Axis Customization in Blazor Sparkline Component

17 Dec 20225 minutes to read

Change the value type of the Sparkline Chart

The ValueType property is used to specify the Sparkline value type, which can be Numeric, Category, or DateTime.


The numeric axis value can be provided by specifying the ValueType property to the Numeric.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="@ExpenditureReport" TValue="ExpenditureDetails" XName="Year" YName="Expense" Type="SparklineType.Column" ValueType="SparklineValueType.Numeric" Height="250px" Width="450px">

@code {
    public class ExpenditureDetails
        public int Year { get; set; }
        public int Expense { get; set; }
    public List<ExpenditureDetails> ExpenditureReport = new List<ExpenditureDetails> {
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2010, Expense= 190 },
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2011, Expense= 165 },
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2012, Expense= 158 },
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2013, Expense= 175 },
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2014, Expense= 200 },
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2015, Expense= 180 },
        new ExpenditureDetails{ Year= 2016, Expense= 210 }

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Numeric Value


The category axis value can be provided by specifying the ValueType property to the Category.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline XName="EmployeeName"YName="WorkHours"TValue="WorkDetails"DataSource="@EmployeeWorkReport" Type="SparklineType.Column"ValueType="SparklineValueType.Category" Height="250px"Width="450px">

@code {
    public class WorkDetails
        public string EmployeeName { get; set; }
        public double WorkHours { get; set; }
    public List<WorkDetails> EmployeeWorkReport = new List<WorkDetails> {
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Robert", WorkHours= 60 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Andrew", WorkHours= 65 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Suyama", WorkHours= 70 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Michael", WorkHours= 80 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Janet", WorkHours= 55 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Davolio", WorkHours= 90 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Fuller", WorkHours= 75 },
        new WorkDetails { EmployeeName = "Nancy", WorkHours= 85 }

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Category Value


The DateTime axis value can be provided by specifying the ValueType property to the DateTime.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline XName="Date" YName="Expense" TValue="ExpenditureDetail" DataSource="@ExpenditureReports" Type="SparklineType.Column" ValueType="SparklineValueType.DateTime" Height="250px" Width="450px">

@code {
    public class ExpenditureDetail
        public DateTime Date { get; set; }
        public double Expense { get; set; }

    public List<ExpenditureDetail> ExpenditureReports = new List<ExpenditureDetail>
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2005, 01, 01), Expense = 21 },
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2006, 01, 01), Expense = 24 },
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2007, 01, 01), Expense = 36 },
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2008, 01, 01), Expense = 38 },
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2009, 01, 01), Expense = 54 },
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2010, 01, 01), Expense = 57 },
        new ExpenditureDetail { Date = new DateTime(2011, 01, 01), Expense = 70 }

Blazor Sparkline Chart with DateTime Value

Change the min and the max values of axis

The min and the max values of the X-axis can be customized using the MinX and the MaxX properties of the SparklineAxisSettings, and the min and the max values of the Y-axis using the MinY and the MaxY properties.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="@ExpenditureReport" TValue="ExpenditureDetails" XName="Year" YName="Expense" Type="SparklineType.Column" ValueType="SparklineValueType.Numeric" Height="250px" Width="450px">
    <SparklineAxisSettings MinY="100" MaxY="220"></SparklineAxisSettings>


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of the ExpenditureReport.

Changing Minimum and Maximum Values of Blazor Sparkline Chart Axis

Change value of axis

The horizontal axis line value can be customized by setting the Value in the SparklineAxisSettings.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="@ExpenditureReport" TValue="ExpenditureDetails" XName="Year" YName="Expense" Type="SparklineType.Column" ValueType="SparklineValueType.Numeric" Height="250px" Width="450px">
    <SparklineAxisSettings Value="170"></SparklineAxisSettings>


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of the ExpenditureReport.

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Axis Value

Axis Line Customization

The axis line can be enabled by specifying the Visible property to true in the SparklineAxisLineSettings.


The axis line is not applicable for the WinLoss chart type.

The axis line can be customized using the following properties.

  • Color - Specifies the color of the axis line.
  • Opacity - Specifies the opacity for the Color of the axis line.
  • Width - Specifies the width of the axis line.
  • DashArray - Specifies the dash array of the axis line.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline DataSource="ExpenditureReport" TValue="ExpenditureDetails" XName="Year" YName="Expense" Type="SparklineType.Line" Height="250px" Width="450px">
        <SparklineAxisLineSettings Visible="true" Color="#ff14ae" DashArray="5" Opacity="1"></SparklineAxisLineSettings>


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of ExpenditureReport.

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Custom Axis Line