Appearance in Blazor Sparkline Component
14 Oct 20222 minutes to read
The rendering direction, padding, border, and the background appearance of the Sparkline can all be customized.
Right-to-left (RTL)
The Sparkline supports the right-to-left (RTL) rendering that can be enabled by setting the EnableRtl property to true.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<SfSparkline DataSource="new double[]{ 300.00, 600.00, 400.21, 100.20, 300.70, 200.04, 500.00 }" Height="200px" Width="350px" Format="c2" EnableRtl="true">
<SparklineDataLabelSettings Visible="new List<VisibleType> { VisibleType.All }" EdgeLabelMode="EdgeLabelMode.Shift"></SparklineDataLabelSettings>
<SparklinePadding Top="25"></SparklinePadding>
The border can be enabled and customized by specifying the Color and the Width properties of the SparklineContainerAreaBorder.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<SfSparkline DataSource="new int[]{ 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 }" Type="SparklineType.Area" Height="200px" Width="350px" Fill="#b2cfff" LineWidth="1">
<SparklineContainerAreaBorder Color="#033e96" Width="1"></SparklineContainerAreaBorder>
The Sparkline supports padding between the container and the component using the SparklinePadding. The code example in the following shows the Sparkline Chart with overall padding set to 20.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<SfSparkline DataSource="new int[]{ 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 }" Type="SparklineType.Area" Height="200px" Width="350px" Fill="#b2cfff" LineWidth="1">
<SparklineContainerAreaBorder Color="#033e96" Width="2"></SparklineContainerAreaBorder>
<SparklineBorder Color="#033e96" Width="1"></SparklineBorder>
<SparklinePadding Left="20" Right="20" Bottom="20" Top="20"></SparklinePadding>
The background color of the Sparkline area can be changed using the Background property of the SparklineContainerArea. By default, the Sparkline background color is Transparent.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts
<SfSparkline DataSource="new int[]{ 3, 6, 4, 1, 3, 2, 5 }" Type="SparklineType.Area" Height="200px" Width="350px" Fill="#b2cfff" LineWidth="1">
<SparklineContainerArea Background="#eff1f4">
<SparklineContainerAreaBorder Color="#033e96" Width="2">
<SparklineBorder Color="#033e96" Width="1"></SparklineBorder>
<SparklinePadding Left="20" Right="20" Bottom="20" Top="20"></SparklinePadding>