Cell in Blazor TreeGrid Component
2 Oct 202324 minutes to read
Displaying the HTML content
The HTML tags can be displayed in the Tree Grid header and content by enabling the DisableHtmlEncode property.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="<span> Task ID </span>" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="<span> Task Name </span>" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="<span> Duration </span>" DisableHtmlEncode="false" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="<span> Progress </span>" DisableHtmlEncode="false" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
return BusinessObjectCollection;
Customize cell styles
The appearance of cells can be customized by using the QueryCellInfo event. The QueryCellInfo event triggers for every cell. In that event handler, you can get QueryCellInfoEventArgs that contains the details of the cell.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridEvents QueryCellInfo="querycellinfo" TValue="TreeData"></TreeGridEvents>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="90" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
.intro {
.intro1 {
public List<TreeData> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
private void querycellinfo(QueryCellInfoEventArgs<TreeData> Args)
if (Args.Column.Field == "Progress" && Args.Data.Progress > 70 && Args.Data.Progress <= 100)
String[] s1 = new String[1] { "intro" };
else if (Args.Column.Field == "Progress" && Args.Data.Progress > 20)
String[] s2 = new String[1] { "intro1" };
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<TreeData> GetSelfDataSource()
List<TreeData> TreeDataCollection = new List<TreeData>();
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
TreeDataCollection.Add(new TreeData() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
return TreeDataCollection;
Auto wrap
The auto wrap allows the cell content of the tree grid to wrap to the next line when it exceeds the boundary of the cell width. The Cell Content wrapping works based on the position of white space between words. To enable auto wrap, set the AllowTextWrap property to true.
Note: When a column width is not specified, then auto wrap of columns will be adjusted with respect to the tree grid’s width.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowTextWrap="true">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
return BusinessObjectCollection;
Grid lines
The GridLines have option to display cell border and it can be defined by the GridLines property.
The available modes of grid lines are:
Modes | Actions |
Both | Displays both the horizontal and vertical grid lines. |
None | No grid lines are displayed. |
Horizontal | Displays the horizontal grid lines only. |
Vertical | Displays the vertical grid lines only. |
Default | Displays grid lines based on the theme. |
@using TreeGridComponent.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" GridLines="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.GridLine.None">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
return BusinessObjectCollection;
By default, the tree grid renders with Default mode.
Clip Mode
The clip mode provides options to display its overflow cell content and it can be defined by the ClipMode property.
There are three types of ClipMode. They are:
- Clip: Truncates the cell content when it overflows its area.
- Ellipsis: Displays ellipsis when the cell content overflows its area.
- EllipsisWithTooltip: Displays ellipsis when the cell content overflows its area, also it will display the tooltip while hover on ellipsis is applied.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100" ClipMode="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ClipMode.EllipsisWithTooltip"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date" ClipMode="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ClipMode.Ellipsis" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="60" ClipMode="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ClipMode.Clip"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
return BusinessObjectCollection;
By default, ClipMode value is Ellipsis.