Color Mapping in Blazor TreeMap Component

5 Dec 20247 minutes to read

Color mapping is used to customize the color for each group or item based on the specified types. The following options are available to customize the group and leaf items in the TreeMap component.

Range color mapping

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Fruit" DataSource="Fruits" RangeColorValuePath="Count">
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="FruitName">
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="500" EndRange="3000" Color='new string[] { "Orange" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="3000" EndRange="5000" Color='new string[] { "Green" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>

@code {
    public class Fruit
        public string FruitName { get; set; }
        public double Count { get; set; }
    public List<Fruit> Fruits = new List<Fruit> {
        new Fruit { FruitName="Apple", Count=5000 },
        new Fruit { FruitName="Mango", Count=3000 },
        new Fruit { FruitName="Orange", Count=2300 },
        new Fruit { FruitName="Banana", Count=500 },
        new Fruit { FruitName="Grape", Count=4300 },
        new Fruit { FruitName="Papaya", Count=1200 },
        new Fruit { FruitName="Melon", Count=4500 }

Blazor TreeMap with Color Mapping

Equal color mapping

Equal color mapping is used to fill colors to each item by specifying equal value present in the data source, that can be specified in the EqualColorValuePath property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Car" DataSource="Cars" EqualColorValuePath="Brand">
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="Name">
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping LeafValue="Ford" Color='new string[] { "green" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping LeafValue="Audi" Color='new string[] { "red" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping LeafValue="Maruti" Color='new string[] { "orange"}'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>

@code {
    public class Car
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Count { get; set; }
        public string Brand { get; set; }
    public List<Car> Cars = new List<Car> {
        new Car { Name="Mustang", Brand="Ford", Count=232 },
        new Car { Name="EcoSport", Brand="Ford", Count=121 },
        new Car { Name="Swift", Brand="Maruti", Count=143 },
        new Car { Name="Baleno", Brand="Maruti", Count=454 },
        new Car { Name="Vitara Brezza", Brand="Maruti", Count=545 },
        new Car { Name="A3 Cabriolet", Brand="Audi",Count=123 },
        new Car { Name="RS7 Sportback", Brand="Audi", Count=523 }

Blazor TreeMap with Equal Color Mapping

Desaturation color mapping

Desaturation color mapping is used to apply colors to the items based on the MinOpacity and the MaxOpacity properties in the TreeMapLeafColorMapping.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Fruit" DataSource="Fruits" RangeColorValuePath="Count">
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="FruitName">
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="500" EndRange="3000" MinOpacity="0.2" MaxOpacity="0.5" Color='new string[] { "Orange"}'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="3000" EndRange="5000" MinOpacity="0.5" MaxOpacity="0.8" Color='new string[] { "Green"}'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of the Fruits.

Blazor TreeMap with Desaturation Color Mapping

Desaturation with multiple colors

Multiple colors are used to provide gradient effect to the TreeMap items based on the TreeMapLeafColorMapping ranges and specify the n number of colors in the Color property.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Fruit" DataSource="Fruits" RangeColorValuePath="Count">
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="FruitName">
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="500" EndRange="3000" Color='new string[]{ "orange", "pink" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="3000" EndRange="5000" Color='new string[]{ "green", "red", "blue" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of Fruits.

Multiple Color Mapping in Blazor TreeMap with Desaturation

Palette color mapping

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Car" DataSource="Cars" Palette='new string[] { "red", "green" }'>
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="Name">


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of Cars.

Blazor TreeMap with Palette Color Mapping

Color for items excluded from color mapping

Get the excluded ranges from data source using the color mapping and apply the specific color to those items, without specifying the StartRange and the EndRange properties.

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Fruit" DataSource="Fruits" RangeColorValuePath="Count">
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="FruitName">
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="500" EndRange="3000" Color='new string[] { "Orange" }'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping StartRange="3000" EndRange="4000" Color='new string[]{ "Green"}'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>
            <TreeMapLeafColorMapping Color='new string[]{ "purple"}'></TreeMapLeafColorMapping>


Refer to the code block to know about the property value of the Fruits.

Blazor TreeMap with Color Mapping for Excluded Items

Bind the colors to items from the data source

@using Syncfusion.Blazor.TreeMap

<SfTreeMap WeightValuePath="Count" TValue="Fruit" DataSource="Fruits" RangeColorValuePath="Count" ColorValuePath="Color">
    <TreeMapLeafItemSettings LabelPath="Name"></TreeMapLeafItemSettings>
    <TreeMapLegendSettings Visible="true"></TreeMapLegendSettings>

@code {
    public class Fruit
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public double Count { get; set; }
        public string Color { get; set; }
    public List<Fruit> Fruits = new List<Fruit> {
        new Fruit { Name="Apple", Count=5000, Color = "red" },
        new Fruit { Name="Mango", Count=3000, Color="blue" },
        new Fruit { Name="Orange", Count=2300, Color="green" },
        new Fruit { Name="Banana", Count=500 , Color="yellow"},
        new Fruit { Name="Grape", Count=4300 , Color="orange"},
        new Fruit { Name="Papaya",Count=1200 , Color="pink"},
        new Fruit { Name="Melon", Count=4500, Color="violet" }

Binding Colors in Blazor TreeMap