Essential Studio for Blazor Release Notes

March 16, 2021


Bug Fixes

  • ## 316115 - An exception occurs when save and load the diagram with PreventDefaults as “true”.
  • ## 314939 - An exception occurs when render the complex HTML template in diagram’s node.
  • F163266 - When change the node’s property at runtime is not working in the blazor webAssembly.


Bug Fixes

  • ## F158617 - Now, you can add the custom class to the calendar day cell using OnRenderDayCell event.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 314201 - The SfDialog and SfToast components memory leak issues are resolved
  • ## 315134 -The issue with “’OnParametersSet()’ and ‘OnAfterRender()’ dialog lifecycle methods were invoked unnecessarily when the properties of the custom component that is rendered inside the dialog component changed dynamically” has been resolved.

Rich Text Editor

Bug Fixes

  • ## 317128 - The issue with “The table resize icon disappears when resizing the table and holding the resize icon for few seconds” has been resolved.
  • ## 317128 - The issue with “When the caption is applied to an image, the break line image is changed to an inline image.” has been resolved.
  • ## 313704, ## 314778 - The issue with “Unable to perform actions in the Rich Text Editor toolbar when rendered in IE11” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 314201 - The SfDialog and SfToast components memory leak issues are resolved

In-place Editor

Bug Fixes

  • ## 317509 - The issue with “Changed values are updated in InPlaceEditor preview, while clicking on cancel button” has been resolved.
  • F163085 - The issue with “OnActionSuccess event arguments are not returning the data values properly after submitting the value for the first time” has been resolved.

Bug Fixes

  • ## 314152 - Issue with “memory leak occurs while using route parameters to navigate the page” has been resolved.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 316768 - An issue with the “Appointments rendered twice while double clicking on the save button in the Editor window” has been fixed.
  • ## 303620 - An issue with the “Appointment tooltip shows the empty content while changing the target quickly” has been fixed.
  • ## 317979 - An issue with the “Dynamically removing the resource group in TimelineYear view is not working” has been fixed.
  • ## 309371 - An issue with the “Scheduler throws NullReference Exception when interacting with events after calling SaveEvent method” has been fixed.
  • F163124 - An issue with the “Scheduler throws NullReference Exception when removing the entire resources dynamically in TimelineMonth view” has been fixed.
  • An issue with the “Scheduler throws the NullReference Exception after saving the appointment through Editor window” has been fixed.


Bug Fixes

  • ## 317886, ## 317686, ## 318123, ## 318537, ## F163335, ## 318854, ## 317838 - All rows are selected by default while adding the data in empty Grid is fixed.