Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

January 03, 2024

Accumulation Chart

Bug Fix

  • #I534038 - Console error issue has been resolved when resizing the browser window.


Bug fixes

  • #I532554 - Fixed an issue where the virtual scrolling with query filter was not functioning correctly in the autocomplete component.


Bug Fix

  • #I532687 - The horizontal and vertical line marker shapes for the scatter chart have now been properly rendered.
  • #I530876 - Console error issue was fixed while resizing the browser window following page navigation.
  • #I533327 - Chart now renders properly when the DateTime label format is provided using a single custom DateTime format specifier.


Bug fixes

  • #I530828 - Resolved an issue where the Combobox would select the first item from the DataSource after the value was cleared using the Clear Button and the user clicked outside of the combobox.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I527294 - Fixed the issue where Persistence was not maintained when refreshing the page after performing filtering.
  • #I513208 - Resolved the issue where the filtered value was not maintained in the filter dialog when using the Filter Template.
  • #I526608 - Fixed the issue where the Selection was maintained after opening and closing the context menu when enable PersistSelection.
  • #I528079 - Resolved the issue where repeated records were rendered when using the QueryCellInfo event with EnableInfiniteScrolling Property.
  • #F49354 - Resolved the issue where an exception occurred in the grid when using multiple selection with grid Copy and Paste.


Bug fixes

  • #I531999 - Fixed issue where the DialogOpen event was not triggered for the second time when the Cancel argument was set to true.


Bug Fixes

  • #I531678 - Contents are now preserved properly while resaving the RTF format document.
  • #I532128 - TOC is now preserved properly after calling UpdateTableOfContents() API.

Bug Fixes

  • #F185940 - The issue where the Dropdown Tree displays incorrect text when both the DataSource and selected value are programmatically changed has been resolved.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #F185799 - The Blazor File Manager crashing issue while opening subfolders in the SQL file service provider has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I528035 - Fixed an issue where an exception was occurring when importing an existing PDF document.
  • #I527838 - Fixed preservation issue that was occurring while converting Word documents to PDF.
  • #I530478 - Fixed an issue where the PdfSignatureValidationResult was returning incorrect results for the Valid Signature.
  • #I533696 - Preservation issue no longer occurs while DrawPdfTemplate in PDF document.
  • #I534639 - Exception no longer occurs while extracting the text from the particular PDF document.
  • #I532184 - Fixed the issue where Extra space added while filling the PdfTextBoxField .
  • #I529161 - Fixed an issue where the triangle shape was incorrectly positioned after converting XPS to PDF.


Bug Fixes

  • #I532201 - PowerPoint library created funnel chart is now opened properly in Open XML library.


Bug Fixes

  • #I518517 - The issues in the timeline year view, where the appointment template content was not rendered in the clone during dragging, and the appointment clone was not visible during multiple appointment dragging, have been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I529677 - Fixed an issue where custom attributes were not being updated correctly in the treegrid.


Bug Fixes

  • #I529482 - Column missing issue in Excel to PDF conversion while applying custom scaling layout and print title column is now resolved.
  • #I530031 - Provided API support for getting the embedded chart from the worksheet by chart name.
  • #I527195 - File corruption issue while resaving an Excel document containing active x control with the embedded image is now resolved.