Events in Blazor Toast Component

27 Sep 20211 minute to read

This section explains the list of events of the Toast component which will be triggered for appropriate Toast actions.


Created event triggers after the Toast gets created.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

   <ToastEvents Created="@CreatedHandler" ></ToastEvents>

    public void CreatedHandler(Object args)
        // Here you can customize your code


Destroyed event triggers after the Toast gets destroyed.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

   <ToastEvents Destroyed="@DestroyedHandler" ></ToastEvents>

    public void DestroyedHandler(Object args)
        // Here you can customize your code


Opened event triggers after the Toast shown on the target container.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

   <ToastEvents Opened="@OpenedHandler" ></ToastEvents>

    public void OpenedHandler(ToastOpenArgs args)
        // Here you can customize your code


OnOpen event triggers before the toast shown.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

   <ToastEvents OnOpen="@OnOpenHandler" ></ToastEvents>

    public void OnOpenHandler(ToastBeforeOpenArgs args)
        // Here you can customize your code


Closed event triggers after the Toast hides.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

   <ToastEvents Closed="@ClosedHandler" ></ToastEvents>

    public void ClosedHandler(ToastCloseArgs args)
        // Here you can customize your code


OnClick event triggers while clicking on the Toast.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.Notifications

   <ToastEvents OnClick="@OnClickHandler" ></ToastEvents>

    public void OnClickHandler(ToastClickEventArgs args)
        // Here you can customize your code