Animation in Blazor Toast Component

27 Sep 20215 minutes to read

The toast component supports custom animations for both show and hide actions from the provided ToastHideAnimationSettings and ToastShowAnimationSettings option of the Animation library. The default animation is given as FadeIn for showing the toast and FadeOut for hiding the toast.

The following sample demonstrates some types of animations that suit toast.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Buttons
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

<SfToast @ref="ToastObj" Title="Matt sent you a friend request" Content="@ToastContent">
    <ToastPosition X="Right" Y="Bottom"></ToastPosition>
        <ToastShowAnimationSettings Effect="@ShowAnimation"></ToastShowAnimationSettings>
        <ToastHideAnimationSettings Effect="@HideAnimation"></ToastHideAnimationSettings>

<div class="col-lg-12 col-sm-12 col-md-12 center">
    <div id="toastBtnDefault" style="margin: auto; text-align: center">
        <div id="textbox-contain">
                <label> Show Animation </label>
            <SfDropDownList Placeholder="Select a animate type" DataSource="@Effects" TValue="string" TItem="DropDownFields">
                <DropDownListEvents ValueChange="@ShowAnimationChange" TValue="string"></DropDownListEvents>
                <DropDownListFieldSettings Text="text" Value="id"></DropDownListFieldSettings>

                <label> Hide Animation </label>
            <SfDropDownList Placeholder="Select a animate type" DataSource="@Effects" TValue="string" TItem="DropDownFields">
                <DropDownListEvents ValueChange="@HideAnimationChange" TValue="string"></DropDownListEvents>
                <DropDownListFieldSettings Text="text" Value="id"></DropDownListFieldSettings>
        <SfButton @onclick="@ShowToast"> Show Toast </SfButton>

    #elementToastTime .e-toast-message {
        padding: 10px;
        text-align: center;

    #textbox-contain {
        text-align: initial;
        display: inline-block;
        width: 20%;
        margin: 0 auto;

    .top-row.px-4 {
        display: none;

    .content.px-4 {
        margin-top: 103px;
        margin-left: -12%;

@code {
    SfToast ToastObj;

    private ToastEffect ShowAnimation = ToastEffect.FadeIn;
    private ToastEffect HideAnimation = ToastEffect.FadeOut;
    private string ToastContent = "You have a new friend request yet to accept";

    public class DropDownFields
        public string id { get; set; }
        public string text { get; set; }

    private List<DropDownFields> Effects = new List<DropDownFields>()
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FadeIn", text= "Fade In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FadeZoomIn", text= "Fade Zoom In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FadeZoomOut", text= "Fade Zoom Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipLeftDownIn", text= "Flip Left Down In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipLeftDownOut", text= "Flip Left Down Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipLeftUpIn", text= "Flip Left Up In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipRightDownIn", text= "Flip Right Up In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipRightDownOut", text= "Flip Right Down Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipRightUpIn", text= "Flip Right Up In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "FlipRightUpOut", text= "Flip Right Up Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideBottomIn", text= "Slide Bottom In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideBottomOut", text= "Slide Bottom Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideLeftIn", text= "Slide Left In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideLeftOut", text= "Slide Left Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideRightIn", text= "Slide Right In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideRightOut", text= "Slide Right Out" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "SlideTopIn", text= "Slide Top In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "ZoomIn", text= "Zoom In" },
        new DropDownFields(){ id= "ZoomOut", text= "Zoom Out" }

    private async Task ShowToast()
        await ToastObj.ShowAsync();

    private void ShowAnimationChange(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<string> args)
        this.ShowAnimation  = (ToastEffect)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ToastEffect), args.Value);

    private void HideAnimationChange(Syncfusion.Blazor.DropDowns.ChangeEventArgs<string> args)
        this.HideAnimation = (ToastEffect)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(ToastEffect), args.Value);