CSS Customization in Blazor TimePicker Component

9 Jan 20243 minutes to read

TimePicker allows to customize the text box and popup list appearance to suit the application by using the CssClass property.

The following code demonstrates customization of text appearance in a text box, popup button, and popup list along with hover and active state by using the e-custom-style class. Following is the list of available classes used to customize the entire TimePicker component:

Class Name Description
e-time-wrapper Applied to TimePicker wrapper element.
e-timepicker Applied to input element and TimePicker popup element.
e-time-wrapper.e-timepicker Applied to input element only.
e-input-group-icon.e-time-icon Applied to popup button.
e-float-text Applied to floating label text element.
e-popup Applied to popup element.
e-timepicker.e-popup Applied to TimePicker popup element only.
e-list-parent Applied to popup UL element.
e-timepicker.e-list-parent Applied to TimePicker popup UL element only.
e-list-item Applied to LI elements.
e-hover Applied to LI element hovering time.
e-active Applied to active LI element.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Calendars

<SfTimePicker TValue="DateTime?" CssClass="e-custom-style" Placeholder="Select a Time"></SfTimePicker>

     /*customize the input element text color*/
    .e-time-wrapper.e-custom-style #element {
        display: block;
        color: blue;

    /*customize the floating label and popup button text color*/
    .e-time-wrapper.e-custom-style .e-float-text.e-label-bottom,
    .e-time-wrapper.e-custom-style .e-input-group-icon.e-time-icon.e-icons {
        color: blue;

    /*customize the input element text selection*/
    .e-time-wrapper.e-custom-style.e-input-group .e-timepicker::selection {
        background: blue;

    .e-timepicker.e-popup.e-custom-style .e-list-parent.e-ul,
    .e-timepicker.e-popup.e-custom-style .e-list-parent.e-ul .e-list-item {
        background-color: #c0ebff;

        /*customize the list item hover color*/
    .e-timepicker.e-popup.e-custom-style .e-list-parent.e-ul .e-list-item.e-hover,
    .e-timepicker.e-popup.e-custom-style .e-list-parent.e-ul .e-list-item.e-active.e-hover {
        background-color: blue;
        color: #fff;

        /*customize the active element text color*/
    .e-timepicker.e-popup.e-custom-style .e-list-parent.e-ul .e-list-item.e-active {
        color: #333;
        background-color: #fff;

Blazor TimePicker with Custom Style