Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

April 1, 2020


New Features

  • Compatibility support provided for WebAssembly to 3.2.0 Preview 2.

Breaking Changes

  • NuGet Change - Previous versions of the Syncfusion Blazor NuGet package name is Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor. From version, it will be Syncfusion.Blazor. Other Blazor packages will also have the same name changes.
Before v18.1.0.42 From v18.1.0.42
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor Syncfusion.Blazor
Syncfusion.EJ2.WordEditor.Blazor Syncfusion.Blazor.WordProcessor
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Windows Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Windows
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Linux Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.Linux
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.OSX Syncfusion.Blazor.PdfViewerServer.OSX
  • Namespace Change - The previous version of Syncfusion Blazor contains the namespace Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor followed by component package names such as Buttons, Charts, Grids, and Inputs. After version, this has been modified to Syncfusion.Blazor followed by its package name.
Before v18.1.0.42 From v18.1.0.42
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor Syncfusion.Blazor
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Buttons Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Calendars Syncfusion.Blazor.Calendars
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Charts Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Grids Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids
  • Component name change - In the previous version, the component names are prefixed with Ejs (example: EjsGrid, EjsChart) which has been changed to the prefix Sf (example: SfGrid, SfChart).
Before v18.1.0.42 From v18.1.0.42
  • razor
  • <EjsButton>Button</EjsButton>
  • razor
  • <SfButton>Button</SfButton>
  • razor
  • <EjsCalendar TValue="DateTime"></EjsCalendar>
  • razor
  • <SfCalendar TValue="DateTime"></SfCalendar>
    • Resource Change - Till the previous version, you will be loading scripts ej2.min.js and ejs-interop.min.js manually in the application, which is not required from version. The script will be loaded from NuGet through static web assets for the components loaded in the page. We have also provided styles as static web assets to load in the application. Still, you can load the resource from CRG by disabling default script loading from static web assets by passing arguments to AddSyncfusionBlazor service.

    DataManager Change - Query initialization is changed from new to new

    Before v18.1.0.42 From v18.1.0.42
  • razor
  • @using Syncfusion.EJ2.Blazor.Data
    @{ var chartQuery = $"new'EmployeeID', 'equal', {employee.EmployeeID}, false)"; }
    <EjsChart Height="390px" Title="Sales Report" DataSource="@OrderData">
            <ChartSeries XName="ShipCity" YName="Freight" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column" Query="@chartQuery">
  • razor
  • @using Syncfusion.Blazor.Data
    @{ var chartQuery = $"new'EmployeeID', 'equal', {employee.EmployeeID}, false)"; }
    <SfChart Height="390px" Title="Sales Report" DataSource="@OrderData">
            <ChartSeries XName="ShipCity" YName="Freight" Type="ChartSeriesType.Column" Query="@chartQuery">
    • CDN Refernce - Changed the CDN reference for script and style files as mentioned below.
    Before v18.1.0.42 From v18.1.0.42
    • Globalization Resource Changes - Till the previous version, you will be loading cldr-data json culture files for enabling Globalization support for specific culture. Starting from the version you no longer need to load the `cldr-data’ files for using Globalization in application like below
    @functions {
        protected IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; set; }
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            var data = await Http.GetJsonAsync<object>("ej2-locale/src/de.json");
            var sup1 = await Http.GetJsonAsync<object>("cldr-data/supplemental/numberingSystems.json");
            var sup2 = await Http.GetJsonAsync<object>("cldr-data/main/de/timeZoneNames.json");
            var sup3 = await Http.GetJsonAsync<object>("cldr-data/main/de/ca-gregorian.json");
            var sup4 = await Http.GetJsonAsync<object>("cldr-data/main/de/numbers.json");
            var sup5 = await Http.GetJsonAsync<object>("cldr-data/main/de/currencies.json");
            var cldrData = new object[] { sup1, sup2, sup3, sup4, sup5 };
    • Localization - Now Syncfusion turns into Blazor standard support for localization using its own way of ASP.Net core approach. Here after,we don’t require to register the culture information in application like below.
    @functions {
        protected IJSRuntime JsRuntime { get; set; }
        protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
            await base.OnInitializedAsync();

    Instead, now we are using resource file to fetch the different culture locale value through Dependency injection (DI) in your application. You can get complete details from below link.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## 264774 - Series visibility toggle on button click is now working properly.
    • ## 266454 - Legend click is now working properly in canvas mode.


    Breaking Changes

    • Now grid and pager locale strings can be applied using resource file instead of JSON file for Blazor Server side application.
    • Some of the following Locale keys are changed.


    Previous Now
    autoFitAll AutoFitAll
    autoFit AutoFit
    UnGroup UnGroupButton


    Previous Now
    firstPageTooltip FirstPageTooltip
    previousPageTooltip PreviousPageTooltip
    nextPageTooltip NextPageTooltip
    previousPagerTooltip PreviousPagerTooltip
    nextPagerTooltip NextPagerTooltip
    lastPageTooltip LastPageTooltip
    pagerDropDown PagerDropDown
    pagerAllDropDown PagerAllDropDown
    totalItemsInfo TotalItemsInfo
    currentPageInfo CurrentPageInfo

    Bug Fixes

    • ## 259019, ## 270145 - Unable to get the edited details in the EditTemplate while using DynamicObject is resolved.
    • ## 268042, ## F152607 - Date column value is not updated properly while using EditTemplate is resolved.
    • ## F151525 - Footer template not updated while CRUD operationan is resolved.
    • ## F151461 - Footer aggregate is calculated based on currentpage records instead of whole data is resolved.
    • ## 270334 - Filter Sfcheckbox throws script error while using filter template for boolean column is resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## 270670 - Issue with “value is not updated while change the value dynamically” has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## 269741 - Issue with “IsInteracted property is not updated while click on the today button” has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • F151502 - Issue with “ItemTemplate is not updated while select all items and remove item” has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## 266590 - Issue with “modified file name is not updated into file list” has been resolved.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## 267838 - Center position of the maps component will now be maintained properly if the zoom level is changed.
    • ## 267114 - Maps component will now render properly with the height provided in its parent element.
    • ## 264023 - Markers will render properly now when the latitude and longitude values in the data source are provided as zero.
    • ## 268658 - Tooltip template for the marker will be displayed properly even when the ValuePath is not specified.


    New Features

    • ## 252369 - The border color of the treemap now can be changed on the item selection event.

    Bug Fixes

    • ## 252369 - OnItemSelect event will now work properly in the treemap component.

    Linear Gauge

    Bug Fixes

    • ## 266799 - ValueChange event will now work properly in the linear gauge component.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## F152199 - Now, the SelectedNodes property values are updated in TreeView component.


    New Features

    • Card Editing: The feature allows to edit the card details and perform the CRUD actions.

    Tree Grid

    Breaking Changes

    • Now tree grid and pager locale strings can be applied using resource file instead of JSON file for Blazor Server side application.
    • Some of the following Locale keys are changed.

    Tree Grid

    Previous Now
    autoFitAll AutoFitAll
    autoFit AutoFit


    Previous Now
    firstPageTooltip FirstPageTooltip
    previousPageTooltip PreviousPageTooltip
    nextPageTooltip NextPageTooltip
    previousPagerTooltip PreviousPagerTooltip
    nextPagerTooltip NextPagerTooltip
    lastPageTooltip LastPageTooltip
    pagerDropDown PagerDropDown
    pagerAllDropDown PagerAllDropDown
    totalItemsInfo TotalItemsInfo
    currentPageInfo CurrentPageInfo

    Bug Fixes

    • ## 267078 - Editing is working fine with column template


    Breaking Changes

    • The property CalendarMode has been removed.
    • It is mandatory to set true to AllowExcelExport property to export Scheduler events in excel sheets.


    New Features

    • The property SelectedItem will support two-way property binding.


    Bug Fixes

    • ## 267404 - The issue with Clicked event while focusing the input element has been fixed.

    Visual Studio extensions

    New Features

    • Blazor Template Studio: Provided the project templates support for creating the Blazor apps using the Syncfusion Blazor components.