Columns in Blazor Tree Grid Component
17 Nov 202324 minutes to read
The column definitions are used as the datasource schema in the Tree Grid. This plays a vital role in rendering column values in the required format. The tree grid operations such as sorting, filtering and searching etc. are performed based on the column definitions. The Field property of TreeGridColumns tag helper is necessary to map the data source values in Tree Grid columns.
If the column
is not specified in the dataSource, the column values will be empty.
TreeColumnIndex property denotes the column that is used to expand and collapse child rows.
Complex data binding
The complex data binding in the Tree Grid can be achieved by using the dot(.) operator in the column.field. In the below examples Task.TaskName and Task.Duration are complex data.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid
<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeData" AllowPaging="true" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80"
<TreeGridColumn Field="Task.TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160">
<TreeGridColumn Field="Task.Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100"
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100"
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80">
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set; }
public TaskDetails Task { get; set; }
public int Progress { get; set; }
public string Priority { get; set; }
public int? ParentId { get; set; }
public class TaskDetails
public string TaskName { get; set; }
public int Duration { get; set; }
public List<BusinessObject> TreeData = new List<BusinessObject>();
protected override void OnInitialized()
TreeData.Add(new BusinessObject() { Task = new TaskDetails() { TaskName = "Parent Task 1", Duration = 50000 }, TaskId = 1, Progress = 70, ParentId = null, Priority = "High" });
TreeData.Add(new BusinessObject() { Task = new TaskDetails() { TaskName = "Child task 1", Duration = 400000 }, TaskId = 2, Progress = 80, ParentId = 1, Priority = "Normal" });
TreeData.Add(new BusinessObject() { Task = new TaskDetails() { TaskName = "Child Task 2", Duration = 500000 }, TaskId = 3, Progress = 65, ParentId = 1, Priority = "Critical" });
TreeData.Add(new BusinessObject() { Task = new TaskDetails() { TaskName = "Parent Task 2", Duration = 50000 }, TaskId = 4, Progress = 70, ParentId = null, Priority = "High" });
TreeData.Add(new BusinessObject() { Task = new TaskDetails() { TaskName = "Child task 1", Duration = 400000 }, TaskId = 5, Progress = 80, ParentId = 4, Priority = "Normal" });
TreeData.Add(new BusinessObject() { Task = new TaskDetails() { TaskName = "Child Task 2", Duration = 500000 }, TaskId = 6, Progress = 65, ParentId = 4, Priority = "Critical" });
Expando data binding
Tree Grid supports Complex Data Binding with ExpandoObject. In the below examples Task.TaskName and Task.Duration are complex data with ExpandoObject.
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
@using System.Dynamic;
<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeData" AllowPaging="true" IdMapping="TaskID" ParentIdMapping="ParentID" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskID" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Task.TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Task.Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="160" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
@code {
public List<ExpandoObject> TreeData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeData = GetData().ToList();
public static List<ExpandoObject> Data = new List<ExpandoObject>();
public static int ParentRecordID { get; set; }
public static int ChildRecordID { get; set; }
public static List<ExpandoObject> GetData()
ParentRecordID = 0;
ChildRecordID = 0;
for (var i = 1; i <= 2; i++)
dynamic ParentRecord = new ExpandoObject();
dynamic Task = new ExpandoObject();
Task.TaskName = "Parent Task " + i;
Task.Duration = ParentRecordID % 2 == 0 ? 32 : 76;
ParentRecord.TaskID = ++ParentRecordID;
ParentRecord.Task = Task;
ParentRecord.Progress = ParentRecordID % 2 == 0 ? "In Progress" : "Open";
ParentRecord.Priority = ParentRecordID % 2 == 0 ? "High" : "Low";
ParentRecord.ParentID = null;
return Data;
public static void AddChildRecords(int ParentId)
for (var i = 1; i < 3; i++)
dynamic ChildRecord = new ExpandoObject();
dynamic Task = new ExpandoObject();
Task.TaskName = "Child Task " + ++ChildRecordID;
Task.Duration = ParentRecordID % 3 == 0 ? 64 : 98;
ChildRecord.TaskID = ++ParentRecordID;
ChildRecord.Task = Task;
ChildRecord.Progress = ParentRecordID % 3 == 0 ? "Validated" : "Closed";
ChildRecord.Priority = ParentRecordID % 3 == 0 ? "Low" : "Critical";
ChildRecord.ParentID = ParentId;
Header template
To know about Header Template in Blazor tree grid Component, you can check this video.
The header element can be customized by using the HeaderTemplate property.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid Height="400" DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="EmployeeID" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="0">
<TreeGridColumn Field="Name" HeaderText="Name" Width="160">
<span class="e-icon-userlogin e-icons employee"></span> Name
<TreeGridColumn Field="Designation" HeaderText="Designation" Width="120"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="EmpID" HeaderText="Progress" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Country" HeaderText="Priority" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
@@font-face {
font-family: 'ej2-headertemplate';
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
.e-grid .e-icon-userlogin::before {
font-family: 'ej2-headertemplate';
width: 15px !important;
content: '\e702';
.e-grid .e-icon-calender::before {
font-family: 'ej2-headertemplate';
width: 15px !important;
content: '\e960';
public Employee model = new Employee();
public IEnumerable<Employee> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = Employee.GetTemplateData();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class Employee
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Designation { get; set; }
public string EmpID { get; set; }
public string Contact { get; set; }
public int? ParentId { get; set; }
public TreeData Treedata { get; set; }
public static List<Employee> GetTemplateData()
List<Employee> DataCollection = new List<Employee>();
DataCollection.Add(new Employee { Name = "Robert King",Designation = "Chief Executive Officer",EmpID = "EMP001",Country = "USA",ParentId = null,Treedata = new TreeData() { ID = 21}});
DataCollection.Add(new Employee { Name = "David william",Designation = "Vice President",EmpID = "EMP004",Country = "USA",ParentId = 1,Treedata = new TreeData() { ID = 21 }});
DataCollection.Add(new Employee { Name = "Nancy Davolio",Designation = "Marketing Executive",EmpID = "EMP035",Country = "USA",ParentId = 1,Treedata = new TreeData() { ID = 21 }});
DataCollection.Add(new Employee { Name = "Andrew Fuller",Designation = "Sales Representative",EmpID = "EMP045",Country = "UK",ParentId = 1,Treedata = new TreeData() { ID = 21 }});
DataCollection.Add(new Employee { Name = "Anne Dodsworth",FullName = "AnneDodsworth",Designation = "Sales Representative",EmployeeID = 5,EmpID = "EMP091",Country = "USA",ParentId = null,Treedata = new TreeData() { ID = 21 }});
DataCollection.Add(new Employee { Name = "Michael Suyama",FullName = "MichaelSuyama",Designation = "Sales Representative",EmployeeID = 6,EmpID = "EMP110",Country = "UK",ParentId = 5,Treedata = new TreeData() { ID = 21 }});
return DataCollection;
For Templated Tree Grid component, ModelType property of Tree Grid should be defined.
Header text
By default, column header title is displayed from column Field value. To override the default header title, define the HeaderText value.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 6,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
If both the
are not defined in the column, the column renders with empty header text.
To format cell values based on specific culture, use the Format property of theTreeGridColumns tag helper. The Tree Grid uses Internalization library to format the number values.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="OrderID" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" >
<TreeGridColumn Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="OrderName" HeaderText="Order Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Price" HeaderText="Price" Width="100" Format="C2" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Number" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeDataFormat> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeDataFormat.GetDataFormat().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeDataFormat
public TreeDataFormat() { }
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public string OrderName { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public int? ParentId { get; set; }
public static List<TreeDataFormat> GetDataFormat()
List<TreeDataFormat> data = new List<TreeDataFormat>()
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 1,OrderName= "Order 1",ParentId = null,Price=133.66 },
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 11, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", Price= 28.20},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 12, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", Price= 25.92},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 13, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", Price= 52.68},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 14, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", Price= 11.25},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 15, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", Price= 15.61},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 2,OrderName= "Order 2",ParentId = null,Price=212.33},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 21, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Tilapias",Price= 55.50},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 22, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "White Shrimp", Price= 41.70},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 23, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Fresh Cheese",Price= 39.20},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 24, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Blue Veined Cheese",Price= 38.76},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 25, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Butter", Price= 37.17}};
return data;
By default, the number and date values are formatted in en-US locale.
Number formatting
The number or integer values can be formatted using the below format strings.
Format | Description | Remarks |
N | Denotes numeric type. | The numeric format is followed by integer value as N2, N3. etc which denotes the number of precision to be allowed. |
C | Denotes currency type. | The currency format is followed by integer value as C2, C3. etc which denotes the number of precision to be allowed. |
P | Denotes percentage type | The percentage format expects the input value to be in the range of 0 to 100. For example the cell value 0.2 is formatted as 20%. The percentage format is followed by integer value as P2, P3. etc which denotes the number of precision to be allowed. |
Date formatting
The date values can be formatted using built-in date format string.
For built-in date format specify the Format property as string (Example: d).
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="OrderID" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" >
<TreeGridColumn Field="OrderID" HeaderText="Order ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="OrderName" HeaderText="Order Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="OrderDate" HeaderText="Order Date" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Price" HeaderText="Price" Width="100" Format="C2" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Number" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeDataFormat> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeDataFormat.GetDataFormat().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeDataFormat
public TreeDataFormat() { }
public int OrderID { get; set; }
public string OrderName { get; set; }
public double Price { get; set; }
public DateTime? OrderDate { get; set; }
public int? ParentId { get; set; }
public static List<TreeDataFormat> GetDataFormat()
List<TreeDataFormat> data = new List<TreeDataFormat>()
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 1,OrderName= "Order 1",OrderDate = new DateTime(1963, 2, 15),ParentId = null,Price=133.66 },
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 11, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel",OrderDate = new DateTime(1966, 3, 19), Price= 28.20},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 12, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel",OrderDate = new DateTime(1963, 2, 15), Price= 25.92},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 13, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", OrderDate = new DateTime(1966, 3, 19),Price= 52.68},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 14, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel",OrderDate = new DateTime(1963, 2, 15), Price= 11.25},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 15, ParentId = 1, OrderName= "Mackerel", OrderDate = new DateTime(1980, 9, 20),Price= 15.61},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 2,OrderName= "Order 2",ParentId = null,OrderDate = new DateTime(1980, 9, 20),Price=212.33},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 21, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Tilapias",OrderDate = new DateTime(1966, 3, 19),Price= 55.50},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 22, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "White Shrimp",OrderDate = new DateTime(1963, 2, 15), Price= 41.70},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 23, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Fresh Cheese",OrderDate = new DateTime(1980, 9, 20),Price= 39.20},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 24, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Blue Veined Cheese",OrderDate = new DateTime(1966, 3, 19),Price= 38.76},
new TreeDataFormat() { OrderID= 25, ParentId = 2, OrderName= "Butter",OrderDate = new DateTime(1966, 3, 19), Price= 37.17}};
return data;
AutoFit specific columns
The AutoFitColumns method resizes the column to fit the widest cell’s content without wrapping. A specific column can be autofitted at initial rendering by invoking the AutoFitColumns method in DataBound event.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid @ref="TreeGrid" DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridEvents DataBound="OnDataBound" TValue="TreeData.BusinessObject"></TreeGridEvents>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
SfTreeGrid<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGrid;
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
private void OnDataBound(object e)
this.TreeGrid.AutoFitColumns(new List<string>() { "TaskName" });
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
All the columns can be autofitted by invoking the AutoFitColumns method without column names.
Lock columns
Columns can be locked by using the LockColumn property. The locked columns will be moved to the first position. Also this position can’t be reordered.
In the below example, Duration column is locked and its reordering functionality is disabled.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowReordering="true">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText=" Start Date" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" LockColumn="true" HeaderText="Duration" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
Column type
Column type can be specified using the Type property of TreeGridColumn tag helper. It specifies the type of data the column binds.
If the Format is defined for a column, the column uses Type
to select the appropriate format option (number or date).
Tree Grid column supports the following types:
- string
- number
- boolean
- date
- datetime
- DateOnly
- TimeOnly
If the
is not defined, it will be determined from the first record of the DataSource.
Checkbox column
To render checkboxes in the existing column, set the ShowCheckbox property of the TreeGridColumn as true.
It is also possible to select the rows hierarchically using checkboxes in the Tree Grid by enabling AutoCheckHierarchy property. When we check on any parent record checkbox, the child record checkboxes will get checked.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" AutoCheckHierarchy="true">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" ShowCheckbox="true" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText=" Start Date" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,Progress = 70,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,Progress = 80,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,Progress = 65,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,Progress = 77,ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
Responsive columns
The column visibility can be toggled based on the media queries which are defined at the HideAtMedia. The HideAtMedia
accepts valid Media Queries.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" AutoCheckHierarchy="true">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" HideAtMedia="max-width: 700px" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" ShowCheckbox="true" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText=" Start Date" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" HideAtMedia="max-width: 500px" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 6,ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
Controlling treegrid actions
The tree grid action can be enabled or disabled for a particular column by setting the AllowFiltering, and AllowSorting properties of TreeGridColumn tag helper.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true" AllowSorting="true">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" AllowSorting="false" AllowFiltering="false" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText=" Start Date" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 6,ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
Show or Hide Columns by external button
The tree grid columns can be shown or hidden dynamically using the external buttons by invoking the ShowColumns or HideColumns method.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<button id="hide" @onclick="HideColumns">Hide Column</button>
<button id="show" @onclick="ShowColumns">Show Column</button>
<SfTreeGrid @ref="TreeGrid" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true" AllowSorting="true">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" AllowSorting="false" AllowFiltering="false" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="90"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText=" Start Date" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Format="yMd" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.ColumnType.Date" Width="90">
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
SfTreeGrid<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGrid;
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
public string[] ColumnItems = new string[] { "Task ID", "Duration" };
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
private void HideColumns()
this.TreeGrid.HideColumns(ColumnItems); //hide by HeaderText
private void ShowColumns()
this.TreeGrid.ShowColumns(ColumnItems); //show by HeaderText
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public DateTime? StartDate { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,ParentId = null });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 6,ParentId = 1 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,ParentId = 2 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 3 });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 10,ParentId = null});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 23),Duration = 4,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 24),Duration = 5,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 5});
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",StartDate = new DateTime(2017, 10, 25),Duration = 6,ParentId = 5});
return BusinessObjectCollection;
How to render boolean values as checkbox
To render boolean values as checkbox in columns, set the DisplayAsCheckBox property as true.
@using TreeGridComponent.Data
@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" TreeColumnIndex="1">
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
<TreeGridColumn Field="Approved" HeaderText="Approved" DisplayAsCheckBox="true" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>
public List<TreeData.BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }
protected override void OnInitialized()
this.TreeGridData = TreeData.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {
public class TreeData
public class BusinessObject
public int TaskId { get; set;}
public string TaskName { get; set;}
public int? Duration { get; set;}
public int? Progress { get; set;}
public bool Approved { get; set;}
public int? ParentId { get; set;}
public string Priority { get; set; }
public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null, Approved=true });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1, Approved = false });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2, Approved = false });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 , Approved=true, Approved = false });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null, Approved=true });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5, Approved = false });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5, Approved=true });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5, Approved = false });
BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5, Approved=true });
return BusinessObjectCollection;