Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes

December 19, 2024

Bug Fixes

#I662887 - An issue where the carousel is still able to swipe when SwipeMode property is set to ~CarouselSwipeMode.Touch & ~CarouselSwipeMode.Mouse has been resolved.
#I663252 - An issue where the carousel continue to swipe in mobile devices, when EnableTouchSwipe property is disabled has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I658198 - The chart’s secondary axis is now visible or hidden properly based on the visibility of its corresponding series.
  • #I658330 - In the chart, the console error is no longer thrown when toggling the legend for the stacking column series.
  • #I661439 - Now the chart’s x-axis range updates properly when the data changes.
  • #I656577 - Panning now works properly in the chart when EnablePan is set to true, without displaying the zoom toolbar.

Color Picker

Bug Fixes

#I660926 - Provide the readonly support to the RGBA value textbox component in the palette mode of the color picker.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I655476 - An issue with drag action when dynamically adding panels in the Dashboard Layout component has been resolved.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I661312 , #FB63592 - Fixed an issue when programmatically deselecting all rows instead of a single row with SelectRowAsync Toggle.

  • #FB62727 - Fixed an issue where an exception was thrown during window resizing when multiple Grids were rendered.

  • #I652948 , #FB63174 - Fixed an issue where the selected row jumps during row selection event with Virtual Scrolling enabled.

  • #I653261 , #FB63059 - Fixed an issue where the grid failed to render rows and cells when EnableColumnVirtualization was enabled while Scrolling.

  • #FB62940 , #F195052 - Fixed an issue where Single click editing leaves a border around previously clicked cells in firefox browser.

  • #I658288 , #FB63450 - Fixed an issue where the search functionality failed with GridForeignColumn when the ForeignKeyField type was Guid.

  • #I661709, #FB63717 - Fixed an issue where cell values could not be pasted into bulk records when NewRowPosition was set to Bottom in grid.


  • #I652140 , #FB63168 - Provided support for adding the left (ClientX) and top (ClientY) values to the target element for RowDropping and RowDropped arguments.

    <SfGrid @ref="grid" DataSource="@Orders">
        <GridEvents RowDropping="RowDroppingHandler" RowDropped="RowDroppedHandler" TValue="Order"></GridEvents>
    @code {
        SfGrid<Order> grid;
        public void RowDroppingHandler(RowDroppingEventArgs<Order> args)
            // Access ClientX and ClientY coordinates
            var left = args.clientX;
            var top = args.clientY;
            // Custom logic for handling the event
        public void RowDroppedHandler(RowDroppedEventArgs<Order> args)
            // Access ClientX and ClientY coordinates
             var left = args.clientX;
             var top = args.clientY;
            // Custom logic for handling the event


Bug Fixes

  • #I658439 - Document will no longer corrupted while resaving a DOCX format document with picture.
  • #I657865 - Reference field is now updated properly after calling UpdateDocumentFields API.
  • #I659689 - Improved performance when opening DOCX document with tables.
  • #I662314 - “Left only” wrap text is now applied properly to a floating item while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I656540 – The InvalidOperationException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF with line break.
  • #I655379 - Content of the nested table is now preserved properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I663744 - Bookmark hyperlink is now navigating properly for split text while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • #I659198 - Shape is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #F195368 – The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF with fields.
  • #I661042 - “Franklin Gothic Medium” font is now applied properly while converting a Word document to PDF.
  • The ArgumentOutOfRangeException will no longer be thrown while add the cloned InlineContentControl.
  • Revisions for OLE, Footnote and Endnote is now preserved properly after calling Compare API.
  • The ArgumentException will no longer be thrown while calling UpdateDocumentFields API followed by the table AutoFit API in subsequent calls.

Bug Fixes

  • #F195145 - Fixed an issue where a white background would briefly appear in the dropdown list popup when scrolling back to the top.


Bug Fixes

#I659902 - Fixed an issue where the ValueChange event did not trigger after entering a valid value following an invalid value.


Bug Fixes

  • #I660561 - Fixed an issue where the numeric textbox would display the previous value when entering a number exceeding 29 characters in length.


Bug Fixes

  • I640506 - Fixed incorrect OCR text location issue when using a Unicode font in the OCR processor.
  • I659394 - Resolved a rendering issue that occurred when converting HTML to image using the CEF rendering engine.
  • I654664 - Fixed an issue where the conversion timeout was not functioning correctly when using the window status in the Blink converter settings.
  • F195149 - Fixed the issue where ExtractText method throws IndexOutOfRangeException exception while using TextLineCollection API
  • I653833 - Fixed the issue where Text Extraction is not proper for the specific PDF document
  • I657967 - Fixed the issue where Errors occurred while validating the document
  • I646010 - Fixed the issue where Table content not properly added in Structure Element while merging the tagged pdf documents


Bug Fixes

  • RTL text is now preserved properly while converting PowerPoint Presentation to PDF.

Rich Text Editor

Bug Fixes

#I666036 - Now, the cursor position works properly when typing a combination of the letter K in the Rich Text Editor.


Bug Fixes

#F63841 - An issue where the Stroke color changed to the default value instead of the given value in the StrokeColor property while resizing the window has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • #I664214 - Fixed an issue where no background color was displayed while hovering toast in the Tailwind3 theme.


Bug Fixes

  • #663335 - Resolved the issue where an exception was thrown when using additional attributes in the Tooltip component.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #F63820 - Fixed performance issue when using the Expand collapse feature with Custom Attributes added in the treegrid.
  • #F63585 - Fixed OnActionEvent triggered multiple times when used with the feature Persistence.
  • #F63485 - Resolved FilteredRecords variable not get cleared even after using ClearFilterAsync.
  • #I659782 - Resolved an issue where the TreeColumnIndex property was not functional with stacked header columns.
Note : The bug or feature items that do not have a corresponding ID associated with them are internally identified.