KeyTips in Blazor Ribbon component

17 Mar 202524 minutes to read

The Blazor Ribbon component supports keyboard navigation through KeyTips, enabling users to interact with Ribbon interface without using a mouse. KeyTips can be enabled by setting the EnableKeyTips property, allowing users to quickly access commands using shortcut keys.

The keyTips will be shown when the Alt + Windows/Command(on macOS) keys are pressed.

KeyTips for different ribbon elements

Ribbon items keytip

You can add keytips to the Ribbon items by using the KeyTip property in the RibbonItem directive.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons;

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section default-ribbon-section">
    <div id="ribbonContainer">
        <SfRibbon ID="ribbon" EnableKeyTips="true">
            <RibbonFileMenuSettings Visible=true MenuItems="@fileMenuItems"></RibbonFileMenuSettings>
                <RibbonTab HeaderText="Home" KeyTip="H">
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Clipboard" GroupIconCss="e-icons e-paste" KeyTip="CD">
                                        <RibbonItem AllowedSizes=RibbonItemSize.Large Type=RibbonItemType.SplitButton KeyTip="PA">
                                            <RibbonTooltipSettings Title="Paste" CssClass="custom-tooltip" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Content="Paste content here.</br> Add content on the clipboard to your document."></RibbonTooltipSettings>
                                            <RibbonSplitButtonSettings Content="Paste" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Items="@formatItems"></RibbonSplitButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button KeyTip="CU">
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Cut" IconCss="e-icons e-cut"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button KeyTip="CO">
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Copy" IconCss="e-icons e-copy"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button KeyTip="CS">
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Format Painter" IconCss="e-icons e-format-painter"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                        <RibbonGroup Orientation=Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon.Orientation.Row GroupIconCss="e-icons e-bold" EnableGroupOverflow="true" HeaderText="Font" CssClass="font-group" KeyTip="FB">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.ComboBox KeyTip="FF">
                                            <RibbonComboBoxSettings AllowFiltering=true DataSource="@fontFamilyItems" @bind-Index="@fontFamIndex" Width="150px" FieldSettings="@fieldSetings"></RibbonComboBoxSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.ComboBox KeyTip="FS">
                                            <RibbonComboBoxSettings DataSource="@fontSizeItems" Width="65px" PopupWidth="85px" FieldSettings="@fieldSetings" @bind-Index="@fontSizeIndex"></RibbonComboBoxSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.GroupButton ID="formatGroup" KeyTip="GB">
                                            <RibbonGroupButtonSettings Selection=GroupButtonSelection.Single
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.ColorPicker KeyTip="CP">
                                            <RibbonColorPickerSettings @bind-Value="@colorPickerValue"></RibbonColorPickerSettings>
                        <RibbonGroup GroupIconCss="e-icons e-paste" HeaderText="Gallery">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Gallery KeyTip="GY">
                                            <RibbonGallerySettings ItemCount="3" Groups="galleryGroups"></RibbonGallerySettings>
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Tables" GroupIconCss="e-icons e-table">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.DropDown AllowedSizes="RibbonItemSize.Large" KeyTip="T">
                                            <RibbonDropDownSettings Content="Table" IconCss="e-icons e-table" Items="@tableItems"></RibbonDropDownSettings>
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Show" GroupIconCss="e-icons e-copy">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.CheckBox KeyTip="R1">
                                            <RibbonCheckBoxSettings Label="Ruler"></RibbonCheckBoxSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.CheckBox KeyTip="R2">
                                            <RibbonCheckBoxSettings Label="Gridlines"></RibbonCheckBoxSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.CheckBox KeyTip="R3">
                                            <RibbonCheckBoxSettings Label="Navigation Pane" @bind-Checked="@checkedState"></RibbonCheckBoxSettings>

@code {

    private int? fontFamIndex = 2;
    private int? fontSizeIndex = 4;
    private string colorPickerValue = "#123456";
    private bool checkedState = true;

    private class ComboBoxItem
        public string Text { get; set; }
        public string Value { get; set; }

    FieldSettingsModel fieldSetings = new FieldSettingsModel
        Text = "Text",
        Value = "Value"

    List<DropDownMenuItem> formatItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Source Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Merge Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Text Only" }

    List<MenuItem> fileMenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
        new MenuItem { Text = "New", IconCss = "e-icons e-file-new", Id = "new" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Open", IconCss = "e-icons e-folder-open", Id = "open" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Rename", IconCss = "e-icons e-rename", Id = "rename" },
        new MenuItem {
            Text = "Save",
            IconCss = "e-icons e-save",
            Id = "save"

    List<ComboBoxItem> fontFamilyItems = new List<ComboBoxItem>
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Algerian", Value = "Algerian" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Arial", Value = "Arial" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Calibri", Value = "Calibri" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Cambria", Value = "Cambria" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Cambria Math", Value = "Cambria Math" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Courier New", Value = "Courier New" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Candara", Value = "Candara" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Georgia", Value = "Georgia" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Impact", Value = "Impact" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Segoe Print", Value = "Segoe Print" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Segoe Script", Value = "Segoe Script" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Segoe UI", Value = "Segoe UI" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Symbol", Value = "Symbol" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Times New Roman", Value = "Times New Roman" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Verdana", Value = "Verdana" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "Windings", Value = "Windings" }

    List<ComboBoxItem> fontSizeItems = new List<ComboBoxItem>
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "8", Value = "8" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "9", Value = "9" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "10", Value = "10" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "11", Value = "11" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "12", Value = "12" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "14", Value = "14" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "16", Value = "16" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "18", Value = "18" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "20", Value = "20" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "22", Value = "22" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "24", Value = "24" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "26", Value = "26" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "28", Value = "28" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "36", Value = "36" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "48", Value = "48" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "72", Value = "72" },
        new ComboBoxItem { Text = "96", Value = "96" }

    List<GroupButtonItem> formatGroupItems = new List<GroupButtonItem>
        new GroupButtonItem
            IconCss = "e-icons e-bold",
            Selected = true,
            Content = "Bold",
        new GroupButtonItem
            IconCss = "e-icons e-italic",
            Content = "Italic",
        new GroupButtonItem
            IconCss = "e-icons e-underline",
            Content = "Underline",
        new GroupButtonItem
            IconCss = "e-icons e-strikethrough",
            Content = "Strikethrough",
        new GroupButtonItem
            IconCss = "e-icons e-change-case",
            Content = "Change Case",

    List<GalleryGroup> galleryGroups = new List<GalleryGroup>
        new GalleryGroup
            Header = "Styles",
            ItemWidth = "100",
            Items = new List<GalleryItem>
                new GalleryItem { Content = "Normal" },
                new GalleryItem { Content = "No Spacing" },
                new GalleryItem { Content = "Heading 1" },
                new GalleryItem { Content = "Heading 2" },
                new GalleryItem { Content = "Heading 3" },
                new GalleryItem { Content = "Heading 4" },
                new GalleryItem { Content = "Heading 5" }

    List<DropDownMenuItem> tableItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Insert Table" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Draw Table" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Convert Table" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Excel SpreadSheet" }

Ribbon Items Keytip

File menu keytip

You can add keytip to the File menu by using the KeyTip property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons;

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section default-ribbon-section">
    <div id="ribbonContainer">
        <SfRibbon ID="ribbon" EnableKeyTips="true">
            <RibbonFileMenuSettings Visible=true MenuItems="@fileMenuItems" KeyTip="F"></RibbonFileMenuSettings>
                <RibbonTab HeaderText="Home">
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.SplitButton AllowedSizes="RibbonItemSize.Large">
                                            <RibbonSplitButtonSettings Content="Paste" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Items="@formatItems"></RibbonSplitButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Cut" IconCss="e-icons e-cut"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Copy" IconCss="e-icons e-copy"></RibbonButtonSettings>

@code {

    List<DropDownMenuItem> formatItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Source Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Merge Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Text Only" }

    List<MenuItem> fileMenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
        new MenuItem { Text = "New", IconCss = "e-icons e-file-new", Id = "new" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Open", IconCss = "e-icons e-folder-open", Id = "open" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Rename", IconCss = "e-icons e-rename", Id = "rename" },
        new MenuItem {
            Text = "Save",
            IconCss = "e-icons e-save",
            Id = "save",

Ribbon File Menu Keytip

Backstage menu keytip

You can add keytips for the backstage button and menu items by using KeyTip property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons;

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section default-ribbon-section">
    <div id="ribbonContainer">
        <SfRibbon ID="ribbon" EnableKeyTips="true">
            <RibbonBackstageMenuSettings KeyTip="F" Visible="true" BackButtonSettings="@backStageBackButton">
                    <BackstageMenuItem KeyTip="H" ID="home" Text="Home" IconCss="e-icons e-home"></BackstageMenuItem>
                    <BackstageMenuItem KeyTip="N" ID="new" Text="New" IconCss="e-icons e-file-new"></BackstageMenuItem>
                    <BackstageMenuItem KeyTip="O" ID="open" Text="Open" IconCss="e-icons e-folder-open"></BackstageMenuItem>
                <RibbonTab HeaderText="Home">
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.SplitButton AllowedSizes="RibbonItemSize.Large">
                                            <RibbonSplitButtonSettings Content="Paste" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Items="@formatItems"></RibbonSplitButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Cut" IconCss="e-icons e-cut"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Copy" IconCss="e-icons e-copy"></RibbonButtonSettings>

@code {

    List<DropDownMenuItem> formatItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Source Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Merge Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Text Only" }

    BackstageBackButtonSettings backStageBackButton = new BackstageBackButtonSettings
            Text = "Close",
            IconCss = "e-icons e-arrow-left",
            Visible = true

Ribbon Backstage menu keytip

Ribbon layout switcher keytip

You can add keytip to the layout switcher by using the LayoutSwitcherKeyTip property for switching between Classic and Simplified Ribbon layouts.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons;

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section default-ribbon-section">
    <div id="ribbonContainer">
        <SfRibbon ID="ribbon" EnableKeyTips="true" LayoutSwitcherKeyTip="LS">
            <RibbonFileMenuSettings Visible=true MenuItems="@fileMenuItems"></RibbonFileMenuSettings>
                <RibbonTab HeaderText="Home">
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Clipboard">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.SplitButton AllowedSizes="RibbonItemSize.Large">
                                            <RibbonSplitButtonSettings Content="Paste" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Items="@formatItems"></RibbonSplitButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Cut" IconCss="e-icons e-cut"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Copy" IconCss="e-icons e-copy"></RibbonButtonSettings>

@code {

    List<DropDownMenuItem> formatItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Source Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Merge Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Text Only" }

    List<MenuItem> fileMenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
        new MenuItem { Text = "New", IconCss = "e-icons e-file-new", Id = "new" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Open", IconCss = "e-icons e-folder-open", Id = "open" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Rename", IconCss = "e-icons e-rename", Id = "rename" },
        new MenuItem {
            Text = "Save",
            IconCss = "e-icons e-save",
            Id = "save",

Ribbon layout switcher keytip

Ribbon launcher icon keytip

You can add keytip to the launcher icon by using LauncherIconKeyTip property allowing you to quickly open additional options in Ribbon groups.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons;

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section default-ribbon-section">
    <div id="ribbonContainer">
        <SfRibbon ID="ribbon" EnableKeyTips="true">
            <RibbonFileMenuSettings Visible=true MenuItems="@fileMenuItems"></RibbonFileMenuSettings>
                <RibbonTab HeaderText="Home" KeyTip="H">
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Clipboard" ShowLauncherIcon="true" LauncherIconKeyTip="L">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.SplitButton AllowedSizes="RibbonItemSize.Large">
                                            <RibbonSplitButtonSettings Content="Paste" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Items="@formatItems"></RibbonSplitButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Cut" IconCss="e-icons e-cut"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button>
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Copy" IconCss="e-icons e-copy"></RibbonButtonSettings>

@code {

    List<DropDownMenuItem> formatItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Source Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Merge Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Text Only" }

    List<MenuItem> fileMenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
        new MenuItem { Text = "New", IconCss = "e-icons e-file-new", Id = "new" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Open", IconCss = "e-icons e-folder-open", Id = "open" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Rename", IconCss = "e-icons e-rename", Id = "rename" },
        new MenuItem {
            Text = "Save",
            IconCss = "e-icons e-save",
            Id = "save",

Ribbon launcher icon keytip


Show keytips

You can use the ShowKeyTipsAsync method to dynamically display keytips.

  • To activate a specific key action, pass the corresponding keytip string as an argument.
  • For example, calling ShowKeyTipsAsync('H') will look for the specific item associated with the H key and trigger its respective action.

Hide keytips

You can use the HideKeyTipsAsync method to remove all visible keytips from the Ribbon dynamically.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Ribbon;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Navigations;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons;

<div class="col-lg-12 control-section default-ribbon-section">
    <div id="ribbonContainer">
        <SfButton @onclick="handleShowKeyTips">ShowKeyTips</SfButton>
        <SfButton @onclick="handleHideKeyTips">HideKeyTips</SfButton>
        <SfRibbon ID="ribbon" EnableKeyTips="true" @ref="ribbon">
            <RibbonFileMenuSettings Visible=true MenuItems="@fileMenuItems"></RibbonFileMenuSettings>
                <RibbonTab HeaderText="Home" KeyTip="H">
                        <RibbonGroup HeaderText="Clipboard" ShowLauncherIcon="true" LauncherIconKeyTip="L">
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.SplitButton AllowedSizes="RibbonItemSize.Large" KeyTip="V">
                                            <RibbonSplitButtonSettings Content="Paste" IconCss="e-icons e-paste" Items="@formatItems"></RibbonSplitButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button KeyTip="X">
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Cut" IconCss="e-icons e-cut"></RibbonButtonSettings>
                                        <RibbonItem Type=RibbonItemType.Button KeyTip="C">
                                            <RibbonButtonSettings Content="Copy" IconCss="e-icons e-copy"></RibbonButtonSettings>

@code {

    SfRibbon ribbon;

    private async Task handleShowKeyTips()
        await ribbon.ShowKeyTipsAsync();
    private async Task handleHideKeyTips()
        await ribbon.HideKeyTipsAsync();

    List<DropDownMenuItem> formatItems = new List<DropDownMenuItem>()
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Source Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Merge Format" },
        new DropDownMenuItem{ Text = "Keep Text Only" }

    List<MenuItem> fileMenuItems = new List<MenuItem>()
        new MenuItem { Text = "New", IconCss = "e-icons e-file-new", Id = "new" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Open", IconCss = "e-icons e-folder-open", Id = "open" },
        new MenuItem { Text = "Rename", IconCss = "e-icons e-rename", Id = "rename" },
        new MenuItem {
            Text = "Save",
            IconCss = "e-icons e-save",
            Id = "save",

Guidelines for adding keytips

Before adding keytips to the Ribbon items, follow these best practices:

  • Avoid using the same keytip setting on multiple items.

Each keytip should be distinct. If multiple items share the same keytip (e.g., H or HF), only the first occurrence will be activated, while any subsequent instances of H or HF are ignored.

  • Do not use the same first letter for the single and double keytip items.

When using multi-character keytips (e.g., F, FP, and FPF) for different items, pressing F will activate only the first-level keytip (F), while FP and FPF will be ignored.