Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes
March 11, 2025
AI AssistView
Bug Fixes
- Now, the flickering issue due to latency when typing quickly in the AI AssistView component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a popup would open after the backspace key was pressed multiple times.
Bug fixes
- Fixed an issue where the decade view did not navigate correctly when using the start and depth settings.
Bug Fixes
- Child group shape is now preserved properly while creating a document from scratch. -
– Table is now preserved properly while converting DOCX document to PDF. -
- Hanging issue will no longer occur while converting a DOC file contains negative cell spacing in table to PDF. -
- Text inside a cell with decimal tab is now aligned properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
- Paragraph is now positioned properly when previous paragraph is in frame while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Underline is now preserved properly while converting HTML to DOCX. -
– The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown while opening a DOCX document with revisions. -
- Inline content control is now preserved properly while resaving a DOCX document. -
- List inside the header/footer is now positioned properly while converting a Word document to PDF. -
– The NullReferenceException will no longer be thrown due to measuring element while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Underline is now applied properly to the empty space paragraph withulTrailSpace
tag while converting a Word to PDF. -
- Text inside the textbox is now preserved properly while converting the Word document to PDF.
DropDown List
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where users were unable to tab through a Dropdown List with filtering enabled.
Gantt Chart
Bug Fix
- Resolved a console error that occurred when deleting a record after performing row drag and drop to the same position.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed issues with sorting and navigation failures in nested ListView when binding the OnBack event.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where filtering was not applied when using multiselect with theallowCustomValue
option enabled and theCreated
Pivot Table
Bug Fixes
- Chart series will now render correctly when dynamically switching between chart reports in the pivot table. -
- The running totals aggregation will now be applied correctly in the pivot table when value fields are placed in the row axis.
Bug Fixes
- Layout slide name will now updated properly when cloning and merging a slide in the PowerPoint library.
Rich Text Editor
Bug Fixes
- TheShowInlineToolbarAsync
method will now function correctly when invoked through theActionComplete
event for the Enter action in the Rich Text Editor. -
- Now, when multiple images are pasted into the Rich Text Editor from a Word document, all images will be successfully saved to the specified save path. -
- Now, the Audio and Video insert dialog’s browse button works properly when using RichTextEditorDialogSettings in the Rich Text Editor.
Bug Fixes
- An issue with color range when dynamically updating the values in the Range Slider component has been resolved.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where a flickering problem occurred with the Splitter when navigating to another page.
Bug Fixes
- Tooltip positioning issue with collision calculation has been resolved.
Tree Grid
Bug Fixes
- Resolved records not rendered properly after usingExpandAtLevel
, whenEnableVirtualization
is enabled. -
- Resolved column template not rendered afterResetPersistDataAsync()
method is executed. -
- Resolved an issue where theTreeColumnIndex
would change upon page refresh whenEnablePersistence
was enabled.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue where the DefaultRequestHeaders were not sent during the removal request when an uploaded file is deleted.