Appearance in Blazor Sparkline Component

14 Oct 20222 minutes to read

The rendering direction, padding, border, and the background appearance of the Sparkline can all be customized.

Right-to-left (RTL)

The Sparkline supports the right-to-left (RTL) rendering that can be enabled by setting the EnableRtl property to true.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="new double[]{ 300.00, 600.00, 400.21, 100.20, 300.70, 200.04, 500.00 }" Height="200px" Width="350px" Format="c2" EnableRtl="true">
    <SparklineDataLabelSettings Visible="new List<VisibleType> { VisibleType.All }" EdgeLabelMode="EdgeLabelMode.Shift"></SparklineDataLabelSettings>
    <SparklinePadding Top="25"></SparklinePadding>

Right to Left in Blazor Sparkline Chart


The border can be enabled and customized by specifying the Color and the Width properties of the SparklineContainerAreaBorder.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="new int[]{ 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 }" Type="SparklineType.Area" Height="200px" Width="350px" Fill="#b2cfff" LineWidth="1">
        <SparklineContainerAreaBorder Color="#033e96" Width="1"></SparklineContainerAreaBorder>

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Border


The Sparkline supports padding between the container and the component using the SparklinePadding. The code example in the following shows the Sparkline Chart with overall padding set to 20.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="new int[]{ 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 }" Type="SparklineType.Area" Height="200px" Width="350px" Fill="#b2cfff" LineWidth="1">
        <SparklineContainerAreaBorder Color="#033e96" Width="2"></SparklineContainerAreaBorder>
    <SparklineBorder Color="#033e96" Width="1"></SparklineBorder>
    <SparklinePadding Left="20" Right="20" Bottom="20" Top="20"></SparklinePadding>

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Padding


The background color of the Sparkline area can be changed using the Background property of the SparklineContainerArea. By default, the Sparkline background color is Transparent.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="new int[]{ 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 }" Type="SparklineType.Area" Height="200px" Width="350px" Fill="#b2cfff" LineWidth="1">
    <SparklineContainerArea Background="#eff1f4">
        <SparklineContainerAreaBorder Color="#033e96" Width="2">
    <SparklineBorder Color="#033e96" Width="1"></SparklineBorder>
    <SparklinePadding Left="20" Right="20" Bottom="20" Top="20"></SparklinePadding>

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Custom Background