Special Points Customization in Blazor Sparkline Component

13 Oct 20212 minutes to read

Add custom color for special points

The color of special points can be changed by specifying the corresponding property, and it is applicable for Line, Column and Area chart types in the Sparkline. The following properties are used to customize the special points.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline XName="CarName" YName="Rating" Width="130px" Height="150px" TValue="CarRating" DataSource="CarRatings" Type="SparklineType.Column" ValueType="SparklineValueType.Category"
             HighPointColor="blue" LowPointColor="orange" StartPointColor="green" EndPointColor="green" NegativePointColor="red">

@code {
    public class CarRating
        public string CarName { get; set; }
        public double Rating { get; set; }
    public List<CarRating> CarRatings = new List<CarRating> {
        new CarRating { CarName= "AUDI", Rating= 1 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "BMW", Rating= 5 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "BUICK", Rating= -1 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "CETROEN", Rating= -6 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "CHEVROLET", Rating= 0.01 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "FIAT", Rating= 1 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "FORD", Rating= -2 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "HONDA", Rating= 7 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "HYUNDAI", Rating= -9 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "JEEP", Rating= 0.01 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "KIA", Rating= -10 },
        new CarRating { CarName= "MAZDA", Rating= 3 }

Blazor Sparkline Chart with Custom Point

Tie point color

To highlight the tie area of the Y-axis value, use the TiePointColor property that is only applicable to the WinLoss type.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Charts

<SfSparkline Width="130px" Height="150px" Type="SparklineType.WinLoss" TiePointColor="blue" DataSource="new int[]{12, 15, -10, 13, 15, 6, -12, 17, 13, 0, 8, -10}">

Highlighting Tie Point Area in Blazor Sparkline Chart