Pane Settings in the Blazor Splitter Component

11 Oct 20211 minute to read

This section explains the pane settings behavior.

Pane visibility

You can show or hide the Splitter panes using the Visible property based on the application’s demand like initial load or dynamic cases. The Visible property is enabled by default in the Blazor splitter.

In the following code example, the Visible property binds to the second SplitterPane to show/hide the pane on CheckBox state change.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Layouts

<button class="e-btn" @onclick="@ToggleMiddlePane"> Toggle Middle Pane </button>

<SfSplitter Height="240px" Width="700px" SeparatorSize="2">
        <SplitterPane Size="30%" Collapsible="true">
                <div> Left Pane </div>
        <SplitterPane Size="30%" Collapsible="true" Visible="@this.PaneMiddleVisibility">
                <div> Middle Pane </div>
        <SplitterPane Collapsible="true">
                <div> Right Pane </div>

@code {
    public bool PaneMiddleVisibility { get; set; } = false;

    public void ToggleMiddlePane()
        this.PaneMiddleVisibility = !this.PaneMiddleVisibility;