Style and Appearance in Blazor Tabs Component
6 Oct 20212 minutes to read
The following content provides the exact CSS structure that can be used to modify the control’s appearance based on user preference.
Customizing Tab
Use the following CSS to customize the Tab.
.e-tab {
border: 5px solid rgb(173, 255, 47);
Customizing the Tab items
Use the following CSS to customize the header items of Tab.
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-toolbar-items {
background: #9faed8;
border: 2px solid blue;
Use the following CSS to customize the content items of Tab.
.e-tab .e-content .e-item {
color: #a78515;
font-size: 14px;
Customizing Tab’s header
Use the following CSS to customize the header of Tab control.
.e-tab .e-tab-header {
background: #badfba !important;
Customizing Tab’s header icon
Use the following CSS to customize the header item icon of Tab control.
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-toolbar-item .e-tab-icon {
color: #badfba !important;
Customizing Tab’s content
Use the following CSS to customize the content of Tab control.
.e-tab .e-content {
background: #d1f6d1 !important;
Customizing the hover state of Tab control
Use the following CSS to customize the tab item when hovering.
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-toolbar-item .e-tab-wrap:hover {
background: #d1f6d1 !important;
Use the following CSS to customize the tab item popup icon when hovering.
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-hor-nav .e-popup-up-icon:hover,
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-hor-nav .e-popup-down-icon:hover {
background: #d1f6d1 !important;
Customizing selected item of Tab control
Use the following CSS to customize the selected tab item.
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-toolbar-item.e-active {
background: #d1f4d1;
Use the following CSS to customize the selected tab item text and icon.
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-toolbar-item.e-active .e-tab-text,
.e-tab .e-tab-header .e-toolbar-item.e-active .e-tab-icon {
color: green !important;