Aggregate in Blazor TreeGrid Component

17 Nov 202317 minutes to read

To know about Aggregate in Blazor tree grid Component, you can check this video.

Aggregate values are displayed in the Tree Grid footer and in parent row footer for child row aggregate values. It can be configured through TreeGridAggregateColumn property. The Field and Type are the minimum properties required to represent an aggregate column.

By default, the aggregate value can be displayed in the Tree Grid footer, and footer of child rows. To show the aggregate value in one of the cells, use the FooterTemplate.

Built-in aggregate types

The aggregate type should be specified in the Type property to configure an aggregate column.

The built-in aggregates are,

  • Sum
  • Average
  • Min
  • Max
  • Count
  • Truecount
  • Falsecount

Footer aggregate value is calculated for all the rows, and it is displayed in the footer cells. Use the FooterTemplate to render the aggregate value in footer cells.

@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;

<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" AllowPaging="true" TreeColumnIndex="1">
        <TreeGridAggregate ShowChildSummary="false">
                <TreeGridAggregateColumn Field="Duration" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateType.Sum" Format="C2">
                            var sumvalue = (context as Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext);
                                <p>Sum: @sumvalue.Sum</p>
                <TreeGridAggregateColumn Field="Approved" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateType.TrueCount" Format="C2">
                            var truecount = (context as Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext);
                                <p>Approved: @truecount.TrueCount</p>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Approved" HeaderText="Approved" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Center" DisplayAsCheckBox="true" Width="100">

    public List<TreeData> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    public Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext model = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {

 public class TreeData
            public int TaskId { get; set; }
            public string TaskName { get; set; }
            public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
            public int? Duration { get; set; }
            public int? Progress { get; set; }
            public bool Approved { get; set; }
            public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        public static List<TreeData> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<TreeData> TreeDataCollection = new List<TreeData>();
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 1, TaskName = "Parent Task 1", Duration = 10, Progress = 70, Approved = true, ParentId = null });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 2, TaskName = "Child task 1", Duration = 4, Progress = 80, Approved = false, Duration = 50, ParentId = 1 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 3, TaskName = "Child Task 2", Duration = 5, Progress = 65, Approved = true, ParentId = 2 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 4, TaskName = "Child task 3", Duration = 6, Approved = false, Progress = 77, ParentId = 3 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 5, TaskName = "Parent Task 2", Duration = 10, Progress = 70, Approved = true, ParentId = null });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 6, TaskName = "Child task 1", Duration = 4, Progress = 80, Approved = false, ParentId = 5 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 7, TaskName = "Child Task 2", Duration = 5, Progress = 65, Approved = true, ParentId = 5 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 8, TaskName = "Child task 3", Duration = 6, Progress = 77, Approved = false, ParentId = 5 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 9, TaskName = "Child task 4", Duration = 6, Progress = 77, Approved = true, ParentId = 5 });
            return TreeDataCollection;

Footer Aggregate in Blazor TreeGrid


The aggregate values must be accessed inside the template using their corresponding AggregateType.

How to format aggregate value

The aggregate value result can be formatted by using the Format property.

@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;

<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" AllowPaging="true" TreeColumnIndex="1">
        <TreeGridAggregate ShowChildSummary="false">
                <TreeGridAggregateColumn Field="Duration" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateType.Sum" Format="C2">
                            var sumvalue = (context as Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext);
                                <p>Sum: @sumvalue.Sum</p>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Approved" HeaderText="Approved" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Center" DisplayAsCheckBox="true" Width="100">

    public List<TreeData> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    public Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext model = new Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.AggregateTemplateContext();

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {

 public class TreeData
            public int TaskId { get; set; }
            public string TaskName { get; set; }
            public DateTime? StartDate { get; set; }
            public int? Duration { get; set; }
            public int? Progress { get; set; }
            public bool Approved { get; set; }
            public int? ParentId { get; set; }
        public static List<TreeData> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<TreeData> TreeDataCollection = new List<TreeData>();
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 1, TaskName = "Parent Task 1", Duration = 10, Progress = 70, Approved = true, ParentId = null });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 2, TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4, Progress = 80, Approved = false, Duration = 50, ParentId = 1 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 3, TaskName = "Child Task 2", Duration = 5, Progress = 65, Approved = true, ParentId = 2 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 4, TaskName = "Child task 3", Duration = 6, Approved = false, Progress = 77, ParentId = 3 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 5, TaskName = "Parent Task 2", Duration = 10, Progress = 70, Approved = true, ParentId = null });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 6, TaskName = "Child task 1", Duration = 4, Progress = 80, Approved = false, ParentId = 5 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 7, TaskName = "Child Task 2", Duration = 5, Progress = 65, Approved = true, ParentId = 5 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 8, TaskName = "Child task 3", Duration = 6, Progress = 77, Approved = false, ParentId = 5 });
            TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 9, TaskName = "Child task 4", Duration = 6, Progress = 77, Approved = true, ParentId = 5 });
            return TreeDataCollection;

Format Aggregate in Blazor TreeGrid


  • By default, Footer Aggregate or total aggregate will be shown only for the current page records and not for the dataSource. To aggregate for all page records, set adaptor in SfDataManager.