I402342 - Header tooltip doesn’t get displayed when a single word is truncated has been resolved.
  • #I407799 - Exception throws while pressing Tab key from the last row, when MoveDownCell is binded to TAB key in GridKeySettings has been resolved.
  • #I404917 - Misallignment occurs in expand/collapse icon, when expand icon is clicked in detail template has been resolved.
  • #I415999 - Issue with “In persist selection, selected rows gets deselected while pressing the “Esc” key while grid is in editable state” has been resolved.


Bug fixes

#I421907 - Issue with “A console error occurs when a placeholder is used with TValue as int nullable.” has been resolved.



  • #F419448 - Provided support to add currency number format to the form field from an existing PDF document.

Bug Fixes

  • #I418989 - The textbox multiline preservation issue will no longer occur in a specific PDF document.
  • #I421277 - The issue with “OCSP information not embedded while enabling LTV for a specific certificate” has now been resolved.
  • #I420411 - The issue with “Flattened annotations not located properly in the specific PDF document” have now been resolved.
  • #I421642 - The layer subject will no longer be changed after merging a PDF document.
  • #I418555 - The conformance failure will no longer occur from the PDF document.
  • #I421114 - The preservation issue will no longer occur while drawing the nested grid in a PDF document.
  • #I419084 - Net core consumes time stamp response twice is now resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I417586 - Font substitution is now working properly while converting a PowerPoint presentation to Image.
  • #I419268 - The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a PowerPoint presentation to PDF.


Bug fixes

  • #I415301 - Scheduler appointment drag area set as body does not work in month view has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I413638 - Improved performance while add and delete action in blazor WASM.
  • #I414608 - The issue in expand/collapse and search operation has been resolved while virtualization enabled.


Bug fixes

  • #I419875 - An issue with “drop index not shown proper value for dropped node in the blazor TreeView” has been fixed.
  • #I421207 - The Null exception issue and SelectedNodes not working properly in the Blazor TreeView component while using the remote data has been fixed.