Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

May 13, 2020


Bug Fixes

  • ## 274320,## 274400,## 274457,## 274865,## 274916,## 274997,## 276508,## F153564,## F153605,## F153706,## F154070 - Template not rendered in initial load issue has been resolved.

  • ## 274966 ,## 275171,## 275580,## 275609- Exception Thrown on Template initial Rendering in Client Side application issue has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F152802 - Command Column Delete not works when bind RowSelecting event is resolved.
  • ## F152759 - Problem with selectAll checkbox’s state after removing item in datasource(List) with PersistSelection in grid is fixed.
  • ## 273439 - Persist selection is not working when selection is enabled manually after grid rendered is solved.
  • ## F152802 - Globalization not applied for the Command buttons tooltip is fixed.
  • ## 271692, ## 275241 - OdataV4 Delete operation is not working when primarykey is of interger type is fixed.
  • ## 268235, ## 275368 - Problem with update value in a Grid bind with OnActionBegin when its inside DetailTemplate is resolved.

Bug Fixes

## 272836 - Issue with “request failure template is displayed while returning null data” has been resolved.
## 266474 - Issue with “filter method is not working on initial filtering” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

## F152987 - Issue with “spin button is not removed when dynamically change the ShowSpinButton property” has been resolved.


Breaking Changes

In-order to reduce the size of the script while downloading, we did the following split-up work on the exporting and print modules.

  • Print functionality will only work if the AllowPrint property is set to true.
  • Export functionality will only work if AllowImageExport and AllowPdfExport properties are set to true for exporting as images and PDF documents respectively.

Bug Fixes

  • ## 268494 - The missing event arguments are exposed in OnMarkerClick event.
  • The Cancel argument in OnPan event will now work properly as expected.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F153862 - Now, the issue with globalization on initial load has been resolved in Schedule.
  • ## 275448 - Now, the Scheduler’s bottom resources and events are visible when scroll up and down on enabling virtual mode.
  • ## F153216 - Provided support to access the resource details in Date Header Template.