Filter Menu in Blazor Tree Grid Component

17 Dec 202324 minutes to read

The filter menu can be enabled by setting the Type of FilterSettings as Menu. The filter menu UI will be rendered based on its column type, which allows to filter data. The records can be filtered with different operators.

@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Data;

<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true">
    <TreeGridFilterSettings HierarchyMode="@FilterHierarchyMode.Parent" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.FilterType.Menu"></TreeGridFilterSettings>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>


    public List<BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = BusinessObject.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {

        public class BusinessObject
            public int TaskId { get; set;}
            public string TaskName { get; set;}
            public int? Duration { get; set;}
            public int? Progress { get; set;}
            public string Priority { get; set;}
            public int? ParentId { get; set;}
        public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            return BusinessObjectCollection;

Displaying Filter Menu in Blazor Tree Grid


  • AllowFiltering must be set as true to enable filter menu.

    * Setting AllowFiltering property of TreeGridColumn as false will prevent filter menu rendering for a particular column.

Custom component in filter menu

The FilterTemplate property of [Column] is used to add custom filter components to a particular column. In the following sample the FilterTemplate property is used to add custom components to a particular column. To access the filtered values inside the FilterTemplate, you can use the implicit named parameter context. You can type cast the context as PredicateModel<T> to get filter values inside template.

In the following sample, dropdown is used as custom component in the duration column.

@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Data;

<SfTreeGrid @ref="TreeGrid" DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true">
    <TreeGridFilterSettings Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.FilterType.Menu"></TreeGridFilterSettings>   
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="StartDate" HeaderText="Start Date" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right">
                <SfDropDownList TValue="string"c DataSource="@DropDownData" TItem="string" Value="@((string)(context as PredicateModel).Value)">
                    <DropDownListEvents ValueChange="change" TValue="string" ></DropDownListEvents>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="60"></TreeGridColumn>


    SfTreeGrid<BusinessObject> TreeGrid;

    public List<BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = BusinessObject.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();


namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {

        public class BusinessObject
            public int TaskId { get; set;}
            public string TaskName { get; set;}
            public int? Duration { get; set;}
            public int? Progress { get; set;}
            public string Priority { get; set;}
            public int? ParentId { get; set;}
        public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            return BusinessObjectCollection;

Blazor Tree Grid with Custom Filter Menu

Override default filter operators for menu filtering

The default filter operators for a GridColumn can be overridden by using the FilterDialogOpening event of the tree grid. In the below code, we have overridden the filter operators for the Task Name column.

@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Data;

<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true">
    <TreeGridEvents FilterDialogOpening="FilterDialogOpeningHandler" TValue="BusinessObject"></TreeGridEvents>
    <TreeGridFilterSettings Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.FilterType.Menu"></TreeGridFilterSettings>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>


    public List<BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    public void FilterDialogOpeningHandler(FilterDialogOpeningEventArgs args)
        if (Args.ColumnName == "TaskName")//Specify Field name
            Args.FilterOperators = CustomerIDOperator;

    public class Operators
        public string Value { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
    List<object> CustomerIDOperator = new List<object> {
        new Operators() { Text= "Equal", Value= "equal" },
        new Operators() { Text= "Contains", Value= "contains" }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = BusinessObject.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {

        public class BusinessObject
            public int TaskId { get; set;}
            public string TaskName { get; set;}
            public int? Duration { get; set;}
            public int? Progress { get; set;}
            public string Priority { get; set;}
            public int? ParentId { get; set;}
        public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            return BusinessObjectCollection;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Data;

<SfTreeGrid IdMapping="TaskId" DataSource="@TreeGridData" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true">
    <TreeGridEvents FilterDialogOpening="FilterDialogOpeningHandler" TValue="BusinessObject"></TreeGridEvents>
    <TreeGridFilterSettings Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.FilterType.Menu"></TreeGridFilterSettings>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="160"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="80"></TreeGridColumn>

    public List<BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    public void FilterDialogOpeningHandler(FilterDialogOpeningEventArgs args)
        if (Args.ColumnName == "TaskName")//Specify Field name
            Args.FilterOperators = CustomerIDOperator;

    public class Operators
        public string Value { get; set; }
        public string Text { get; set; }
    List<object> CustomerIDOperator = new List<object> {
        new Operators() { Text= "Equal", Value= "equal" },
        new Operators() { Text= "Contains", Value= "contains" }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = BusinessObject.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();

    public class BusinessObject
            public int TaskId { get; set;}
            public string TaskName { get; set;}
            public int? Duration { get; set;}
            public int? Progress { get; set;}
            public string Priority { get; set;}
            public int? ParentId { get; set;}
        public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            return BusinessObjectCollection;

Enable different filter for a column

Both the Menu and Excel filter can be used in a same Tree Grid. To do so, set the type as Menu or Excel using the Filter property of the TreeGridColumn.

In the following sample menu filter is enabled by default and excel filter is enabled for the Task Name column using the Filter property of TreeGridColumn.

@using TreeGridComponent.Data;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid;
@using  Syncfusion.Blazor.Data;

<SfTreeGrid DataSource="@TreeGridData" IdMapping="TaskId" ParentIdMapping="ParentId" TreeColumnIndex="1" AllowFiltering="true">
    <TreeGridFilterSettings HierarchyMode="FilterHierarchyMode.None" Type="Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeGrid.FilterType.Excel"></TreeGridFilterSettings>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskId" HeaderText="Task ID" Width="80" FilterSettings="@(new Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.FilterSettings{ Type = Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.FilterType.Menu })" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="TaskName" HeaderText="Task Name" Width="100"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Duration" HeaderText="Duration" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Progress" HeaderText="Progress" Width="100" TextAlign="Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.TextAlign.Right"></TreeGridColumn>
        <TreeGridColumn Field="Priority" HeaderText="Priority" Width="100" FilterSettings="@(new Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.FilterSettings{ Type = Syncfusion.Blazor.Grids.FilterType.Menu })"></TreeGridColumn>


    public List<BusinessObject> TreeGridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        this.TreeGridData = BusinessObject.GetSelfDataSource().ToList();
namespace TreeGridComponent.Data {

        public class BusinessObject
            public int TaskId { get; set;}
            public string TaskName { get; set;}
            public int? Duration { get; set;}
            public int? Progress { get; set;}
            public string Priority { get; set;}
            public int? ParentId { get; set;}
        public static List<BusinessObject> GetSelfDataSource()
            List<BusinessObject> BusinessObjectCollection = new List<BusinessObject>();
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 1,TaskName = "Parent Task 1",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 2,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 1 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 3,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 2 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 4,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Priority = "High",Progress = 77,ParentId = 3 });
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 5,TaskName = "Parent Task 2",Duration = 10,Progress = 70,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = null});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 6,TaskName = "Child task 1",Duration = 4,Progress = 80,Priority = "Critical",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 7,TaskName = "Child Task 2",Duration = 5,Progress = 65,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 8,TaskName = "Child task 3",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "High",ParentId = 5});
            BusinessObjectCollection.Add(new BusinessObject() { TaskId = 9,TaskName = "Child task 4",Duration = 6,Progress = 77,Priority = "Low",ParentId = 5});
            return BusinessObjectCollection;

Limitations of using different filter types in different columns

The different filter types such as Excel, Menu can be defined in different columns of the same tree grid. However, you cannot use these filter types along with filterBar type (default filter type). Because the filterbar type requires UI level changes with other filter types. For all other filter types, icons will be rendered in the column header.