Customizing Appearance of Suggestions

29 Nov 20241 minute to read

The ShowSuggestionOnPopup attribute in Syncfusion® Blazor Smart TextArea allows you to control how text suggestions are displayed to the users.

  • If ShowSuggestionOnPopup is true, suggestions displayed in the pop-up window
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SmartComponents

<SfSmartTextArea UserRole="@userRole" Placeholder="Enter your queries here" @bind-Value="prompt" Width="75%" RowCount="5" ShowSuggestionOnPopup="true">

@code {
    private string? prompt;
    public string userRole = "Maintainer of an open-source project replying to GitHub issues";

SUggestion on popup

  • If ShowSuggestionOnPopup is false, suggestions displayed inline.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SmartComponents

<SfSmartTextArea UserRole="@userRole" Placeholder="Enter your queries here" @bind-Value="prompt" Width="75%" RowCount="5" ShowSuggestionOnPopup="false">

@code {
    private string? prompt;
    public string userRole = "Maintainer of an open-source project replying to GitHub issues";

SUggestion inline

By default ShowSuggestionOnPopup is false.

See also