Essential Studio® for Blazor Release Notes

December 31, 2024


Bug Fixes

#I662085 - Fixed an issue where users were unable to clear values using the Backspace key on the mobile virtual keyboard.


Bug Fixes

  • #I636957 - The first Y-axis scrollbar now moves properly on its initial interaction.
  • #I643660 - The chart crosshair and tooltip now hide properly when the reset button is clicked.
  • #I668856 - Chart performance has improved during dynamic data updates.


Bug Fixes

  • #I662865 - Fixed an issue where, in the Enable Virtualization case, the selected item is now visible when opening the popup.

Dashboard Layout

Bug Fixes

  • #I668832 - Resolved console errors when dynamically adding panels and performing panel resizing and drag-and-drop in the Blazor Dashboard Layout component.

Data Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I666634, #FB64127 - Fixed the issue where the TimeOnly column was not visible in the DialogEditing on mobile devices when AdaptiveUIMode was enabled.

  • #I660308, #FB63536 - Fixed the issue where input fields became grayed out and data was cleared when ShowAddNewRow was enabled, and Cancel was set to true in the RowUpdating event.

  • #I658998, #FB63459- Fixed the issue where the validation message was not displayed properly in BatchEdit mode when the DataGrid was empty.

  • #I668063, #FB64149 - Fixed an error thrown in the OnActionFailure event while trying to add a record when a detail template row was in an expanded state.

  • #I668492, #FB64221 - Fixed the issue in Inline editing where the last field value was not saved when using the tab key to save the value in the grid


Bug Fixes

  • #I659673, #I664745 - Table is now preserved properly while converting a DOCX format document to PDF.
  • #I666374 - Alternate description is now updated properly for the page field while converting Word document to PDF.
  • #I664598 - Custom properties are now preserved properly while resaving a DOC format document.
  • #I658441 - Hyperlink field is now preserved properly while calling TextToDisplay API.
  • #I664260 – Page number alignment in TOC is now preserved properly after calling UpdateTableOfContents API.
  • #I663342 – The PlatformNotSupportedException will no longer be thrown while converting a Word document to PDF in Blazor WASM hosted on Azure app service.
  • Paragraph is now positioned properly in Word to PDF conversion when previous paragraph contains a field within frame.

Bug Fixes

  • #I664786 - Fixed an issue related to the incorrect active element when setting the sort order.

File Manager

Bug Fixes

  • #I663689 - The issue with the read action occurring after performing a drag-and-drop operation within the same folder in the File Manager component has been resolved. Additionally, target details have been included in the drag events of the File Manager component.

Gantt Chart

Bug fix

  • #I664376 - The issue where editing the progress value using the EditTemplate in the add/edit dialog box has been resolved.

InPlace Editor

Bug Fixes

  • #F195357 - Fixed the issue where numeric values were not properly formatted according to the specified format property.


Bug Fixes

  • #F187908 - Fixed an issue where the Tab key did not properly update the MultiSelect feature.

  • #I664799 - Fixed the issue where the grouping header was not properly updated in the Fluent2 theme.


Bug fixes

  • #I664519 - Resolved an issue where the NumericTextBox component did not update correctly when a value was cleared and then pasted again.

Pivot Table

Bug fixes

  • #I668526 - Resolved the issue where long header text was being wrapped unexpectedly in the exported Excel file when virtualization was enabled.


Bug Fixes

#I665888 - An alignment issue in the left panel that occurred when window resizing while using the MaxEventsPerRow property has been fixed.

Tree Grid

Bug Fixes

  • #I664272 - Resolved an issue where initial filtering using the Query property did not work correctly.
  • #F64051 - Resolved an issue where ChildMapping becomes null when checking the args in ActionComplete events.
    #I665805 - Resolved an issue while Searching action performed followed by filtering action disturbs filtered result.


Bug Fixes

  • #I648033 - Fixed an issue where the HTTP Client was improperly retrieved via Dependency Injection in the uploader.

  • #I664542 - Fixed an issue with custom form data overlapping across files during the BeforeUpload event of the Uploader.