Open a dialog on popup item click in Blazor SplitButton Component

11 Oct 20211 minute to read

This section explains about how to open a dialog on Split Button popup item click. This can be achieved by handling dialog open in ItemSelected event of the Split Button.

In the following example, Dialog will open while selecting Update item.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.SplitButtons
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Popups

<SfSplitButton Content="Settings">
    <SplitButtonEvents ItemSelected="select"></SplitButtonEvents>
        <DropDownMenuItem Text="Help"></DropDownMenuItem>
        <DropDownMenuItem Text="About"></DropDownMenuItem>
        <DropDownMenuItem Text="Update"></DropDownMenuItem>
<SfDialog Content="@Content" Header="@Header" Width="250px" Height="150px" Visible="false" @ref="DialogObj">
    <DialogPositionData X="300" Y="200"></DialogPositionData>
        <DialogButton OnClick="@click">
            <DialogButton Content="OK" IsPrimary="true"></DialogButton>
        <DialogButton OnClick="@click">
            <DialogButton Content="Cancel"></DialogButton>

@code  {
    SfDialog DialogObj;
    public string Content = "Are you sure want to update?";
    public string Header = "Software Update";

    private void click(object args)

    private void select(MenuEventArgs args)
        if (args.Item.Text == "Update")

    .e-setting-icon::before {
        content: '\e679';

Opening Dialog on Popup Item Click in Blazor SplitButton