Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

November 20, 2023



  • All Syncfusion Blazor UI components now fully support .NET 8. Our Blazor packages have been specifically crafted for compatibility with .NET 8. The components seamlessly integrate with various interactive render modes, including Server-Side, WebAssembly, and Auto (Server & WebAssembly) rendering. Note that there are a few exceptions with the interactive render mode set to None.


Bug Fixes

  • #I519285 - The polar and radar series types of charts in the pivot chart were displayed properly without a scrollbar.
  • #I519286 - The Pareto series type chart is now working properly in the pivot chart.


  • Now steps can be applied from the center, as well as from the left and right of the points in the step series.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I515958 - Resolved the issue where the group toggle button failed to hide, when AllowGrouping was disabled for a specific column.
  • #I514625 - Resolved the issue where an exception was thrown when exporting to a CSV file format, while using the ColumnType as DateOnly or TimeOnly with the columnFormat.
  • #I508679 - Resolved the issue where the filter state is not maintained properly during the initial load or when refreshing the grid.


Bug Fixes

  • #I515859- Image is now preserved properly while saving a DOCX format document.

Document Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #I509814 - Resolved the bullet list character format losses issue when pasting the sfdt.
  • #I511667 - Resolved the TIFF image rendering issue with RTF file.
  • #I512264 - Resolved the section Break continuous issue.
  • #I513068 - Resolved script error issue while deleting the floating table.
  • #I513107 - Resolved the section break continuous issue when press the delete key.
  • #I504697 - Resolved the control hanging issue while opening the document.
  • #I512059 - Resolved the URL image not appear issue until interact with document.
  • #I509812 - Resolved the format losses issue when pasting the copied HTML text.
  • #I504484 - Resolved the image position issue in header.


  • #I499751 - Added support to display the symbol field code text in pasting.
  • #I501878 - Added support to preserve the carriage return character.
  • #I503197 - Added API to check whether the document is empty or not.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #I505439 - Provided support to enable or disable external drag and drop support of the File Manager component. This can be now achieved by setting required selector for DropArea property within UploadSettings of the File Manager.

  • #I517288 - The error dialog popup issue related to the delete operation in the Blazor File Manager component has been resolved.

  • #I516938 - The image file not loading issue in the Blazor File Manager with an ID-based file system provider has been resolved.

  • #FB47701 - The Exception throws when deleting files through the context menu in the File Manager component has been resolved.

Gantt Chart


  • #I414816 - Virtual Scrolling feature is enhanced with PageSize and Overscancount support. The PageSize property determines the number of rows rendered for one page in row virtualization. The OverscanCount functionality facilitates the pre-rendering of additional rows in the DOM both before and after the Gantt Chart’s viewport. This optimization significantly reduces rendering frequency during vertical virtual scrolling, resulting in a more seamless and effective user experience. Explore the demo here.
<SfGantt DataSource="@TaskData" Height="410" PageSize="20" OverscanCount="5" EnableRowVirtualization="true" >              



  • Added support to set polygon points in PdfLoadedPolygonAnnotation and PdfPolygonAnnotation.
  • #F180535 - Added support for retrieving the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) with revocation serial numbers, revoked dates, and revocation status from embedded CRLs during signature validation.
  • #F184954 - Provided support to include certificates in the Document Security Store (DSS) during Long-Term Validation (LTV).
  • #F184644 - Added support for retrieving certificates from the Document Security Store (DSS).


When inserting images with a white background into PDFs, an unexpected appearance of gray may occur. This issue has been identified within the SkiaSharp library. This issue is observed specifically when the application targets .NET 8 and is deployed on macOS or iOS environments. Refer to this link for more details.

Bug Fixes

  • #I520965 - Resolved an issue where the destination was not behaving as expected after an update to the destination array functionality in the file link annotation.
  • #I516937 - Resolved an exception that occurred while converting Word to PDF, specifically when handling Arabic text in italic style.
  • #I518050 - The Index outside the bounds of the array exception no longer occurs when compressing a particular PDF document.
  • #I518514 - The Null Reference exception will no longer occur when using the loaded document StructureElement for a particular document.
  • Fixed the issue where the border width is not updated when exporting the annotation in Xfdf format.
  • #I503563 - Resolved the issue where the image rotation was not being returned for a specific PDF document.
  • The Null Reference Exception no longer occurs when converting HTML to PDF.
  • #I509561 - The Null Reference Exception no longer occurs when performing OCR with the chi sim language.
  • #F184907 - The form fields are now added in the correct position during the HTML to PDF conversion.

PDF Viewer

Bug fixes

  • #I497165 - Now, the issue where duplicate authors were being added for rubber stamp annotations has been resolved.
  • #I497238 - The performance issue is resolved for the document having more text.
  • #I499681 - Freetext with custom stamps is now positioned correctly in the provided document.
  • #I496763, #I502162 - The issue where printing a one-page document on iOS devices resulted in the printing of two pages has been successfully resolved.
  • #I499249 - Annotation Events values are now properly updated in the PDF Viewer.
  • #I500318 - The PDF Viewer now accurately exports the text value.
  • #I501337 - The issue where the toolbar would disappear when magnifying the view on mobile devices has been resolved.
  • #I502021 - The PDF Viewer now correctly prints PDFs with mixed orientations (Portrait and Landscape).
  • #I503940 - The issue where annotations were duplicated upon loading the provided document has been resolved.
  • #I507185 - The signature sizes are now properly updated when the height of the signature field is reduced.
  • #I511388 - The JsonException that occurred while retrieving form fields in the provided document has been resolved.
  • #I513903 - The handwritten signature is now drawn properly in the Material3 theme.
  • #I513712 - The issues where zooming operations would freeze pages and result in misplaced form fields have been resolved.
  • #I516384 - Localization is now correctly updated for the ‘Save Signature’ option in the signature dialog box.
  • #I516387 - The issue where extra space was visible in the footer while printing has been resolved.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I516955 - When virtualization is enabled in the pivot table, date formatting is not applied to date group fields in the row and column headers, which has now been fixed.
  • #I516956 - When virtualization or paging is enabled, the pivot table does not export all of its data, which has now been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • #I516529 - An issue with the delete icon not appearing in the editor window on the mobile view has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #FB47913 - The issue with the Tooltip content not being read by screen readers is resolved.

Tree Grid


  • Provided the OverScanCount property to reduces the frequency of rendering during scrolling. Check out the demo here.


Bug Fixes

  • #I513048 - The Blazor TreeView drag and drop operation issues on touch devices have been resolved.
  • #I515720 - The performance issue while selecting the node in the WASM application has been resolved.

Visual Studio Code Extensions


  • Provided the .NET 8.0 support to the Syncfusion Visual Studio Code Blazor Project Template.

Visual Studio Extensions


  • Provided the .NET 8.0 support to the Syncfusion Blazor Template Studio, Code Generator, Conversion, Migration, and Scaffolding.


Bug Fixes

  • #I515434 - Object reference exception is no longer thrown while resaving the Excel document with empty chart shape.