Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

May 09, 2023


Bug Fixes

  • #I456484 - Switching between charts with striplines in a tab no longer causes a console error.
  • #I456484 - Live chart with stripline in multiple tabs now renders properly.
  • #I458754 - When resizing the chart, the console error has been resolved.
  • #I458885 - Tooltip now properly shows the series data when zooming the chart.
  • #I452002 - The crosshair and tooltip are now working properly when both are enabled.


Bug Fixes

  • #I448212 - Resolved issue with the application breaking when the user selects a date in the datetimepicker while strict mode is enabled.

Bug Fixes

  • #I456184 - Issue with “after using the ClearAsync method on the DropDownList, the popup requires a double-click to reopen.” has been resolved.

  • #I449379 - Resolved an issue where the Action begin event triggers continuously when DropdownList is rendered as a custom component.


Bug fixes

  • #FB32623 - The issue with the custom error message in the FileManager component failure event has been resolved.
  • #I458441 - The issue with the incorrect sub-folders in the FileManager component navigation pane has been resolved.

File Upload

Bug Fixes

  • I454998 - Fixed an issue where the GetFilesDataAsync method in the File Upload component was not functioning correctly.


Bug Fixes

  • #I447871 - Splitter separator starts to move on while mouse clicking over the separator bar of the splitter issue has been fixed.
  • #F181557 - The issue on BatchUpdate method not working in custom adaptor has been resolved.
  • #I414194 - The issue with taskbar editing on Safari browser has been fixed.
  • #FB42652 - Fixed an issue where an exception occurred when selecting a row in custom data binding.


Bug Fixes

  • #I461327 - Issue with “Selection isn’t cleared properly, while using Escape key to clear the selection” has been resolved.
  • #I459536 - Issue with “GetPersistDataAsync, ResetPersisiteDataAsync and SetPersisiteDataAsync methods are not working properly, after re-ordering the auto generated columns in the DataGrid” has been resolved.
  • F164895 - Issue with “Exporting grouped grid to Excel, the file does not include any expand or collapse icons” has been resolved.

Inplace Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I450524 - The issue regarding “When rendering the Rich Text Editor inside the In-place Editor, if the content is edited and focused out, it gets hidden” has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • The issue with the pivot table not rendering properly when virtualization is enabled with values at the row axis has now been resolved.


  • #I428621 - Provided support for specifying the default report name via the FetchReport event to load its report instead of the current report in the pivot table.


Bug fixes

  • #I454571 - An issue with Compact view is not rendered in mobile mode with EnablePersistence property has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I454647 - The issue with “Console error occurs when we change the size value dynamically on button click” has been resolved.

  • #I449621 - The issue with “Separator starts to move on while mouse clicking over the separator bar” has been resolved.

Tree Grid

Bug fixes

  • #I454763 - Fixed an issue where row index was not properly retrieved in RowSelected event when using custom data binding.
  • #I181638 - Fixed issue where filtering a column caused records to go missing when sorting another column.
  • #I449018 - Fixed an issue where the frozen border was not being set correctly when moving a frozen line while using frozen columns.
  • #I449517 - Fixed the issue where expanding a record with args.expandall set to true in virtualization was not working properly.
  • #I436130 - Fixed an issue where the box was not shown in the tree grid header to match the scrollbar while performing the CollapseAll action when the frozen column was enabled.


Bug fixes

  • #F43176 - The EnablePersistence not working for node expand and collapse action issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I458719 - Index out of range exception being thrown while opening the Excel document with active sheet index as -1 is now resolved.
  • #I452918 - Chart numeric axis values are a combination of Auto and Reset are now rendered properly in chart to image conversion.
  • #I456703 - Object reference exception being thrown while creating a chart with blank cell is now resolved.